Repressed IV by Jori July 1999 The soft rapping on my door can only be one person. After a week of not speaking to each other, it looks like Mulder is the one making the first move. I wasn't ready for this, for him to be here. I was hoping we would run in to each other on neutral ground. But there is no such place. Any place either of us would be is either mine or his. The office doesn't even count as neutral. It is his. Says so on the door. This had to happen sooner or later. We are both running out of sick days. I open the door and he hands me a small package. He looks like he hasn't slept in days. I know he has been going to work. Just not on the days I'm there. On the days that I did show up, I could tell he was there because his coffee cup was moved. But besides that, he kept his presence quiet. "Peace offering?" he asks and I take it from his hand. The bag holds a snow globe, tacky and plastic. Inside is a miniature model of an Apollo rocket standing under the water. It looks like something you could buy at any gas station on the east coast of Florida. But this one more than likely came from the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. "Is there a reason?" I ask, knowing that he probably has no reason. He never does. "This month is the thirtieth anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission," he says, looking at me only briefly. Just long enough for me to look away. I know what he is trying to say. Five years have passed. Either we survive it and move on or let our partnership die from it. Was it that easy for him to move on all those years ago? Does he expect it to be that easy for me? I shake it and watch the glitter float around and finally sink to the bottom. Kind of like this relationship. Then I look at him. I know the look on my face is not one of amusement. "It was either that or a model of the Spirit of St. Louis and I didn't want you to suspect that we did it in St. Louis. Or in an airplane. Or with a Jimmy Stewart movie playing on the TV," he says and for some reason that strikes me as funny. From now on, he will be far more selective of the gifts he gives me. "Did we?" I ask, trying to sound serious. He looks at me, puzzled. "I, um, don't . . . no," he stammers. "I'm kidding. Come in," I say, letting him by. We nervously keep our distance from each other. This is almost insane. We are acting like two old lovers running into each other after not seeing each other for years, and not quite knowing what effect it has had on our lives. Instead, we just saw each other a few days ago. "Would you like to sit down?" I ask. He sits down on one of the side chairs while I sit down on the couch, an opposite seating arrangement from the other night. Silence hangs heavily between us, and I can feel him watching me. I cannot return his glance for more than a few seconds yet. I've spent the week preparing myself for this, yet somehow, it isn't the same now that the moment is here. "Do you want me to answer your question now, Scully," he asks, and my eyes finally meet his. I expect to find a smug grin on his face, or at least a look of amusement. Instead I find him looking as solemn as I've ever seen him, his hands gripping the arm of the chair as if this is as hard for him as it is for me. "No, Mulder. It's starting to come back to me. I don't need your view of the situation just yet," I lie, knowing full well that it hasn't all come back to me yet. I am hoping somehow we can get through this painlessly. Get through this and get back to the way it used to be. But is that what I really want? Now that I know we went that far before, could I just let us go there again? "I was lost without you," he says. I assume he means when I missing, not in this past week. "That still doesn't explain so many things, like why you never told me. What were you afraid of, Mulder?" I ask, hoping he has a logical explanation for the silence he has maintained for so many years. "Afraid of?" he asks. "I need to know what you felt when I came back, I need to know how you feel now. This can't go on, Mulder. We can't run from the past and pretend it never happened anymore," I say to him, and watch as his eyes shift from mine, uncomfortable with this line of questioning. "When you came back, I was ecstatic and angry and then I discovered I was lost. I was happy you were alive. I was angry that whatever happened to you had happened, and lost . . . because I couldn't help you," he says, not mentioning anything that I already didn't know. "But what did you *want* from me? What did you hope would happen when I woke up out of that coma, when you came to see me?" I ask, remembering once again him handing me that video and then placing my cross in my hand. My hand goes up to my neck and covers the tiny piece of gold dangling from the chain. "I wanted . . . for everything to be better. For things to just return to normal," he says, our eyes finally meeting for more than a second. ************************************ December 1994 "Hi! What are you doing here?" she asks as she opens the door. "I just came by to see how you were doing, if you needed anything," I say to Scully, and she waves me into her apartment. She is looking much better than she did the last time I saw her in the hospital and I know she has considered returning to work in the next couple of days. I want her to take more time, but during all our phone calls, she keeps telling me she needs to get back to work and get her life back. I wanted to see if she was in any condition to return to work. And I'm curious about how much of her life she wants back. Scully smiles at me, her face still slightly swollen from whatever they did to her. I don't care. She is still beautiful. I watch as she self-consciously pulls her bathrobe tighter around her, and reties the belt more securely. I don't know why she would be shy now. I've seen all of her before, but that isn't what I'm here for. She should know that. After everything that has happened to her, I would never ask that of her. Besides, I made a deal with myself. If she came back it can't happen again. Maybe she is just self-conscious, after everything that had been done to her. Afraid to be exposed again. "My mother and my sister have been taking care of me. I finally gave them the day off, so I could get a little alone time in before returning to work," Scully says as she sits down on her couch. I don't know exactly where to go, so I sit down next to her. She moves over slightly, but enough for me to notice. I know she has been to hell and back, but it is only me. I don't know why she is acting so nervous in my presence. "Am I disturbing you? I can go and we can talk later," I say as I go to stand up. She puts her hand over my arm and tugs me back down. "No. This is fine. I'd like for you to stay," she says, and I smile. I've missed her so much. "So, did you, um, get to watch your Super Bowl video," I ask sheepishly, knowing that if anything brings up that night we spent together, that will. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't. It came home in one of the boxes of gifts from the hospital and I haven't seen it since," she says to me, her eyes not even showing the tiniest spark of emotion at the mention of that video. Something is wrong. She doesn't want it to ever happen again. But to pretend it never happened? That just isn't Scully. "Scully, what do you remember from before your abduction?" I ask hesitantly. "Right before it? Not much besides Duane Barry. Before that, I do remember that the X-Files were closed, and I had been reassigned to Quantico. And you had a new partner. What was his name?" she asks, not even coming close to what I'm curious about. "Krycek," I say. She doesn't even know everything about him yet. "Yes. Now I remember. Those are some of the last clear memories I have," she says. "Anything else?" I ask, putting my hand over hers. She tenses, as if she is unfamiliar with my touch. "I remember feeling better than I do right now. I remember . . . that things were going to be okay," she says, as she moves her hand from under mine. **************************************** July 1999 "Are things going to be okay?" I ask Mulder. "Are we going to be okay?" He did not do this to me. He did not erase my memories or steal periods of my life away. He is guilty of one thing. And the sin of omission is just as bad as what they did to me. The opportunity was always there. He should have said something right away. No senseless gifts. No half clues. No hiding in the shadows of forgotten memories. "Nothing has to change, Scully. We are still the same people we were last week, before all of this happened. Nothing is different," he says. He settles back into the chair, getting comfortable. I still can't be comfortable in his presence. He knows me in a way I don't know him, and right now I despise that fact. "But it is different. It will always be different from now on. We aren't the same people we were just a week ago. Look at us! We couldn't even manage to make it to work on the same days this week. Yet nothing will change?" I ask him. The anger that I've been trying to hold back is starting to bubble up again. "Everything will be fine," he says in a tone so sincere I wish I could believe him. "I want to believe that, Mulder. I would love to be so sure of what we might be tomorrow or the next day. But I don't even know what we were before. I can't remember it, dammit! Why didn't you tell me!" I shout, getting off the couch and moving away from his presence as quickly as I can. He bolts out of his chair and follows me. This apartment isn't big enough to escape him or the past. He grabs my arm and spins me around, pulling me to him, crushing me in his embrace. "Do you want to remember it? Do you?" he says, holding me so tight I can feel his heartbeat pulse through my body. It is going as fast as mine, combining as one solitary beat between us. "Is it coming back to you, Scully? If I make love to you now, will it all come back to you?" I don't know which way I want to turn. I want it all to come back to me. I want all that lost time back. I want the hurt to go away. But like this? Will this answer all my questions? Fill in the blanks? "I don't know," I say, tears beginning to fill my eyes. "I missed you so much, I could have died. I bargained with God or Satan or who ever would listen that if you came back, I'd never do this again. The punishment for making love to you just once was too severe. No matter how much I wanted you . . . all these years . . ." he starts to say before his voice fades away. He says nothing for a while. Just holds me. "You think I haven't wanted to? I spent so much time wishing you'd remember and come back to me. And now you do remember and it is worse than I ever imagined." "I *know* what happened . . . but I don't remember, Mulder. But I do know that what happened to me wasn't a punishment for what ever might have transpired between us. It is not your fault. It never was," I say to him, and he tips his head toward mine so our foreheads are together. It all feels so familiar. Having him this close. This is a person I've spent almost every day with for years. A person I know I can trust with my life. A person who would never betray me without good reason. Images begin to swirl in my head. Mulder held me then and I wanted to be there. I was able to hold him back, able to love him without worry of what tomorrow might bring. He and I were so much younger. Not in years, but in experience. It was so much easier then because we just didn't know. "I never told you way back when I first realized you didn't remember. . . because I was afraid . . . afraid that you would come back to me and it would happen again. They would take you again," he whispers to me. "Look at what happened not too long ago. I went to kiss you and they took you away. I love you too much for that to ever happen again." I move my face away from his and look into his eyes. I want to remember. I want to know what I once knew. How it feels to kiss him. What it feels like to hold him. To feel his heart race even more than it is now. I always thought I had to wait for all those things. But I don't. "That's not why they did it, Mulder," I tell him, not so sure that is true. I have always been their best weapon against him. But that has to end. They have too much control over our lives. "They do it because they can, Scully." It can all start over right here. Right now. Old memories can be replaced. Forgotten memories can remain forgotten. We can't ever be what we were then. We can only be this. And 'they' don't matter right now. "I don't want you tell me what happened in the past, Mulder," I say to him, and I feel him begin to release me from his arms. His eyes cloud over with a sadness with a depth like I've never seen before. "Okay," he says quietly, trying to move away from me. But I don't let him. "I want you to show me." ********************* December 1994 I hand her a cup of hot tea and she stirs the sugar at the bottom of the cup and then she sets the spoon on the edge of the saucer with deliberate precision. I can't help but watch her and everything she does. Each tiny action is a miracle. She shouldn't be here. Perhaps 'God' listened to me beg this time and returned her to me, but I find that hard to believe. Someone arranged her return and it certainly wasn't her God. "So . . ." she says, setting down her tea and covering herself up with the blanket she retrieved from her bedroom. "So . . ." I say back, not really knowing what to say next. Do I tell her? Remind her in some subtle way that our relationship had changed drastically right before this happened. What purpose would it serve? She doesn't want to go back to there and I can't let us go back there. "I'm really sorry I don't remember more about what happened to me, Mulder. Occasionally an image flashes through my mind, but it is a feeling more than anything visual. A feeling of being alone somewhere yet at the same time, I'm not alone. I can't describe it," she says. Scully has been asked so many times over the last few weeks and she still doesn't remember how she got back and into that hospital. She doesn't know where she was. She looks disappointed that she can't supply me with all the answers. "Maybe someday you will remember again," I say, knowing that my words have more layers to them then she might realize. She looks away from me and focuses on her cup of tea. Maybe she does remember. What would be worse? What if she does remember and she doesn't want it to ever happen again? What if she realized she made a mistake? I don't want to be a mistake. "So, what went on at work while I was . . . gone?" she asks as she moves to pick up her tea again. She blows steam away from the top and takes a sip. Her eyes are filled with curiosity and concern. And what did I do, Scully? I wandered around aimlessly trying to figure it all out. I didn't go to work unless they called me. I didn't go down into the basement until I had to. And I ended up on a case the led me to the arms of another. How could I ever explain that to her? Maybe it is better that she never remembers. She was barely gone and I found another. "Nothing happened while you were gone," I answer her. "It was quiet." "And how were you while I was gone?" she asks, her eyes narrowing. I've yet to answer this questions. This isn't supposed to be about me. She is the one who needs to recover. But maybe I do, too. What do I answer? That I was lost? That there were days I couldn't move from my couch except to get up and take a piss and then come right back? That daylight hurt because I didn't know if you would feel that warmth again but the night hurt more because that is where you could be for forever. Somewhere in the dark. And it scared me. Does she want to know that I wouldn't allow myself to cry after I went to Skyland Mountain right after she was abducted? If I did, I was afraid I'd never be able to stop. And I tried to forget that we made love, but I just couldn't? Should I tell her that minutes and hours were longer without her? Days lasted for weeks and weeks lasted for months. Does she want to know these things? She doesn't remember. Why would she care about these things? Those are things a lover cares about. "I missed you," is all I answer. She smiles a little and pulls her blanket tighter around her. "Besides that . . ." "So, tell me what I missed?" ****************** July 1999 He's pulling me along with him toward my bedroom and I can feel my heart pounding through the very fabric of my being. So many times before this could have happened but didn't. It is as if I have been freed of everything that told me this is wrong. Just because it happened before. And just because in the last few days I learned that I love him. "Do you remember?" he asks. We are standing outside of my bedroom door and he places a kiss on my forehead. His thumbs are stroking the curves of my cheekbones. I look at him and even though he is pushing me forward he looks apprehensive, as if I'm a snake ready to strike out at him at any moment. "You remember everything?" I ask, knowing that it is a foolish question. He always remembers everything. Why would he forget this? "This isn't about what I remember," he whispers, his lips brushing slightly across mine. "This isn't about the past at all." This time he kisses me with a kiss not of a brother or friend or partner. No, this can only be the kiss of a lover. Somehow, we manage to walk to the bed without ever breaking that kiss and it only ends when he push backwards onto the bed. I am under him and I know from the look in his eyes that I am safe. That this is something he wants. But more importantly, this is something I want. The next kiss is even more frenetic than the first; so carnal, so impassioned. He tastes different than I imagined and his mouth feels different than I imagined. He tastes and feels better than he did in any dream I may have ever had. My body burns under his, and I no longer care that he remembers this and I don't. I will remember this. I slip my hands in between us, wanting to feel him. I pull down the zipper on his jeans and he sighs with relief as he is freed from the denim material. Somehow he moves us so I am on top of him, straddling his hips and looking down at him, watching his eyes. Suddenly, long lost images dart through my brain of the first time. The memories rush in and I try to keep them separate from what is happening right now. I was above him way back then. His eyes were filled with surprise and desire. Did he love me then the way he does now? What happened next or rather what should happen next? His fingers begin to undo the buttons on my cardigan and soon he is sliding it down my arms. I throw it to the side of the bed and that is soon followed by my bra. He urges me to bend forward and his tongue circles a nipple with such deliberation that I want to scream for more. I grind down on him and he lets out a throaty moan, hungry for more. I made Mulder moan just by being me. I cannot allow myself to ever forget that sound. I stand up and remove the rest of my clothes. He never takes his eyes off of me. Are these memories replacing the older ones, or are both just as precious to him? Naked, I get back on the bed and help him finish getting undressed. Soon we are both bare and more memories flood my brain. We were so much younger. So less damaged then. But this is better. There is no way I could have loved him then as much as I do now. I am on my back as his tongue traces a slow line down my neck before focusing on my breasts. His fingers move tenderly over my body, as if he is trying to remember every line of my form again. Just in case. "Nothing is going to happen to me," I say, reassuring him. "I won't ever let anything happen to you again," he says. "I know," I tell him. He moves lower, his tongue searching for more. He moves in between my thighs and places fluttery kisses down my abdomen until he reaches his goal. I can't keep my hips from bucking as he makes contact with my sex. He shifts in closer while his tongue swirls around me and his lips tug just right. This happened before. Hazy memories of him doing this have returned in the last week. I was embarrassed at first, but now I no longer am. He finds just he right rhythm and I try to hold on to the comforter to keep from from floating right off this bed. How could I not remember this? Someone must have taken those memories from me somehow, because I can't image forgetting any other way. Soon, I can no longer keep my eyes open as my whole body shudders with pleasure. He crawls back up the bed and I half expect to find a smug smile on his face when I open my eyes. I don't. It is nothing but a look of pure love. "I'd give you back everything you've lost if I could, Scully. If I could go back and do it over, I'd tell you what happened. And then I would make you leave me forever," he says to me, his voice barely a whisper. "No," I say. "I wouldn't have gone." We watch each other closely. How did we ever get to this point? One of us should be dead by now. And then there is always that question that hangs over us. What are they going to do to us next? "I'd give you the stars and the moon if I could, Scully," he says as I pull him to me again. "I know." ******************** December 1994 'You didn't miss much," I lie. She doesn't need to be bothered with that now. I am here because of her. Not because of me. "I'd like to thank you for everything, Mulder. Especially for taking the time to talk to my mom during it all. I really appreciate it," she says. She sets down her empty tea cup and I move to get her more. "I like your mother, Scully. She's nice and straightforward. She's everything my mother can't ever be," I say, sitting back down and handing her another cup of herbal tea. "She likes you," Scully says with a smile. "And she calls you Fox no matter what I say." I smile at her. She yawns and apologizes. "You are tired. I shouldn't be here, especially if you really plan on returning to work in the next few days. You need your rest," I say, going to get up again. "No. Stay," she says, reaching for my hand. Those are the words I said to her only a few months ago. But the reasons they were said were so different then. I was the one who was lonely then. Is she lonely now? Maybe she is just scared. Or maybe she does remember. I sit back down and she lets go of my hand. "Mom and Melissa will be back soon. I'm sure they would love to see you again," she says. She looks at the clock and then at me. My heart can't decide whether to be broken or not. ****************** July 1999 He is over me and a part of me cannot believe this is happening. Or happening again, apparently. He slips in and out of me with the sweet familiarity that only comes with time and trust and love. How many times have the images of the first time come rushing into his brain? Every time he looks at me? How about when I was dying? "Don't," he says, knowing exactly what I'm thinking. "This is the first time for both of us, okay?" I nod my head yes and allow myself to feel everything around me. I match him thrust for thrust, my hips rising up to meet his. I know I can't climax again like this, but that isn't what this about. I don't want to move now. I want to be able to see him and watch his eyes. He has other things in mind. He moves so we are on our sides, and he continues to thrust into me, desperate for release. His fingers touch my clitoris and I stifle a moan. The feeling of him inside of me while his fingers stroke me is enough to bring me back to the edge again. I watch his face as he drives into me harder. I can only imagine how many other women he's been with since the last time. Somehow, I know I couldn't have been the last. I know how attractive he is to quite a few women. I've watched them around him. And I know he wasn't the last. How come I couldn't have forgotten that incident and remembered the one time with Mulder? "Scully?" he asks me, shaking me back to the present. It doesn't matter who we've been with. We are together now. "What?" I ask, closing my eyes and concentrating on all the sensations traveling through my body. "Come for me, Scully. I want to see your face while you do it," he says and I open my eyes. "Not without you," I say, grinding against his hand as much as I can. He stops moving and he just smiles at me. "That is what you said the last time I asked you to come for me. Those exact same words," he says, as he begins moving again, more slowly this time. Maybe I haven't changed as much as I thought I have. Maybe there is something in me that still remains from that naive, trusting soul I was back then. I can tell he is close by the soft whimpering sounds he begins to make. He is trying to hold back, waiting for me. Was he like this the first time? Was he this patient and concerned? Just thinking of what we are doing . . . of who I am with . . . pushes me to that chasm of pleasure again and I can feel my body begin to tremble again. "Yesss. . ." hisses out of me as this orgasm travels through from my core to every cell in my body. Within seconds, he is following me to that place, and I feel his warm release fill my body. "Ohhhh," is all he manages to say as his all his muscles contract and quiver. Then all is still. He rests his head on my breast and I touch his face. How could either one of us ever forget this? "Mulder, I don't need the stars or the moon because I have you," I whisper to him. ****************************** December 1994 My punishment didn't end when they took her. I now continues with the knowledge that I love her and she does not love me back. I thought she did but now I'm not sure. I can never be as sure as I was that one night ever again. "It will be nice to return to work again. To get out of here," Scully says, looking around her apartment. "As glad as I am to be home, being cooped up in here all day does get old. My mother says you paid my rent while I was gone. I will pay you back for that as soon as I get back to work." "No," I say to her. I did it for reasons she will now never understand. Because I couldn't let her go. Because I wanted her back so bad I refused to believe anything else. "You don't have to do that, Scully. I'm just glad you are back home." "It's good to be back," she says, looking away from me. I don't know what to say to her next. I am now the sole bearer of this secret we once shared. And I am too scared to tell her. I just got her back. I don't want to lose her again. "I really should be going," I say, wanting so much to pull her into my arms and hold her forever. Instead, she stands up and waits for me. She wishes for me to go, too. Scully needs her rest. It has nothing to do with me. She walks me to the door and I finally hug her. She holds on to me briefly and I place a kiss on her forehead before she moves away. "I'll see you at work later this week," she says, and puts her a finger up to shush me when I go to protest. "I'll see you later this week," I say as I slip out the door. I leave her building without looking back and get in my car. It is only then that I allow the tears to flow freely again after all this time. ************************* July 1999 Mulder holds me as if he is afraid I'll slip away from him in the middle of the night. I'm not leaving him even though he told me last time I did. First of all, I don't want to. Second of all, this time this is my apartment. We are wrapped up in the sheets and blankets even though it is a hot summer night, simply enjoying the warmth of each other. I love the feel of his body this close to mine, the feel of the hard lines and angles that make up him next to the soft curves that make up me. All this damn time wasted. If only I would have remembered. "Will you ever forgive me?" he asks, breaking our silence that has lasted for over an hour. "I know you are still angry that I didn't say anything." "Yes, I am. But I think for different reasons than you are imagining. I guess what I regret most is the lost time. I can't get it back, Mulder. We can't get it back," I say, snuggling in closer to him. "Can we go on from here? Is this just a one time . . . rather a two time thing?" he asks. I can feel him kiss the top of my head so tenderly. "Barring any abductions, disappearances or severe illnesses, I don't think this is it," I say and he sighs gently. "You don't know how hard it was, Scully. I didn't know what to do," he says, explaining once again. "Mulder, it is okay. We will just go on from here," I say. I roll over, propping myself up on my elbows and looking at him. His eyes are the most content I've seen them in years. We are both free from the ties that have been binding us. "Can I stay here tonight?" he asks, and he sounds like he expects me to throw him out. "Yes you can, if you answer one question for me," I say, and he looks hesitantly at me. I reach for the snow globe I put on my night table and I shake it. The glitter seems to stay up longer this time before it lands on the miniature rocket. I give it another shake before putting it down. "What question?" he asks, waiting for my question. "Was it . . . better this time?" I ask and he answers me by rolling us over and pressing his lips to mine. ******************** The end of the Repressed series