Fire and Ice by Foxsong Rated NC-17 MSR - Non-shippers, turn back before it's too late. It's all here - an MSR with big-time Mulder angst, Scully angst, UST, RST. A splendid time is guaranteed for all. Spoilers: FTF mostly, brief references to Triangle, Monday, Excelsis Dei Archive: I should think so! Just let me know. Feedback: Always a pleasure at Thanks to D. for letting Mulder tell his *true* truck story! Disclaimer: The X-Files, Fox Mulder, and Dana Scully are owned by Ten Thirteen and Fox, both of whom seem to be unfamiliar with the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution which abolished slavery. No copyright infringement is intended. (Free Fox 'n'' Dana!) Summary: Mulder is still dealing with the traumatic events of FTF; Scully, trying to help, ends up pushing the relationship to a new level. - - - - - - - - - - After such knowledge, what forgiveness? - T. S. Eliot - - - - - - - - - - Fox Mulder couldn't sleep. Again. It was after midnight. He prowled his apartment, casting a wary glance at the bedroom door. He passed a weary hand over his face and kept going. He would pay for this tomorrow, he knew, when Scully studied his hollow eyes and asked him - again - if he was alright. And he would lie to her - again - and although she wouldn't ask him a second time, he would know by the way she watched him that she hadn't believed him. There was a tape in the VCR that he could watch; it was still there from the night before. He circled the room restlessly, unwilling to give in. It had been his tried-and-true remedy for his insomnia for years, but now even this had begun to betray him: when he closed his eyes he saw Scully, her mane of red hair tousled, her ice-blue eyes ablaze. The minute he was finished he was completely disgusted with himself. He shook his head. Not again. Not this time. Not tonight. He sat down on the couch and pointed the remote at the TV. He didn't bother to rewind the tape. He just picked up where he'd left off last night. After a few minutes he reached over to turn out the light; he lay back on the sofa. He tugged at the drawstring of his sweatpants... In a little while, in spite of himself, he breathed, "Scully. Scully..." At last she was alone with Mulder, and from behind her he reached out, put his arms around her, and when she turned to him they just * fell* on each other, almost savagely; he had no shirt on, and her mouth found his throat, right at the juncture of his collarbone, and she practically * bit* him. The rush was incredible - and he was holding her so tight... Dana Scully startled awake, gasping for breath. For a moment she didn't even know where she was, and then the familiar shapes of her bedroom took form around her again. She sat up in the bed and pushed her hair back from her face. "Oh, God," she murmured, "not again..." Just last week she'd had a similar dream, and had awakened so flustered that she got up and showered and went to the office forty-five minutes early just to get away from her apartment, from her bed. When Mulder had walked in and said "Good morning," she'd blushed scarlet from her throat right to the roots of her hair. Mulder said nothing, but she knew by the sidelong glance he shot her as he sat down that he'd seen it. She was sure now that Mulder loved her, and that put her in the excruciating position of having to own up to her own feelings for him. Before that near-kiss in the hallway she had been able to talk herself into believing it was one-sided, that it was just her crush. But after that... And it wasn't just his sense of duty that had brought him to Antarctica, to Hell, to rescue her. They had revealed too much of themselves to each other now, and instead of drawing them closer it had widened the gulf between them. She didn't even dare to stand as close to him as she used to, because now she was terribly aware of the heat that emanated from him, a fire that made her heart beat too quickly. And she had seen how, when he reached out to touch her the way he always had, he had learned sometimes to hold back, to stop short before his hand reached her arm, her shoulder. She believed Mulder felt just as distressed by it as she did. And she couldn't find any way back to the way things used to be. Friday afternoon, ten to five, Memorial Day weekend. Even Mulder had run out of things to do, and was reduced to arranging stacks of paperwork on the corners of his desk. Across the basement office Scully was labeling videotapes and putting them into cardboard boxes for storage, tapping the information into her computer from time to time. There was nothing here that couldn't be done on Tuesday morning, but somehow neither of them seemed to want to be the first one to make a move toward the door. Scully paused, and sighed, and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She glanced up at Mulder. Chin propped on his hand, elbow on the desk, looking at her - through her - a million miles away. Scully smiled. "I guess we're done, huh?" she asked. "Hmmm?" Mulder started. "I'm sorry. I wasn't listening." Scully closed the box of videotapes and busied herself with her computer mouse. "I said, I guess we're done. We're probably the last people in the building today." "Slaving away at our thankless task, heedless of holidays, making the world safe for democracy and defending the freedoms of this great nation." Mulder leaned back in his chair and stretched his long frame. "Hidden from the eyes of the ordinary citizens who will never comprehend the sacrifices that have been made so they might enjoy barbeques overrun by screaming children..." Scully took the floppy disk out of the drive and put it into the storage box. "Mulder - " "The menfolk gather into a clan in a circle of lawn chairs, beer bellies hanging over the waistbands of their Bermuda shorts..." "Mulder - " "...while the old women congregate under the shade trees, comparing photos of their grandchildren..." *"Mulder!"* He paused and looked over at her and sat up straight in his chair again. "So I guess you weren't invited to any barbecues this weekend either." Her mouth opened and closed once again before she spoke. "Actually, my brother has one every year. I usually drive down." She stood up and smoothed her skirt down over her thighs, a distant look crossing her face. "...I might not, this year. I told him I wasn't sure if I'd make it." Mulder stood up, picked up his suit jacket from the back of his chair, and draped it over his arm. "Really?" he asked, moving slowly toward the door. "Other plans?" "No... no," Scully returned thoughtfully, picking up her purse and following him. She sighed. "I'm just not sure I'm up to it, for some reason. I've been..." Her voice trailed off as they stepped into the hallway and Mulder locked the door behind them. "... I don't know." Mulder regarded her as they walked together toward the elevator. "Well, I can understand not wanting to be subjected to your brother. Nothing personal. You know." His tone was mischievous. She laughed. "He * likes* me, Mulder." They stepped into the elevator. "Or at least he would till I brought *you* to his barbecue." Mulder's eyebrows went up. "Are you inviting me to the ritual tribal gathering?" "Oh, I don't even think I'm going. ...But if I do, and you want to come, certainly. Yes." They walked out of the elevator and across the hallway toward the door. "No, Scully," Mulder said, "I don't think I want to spend one of my rare weekends off being exhibited as a curiosity at a gathering of normal people." His tone was light but the words brought a sharp glance from her; he was sorting through his keychain for his car keys and didn't see her stare. When he looked up at her he was wearing his usual wry grin. "I'll see you Tuesday, okay?" And he touched her elbow and turned and walked away. He hadn't driven two blocks when his cell phone rang in his coat pocket alongside him on the seat. He grimaced and let it go for three rings before rummaging through the jacket to find it. Here went the weekend, he supposed. He pressed the button and lifted it to his ear. "Mulder." "It's me, Mulder." His brow furrowed. "Hey, Scully. What did you forget?" There was a pause. "Nothing," she said. He waited. "Mulder, what are you doing tonight?" she finally asked, speaking quickly. "... Nothing, really." He was puzzled. "Why, what's up?" Another hesitant moment passed before she said, "Listen, Mulder, why don't I pick up Chinese and meet you at your place?" He was surprised, but couldn't think of a reason to refuse. "Ah... sure, I guess so. Yeah. ... You might get there before me, Scully. I have to stop at the cleaners' on the way." "I'll use my key," she said, and hung up. He stared for a moment at the phone, feeling a peculiar mixture of anticipation and apprehension. In the elevator in Mulder's building, Scully juggled her keys and the bag of Chinese food and the bottle of wine she'd bought and silently cursed the impulse that had made her call Mulder and invite herself here. She was not an impulsive person; she was perhaps a little too proud of her capacity to think things through before taking action. So what on earth had made her take out her phone and dial his number before she'd even driven out of the parking lot? You're behaving like a schoolgirl, she chided herself. A three-day weekend without him wouldn't have killed you. And you're not *really* going to try to talk to him about that awful coolness between you, are you?... She left the elevator and walked down the hall and steeled herself against the memory as she walked past the place where it had happened. At the door, she put her key in the lock and reassured herself that, no, she didn't *have* to bring it up. She could have her meal and drink her wine and just have a nice evening with her... her friend. That would be enough. That would be fine. "Hey, Scully, wait for me." She heard his voice just as she stepped through the door; she turned and looked down the hall. She couldn't suppress a smile at the sight of him, plastic-bagged suits draped over one arm, a paper bag tucked beneath the other. Mulder was very glad to see that smile. Scully hadn't sounded exactly like herself on the phone and he had fretted for most of the way home about what that might mean. Now that she looked happy to see him, he felt foolish for wondering. Emboldened by her smile, he leaned over and brushed her cheek with his lips. "Welcome to Chateau Mulder, mademoiselle. I hope you will enjoy ze cuisine." They walked into the apartment and Scully closed the door. "It's Chinese food, not French," she said, setting the bags on the kitchen counter. "Yeah, well, I don't speak Chinese." He leaned over and added conspiratorially, "Gimme a break here, Scully, I'm trying to set the mood." She chuckled and said, "You're reaching, Mulder. You don't speak French either." "Spoilsport." He set his paper bag on the counter and walked out of the kitchen. Scully began taking out plates and silverware. "Scully, there's wine in that bag - I picked up a bottle of your favorite," Mulder called from the other room. "Well, we'll have plenty, then," she answered, "because I got *your* favorite." Mulder came back into the kitchen, tie loosened and shirtsleeves rolled up. He reached for his bag and Scully for hers. When they saw the identical bottles of white zinfandel, they broke into laughter. "... so I just think it's ironic that now I *am* 'The Law'," Mulder was saying, wiggling his first and second fingers in midair to indicate quote marks, "when, at nineteen, I was a *fugitive* from the law." "You? A fugitive?" Scully laughed a little. She was relaxed, leaning back on the sofa, her legs stretched out before her, crossed at the ankles; her heels rested on the corner of the coffee table. She sipped again from her glass of wine, her cool blue eyes never leaving Mulder's, and he found himself enchanted by the way she looked up at him from beneath her long lashes. This didn't feel like Chinese takeout with a coworker. This felt like... a *date*. God, it felt good. How long had it been since he'd been on a date? He realized she was waiting for him to elaborate. "Yes, a fugitive. Wanted. Reward. The whole nine yards." He wasn't sure whether his euphoria had more to do with the wine or with the soft blush on Scully's cheeks, with her lips, parted slightly on that expectant smile. She tilted her head a little and he decided that wine alone could never have done this to him. "Mulder, what did you do?" Scully shifted her hips and leaned forward, watching Mulder's eyes. I... am... *flirting* ... with Mulder, she thought, but it felt so good that she didn't think she would stop. ...How much of this wine had she drunk, anyway? She'd stopped worrying about it an hour ago. "It was just a week or two before we had to go back to school," Mulder began, "and about six of us crashed a beach party. It was pretty late - there were a couple of kegs, you know - " "You were drunk," Scully interrupted, her eyes sparkling. "Regardless. We were on the beach, and we went walking around, and there were some trucks, some construction equipment, parked there, because the town was doing some kind of work..." "Oh, Mulder," she said, "You didn't..." "One of my friends found the keys right under the mat, right in the front of the truck. A big truck. A dump truck." "You *didn't*." "No, no, *I* didn't. ...Well, I didn't *drive*. I was in the passenger seat." "What did you run into?" "Run into?" Mulder adopted an air of wounded dignity. "Run into! Scully! Surely you wouldn't mistake me for a common miscreant." Scully giggled. Mulder realized that in all the years he had known this woman he had never heard her giggle. "We didn't run into anything. We drove it... well, there was a downhill slope toward the water..." "Oh, Mulder." She covered her mouth with her hand. "And we had a lot of momentum..." "Oh, Mulder, *no*." She was starting to laugh. "And at the last minute, just before we hit the water, we bailed out." Scully was laughing out loud. Mulder raised his voice a little to be heard. "No, Scully, that's not the best part. It *kept going*. It had all that momentum, it kept going! When the water got high enough it shorted out the horn - " Scully had to put down her empty glass. She leaned back on the sofa, dissolving into breathless laughter. "So it was sinking, Scully, with the lights on and the horn blowing - but it sounded different, underwater, sort of like a foghorn - " She recovered enough to ask, "How far down did it go?" "About twenty feet, really down there! It -" Scully, still laughing, wiped tears from her eyes. "Mulder, stop! What did you *do*?" "We ran like hell! What do you *think* we did?" Mulder was laughing, too, remembering. "We saw the posters in town, two days later. 'Reward for information leading to' - all that stuff." "I can't imagine - I can't picture - " Scully wiped her eyes again. "You're laughing, Scully," Mulder said, wagging a finger at her in admonishment, "but this kind of experience can scar a person for life. When I saw 'Titanic' I laughed in all the wrong places." "And you never got caught." "We never got caught." "Oh, Mulder, you know, now you've really done it," Scully said, still laughing. "Now I've got the goods on you. I've got you big time. If you're not nice to me I can turn you in. Mulder, your life is in my hands." "Ah, Scully, it already is, every day," he answered, surprised by the vehemence of the words even as they left his lips. She felt the change as well, and there was a moment of suddenly awkward silence. Mulder studied the glass of wine in his hand as if it offered an explanation. Scully, reminded now of why she'd come, took the plunge and spoke. "Mulder, there was a reason I came over tonight..." "Somehow I suspected you didn't come here for the ambiance." "I wanted to talk to you about something." Looking up, she already saw a wariness about him. "We've been so... separate... since Antarctica." Something in his eyes had grown distant, was trying to close her out. "I used to feel I had your trust. That it was understood that there weren't secrets between us." "Are you saying I'm hiding something from you?" "No. No. It's not a *thing* ... It's more the feeling that... " She searched for the words - "That you're hiding *yourself* from me. That there are times, even when I'm standing right next to you, that you've gone somewhere I can't follow." Mulder said nothing. He just looked at her, his expression unfamiliar and unreadable. Scully wished she could shake the feeling that she was digging herself in deeper and deeper. She took a long breath and forged ahead. "I would never mean to suggest that we don't have lives of our own apart from the X-Files and each other. But if this affects us at work, makes us less effective - it could put our lives in jeopardy under the wrong circumstances. ...And Mulder, at least * I* can't help taking it home with me. It affects me... off the job too." It was an effort for Mulder just to sit still on the sofa and not to squirm. He studied the wineglass and sighed. "Antarctica..." he said quietly, and his voice trailed off. "It just seemed to start after that. After we came home." "Antarctica," he said again and looked up, not at Scully, but around the room as if hoping for a means of escape. "I saw things in Antarctica, Scully..." She watched his eyes and knew that he was seeing the frozen landscape even now. "...Things that - should be impossible. Things that were so *wrong* ..." He looked at her now, his eyes terrible, haunted. "And to see *you* there. Scully, there are still nights when I wake up screaming, seeing your face in - " His voice broke, and he turned away from her. "And now I'm back in my office pushing papers around and they've covered their tracks so well that I hardly know where to start looking. Now that I've seen it. Now that I *know* ..." He ran one hand across his forehead and through his hair. " 'This is the bitterest pain among men, to have much knowledge but little power.' " "Herodotus," Scully murmured. Mulder cocked an eyebrow and looked up at her. "God, Scully, Greek historians too." He smiled wanly. "You never cease to amaze me." Lifting his glass to his lips, he drained the rest of his wine; he set the glass down on the coffee table. There was a moment's silence. "Mulder," Scully said, "there's no shame in being overwhelmed by something so huge. There's no shame in being unable to handle it alone." She sighed, and waited, but he did not speak. "You need to talk to someone, Mulder. You have to get help." "That's the same thing Skinner told me," he said dryly. "Mulder, I've been to the EAP counselors. I can give you the name - " He laughed shortly and without mirth. "Scully, the Employee Assistance Program is not equipped to deal with what I'll tell them. When I start spinning *my* tale, they won't just talk to me. They'll lock me up." He twisted his hands together in his lap, staring down at them. "Who's going to understand - or even *believe* - what I've seen?" Scully reached out, put her hands on his. "I will, Mulder," she said quietly. He looked up and met her steady gaze. "You can talk to me." Mulder's throat worked, but no words came. He dropped his eyes. "I can't, Scully. I can't do that to you." "What do you mean? ...You can tell me anything. I *want* to help you." She stroked his forearm, trying to reassure him. Mulder took a deep breath and sighed. "Scully, tell me what you remember about Antarctica." She ducked her head for a second and then looked up at him again. "Mulder, I've told you be-" "Tell me again." His voice was low but insistent. He reached out to smooth her hair from her forehead, and let his hand rest against her cheek. "I... I remember the bee sting. I remember falling... and you holding me. I remember being put on the stretcher." She shook her head slowly, searching even now for more. "Then there's a gap... The next thing I remember is trying to stay awake while you kept me on my feet. I remember coming out onto the snow..." "But the gap," he repeated. "What about that gap?" "...I don't remember... " "You don't remember," he echoed softly, his fingers still caressing her face. The grief in his eyes threatened to overwhelm her. "You don't even know what kind of mercy that is. I've robbed you of so much over these past six years. I can't take that away from you too." Scully set her mouth in a grim line. "You're doing it again, Mulder," she said. He stared at her, silent. "You're taking up another burden. Tying another stone around your neck." Mulder looked away, dropped his hand from her cheek, and stood up. He walked over to the stereo as if to put on another CD, but just stood in front of it when he got there. "I've watched you do this for years." She got up and followed him, put herself in front of him, looked up at his face. He would not meet her eyes. "You shoulder everyone else's burdens. You pile them onto your back until you can hardly walk under the weight." She put her hands up onto his chest. "I'm afraid it'll break you someday. ...I think it's breaking you now." Her voice faltered. "Mulder. I don't *want* to let it break you." He looked into her eyes and saw his own pain mirrored there. He put his hands on her waist. "Scully, don't," he said softly, shaking his head. "Don't lose yourself trying to save me." "Mulder," she insisted, "this is my life. I could have walked away a long time ago. My own choices sent me to Antarctica - not yours." Mulder closed his eyes for a moment, struggling to speak. "Scully," he breathed, "I can't *help* feeling responsible for the things that have happened to you - " "No, Mulder, no," she interrupted, a tone of defeat in her voice. "It's not that you can't help feeling responsible. It's that you make it a *point* to feel responsible. It feeds your guilt. And you *love* your guilt. You wouldn't even know who you are without your guilt." She looked up and saw the hurt in his eyes, and was sorry she'd sounded so bitter. She dropped her gaze, leaned forward, laid her head against his chest. He put his arms around her. They stood silent for a long moment. Then Scully lifted her head and looked up into Mulder's eyes, and slipped her hands up his chest till her arms encircled his neck. "Mulder," she murmured, "I know I can't save you. ...But I can try to help you save yourself." She drew his head down, and stretched up to meet him, and he didn't resist; she closed her eyes, just like a moment ago, like a lifetime ago, in the hallway. But this time their lips met - almost shyly at first - and then she parted his lips with her tongue and began to kiss him in earnest. Mulder's heart leaped. He wrapped his arms around Scully and hugged her tight against him. Her mouth was more intoxicating than all the wine he'd just drunk. Scully, molding herself against his body, felt him suddenly, unmistakably aroused; felt something within her that had lain stunned under the Antarctic cold flicker alight, felt it throw up hopeful little tongues of flame. When she pressed her hips against his, Mulder felt a sudden wave of shame and embarrassment sweep over him. As gently as he could, he broke off the kiss, extricated himself from her embrace. Holding her face between his hands, Mulder leaned down and placed one chaste kiss on her forehead. "I'm sorry, Scully," he said sadly, shaking his head. His eyes were downcast. He let go of her and stepped back; he turned to the coffee table and began gathering the dishes and glasses there. He carried them away toward the kitchen, his broad shoulders bowed. Scully, dumbfounded, stared after him, frozen to the spot. The air felt uncomfortably cool after the ring of fire that had been his arms. Her heart thumped in her chest and deep down inside her the little flicker had become a steady flame. She heard the dishes clinking together in the sink, heard the water running. Resentment flared up in her, and without thinking she marched toward the kitchen. The click of her heels on the hardwood floor sounded assertive even for Scully, who was never less than confident to begin with. At the sound Mulder looked up from the sink with an uneasiness that approached dread. She appeared in the doorway and stood as if to block his escape. "Mulder," she said, her blue eyes smoldering, "if you can look at me and tell me with a straight face that you don't want me, we'll forget about this. But we've been playing this game too long and it isn't fun anymore." "Scully, I - " "The *truth*, Mulder. A lie would cost us both too much." He spread his hands apart helplessly. "Scully, how can we - How can I - " She closed the distance between them in only two strides. "I *know* you want me. Damn it, Mulder! You only see the dark side of everything. How can you live like that?" "But Scully - " "Shut up, Mulder," she said curtly, and began untying the knot of his necktie. She pulled it loose and tossed it aside. "Fox... Mulder," she began, speaking slowly and deliberately, punctuating her words by opening the buttons of his shirt. "Special... agent. G-man. Brave... Fox... Mulder... who can face down extraterrestrial monsters without blinking - " She jerked his shirttail out of his pants - "but who can't make a move on a woman who's throwing herself at him." She unrolled his cuffed sleeves and pulled the shirt off, tossing it away after the tie. "Scully - " "Shut *up*, Mulder." There was fire and ice in her tone, passion and something else - something that stopped just a little short of scorn. Mulder had never been so turned on in his life. He shivered. "This is *my* game now, Mulder. *I* started it. *I* make the rules. *I* take the blame. So that *you* - " and here she tapped his chest sharply with her forefinger for emphasis, staring straight into his eyes - "don't have to feel guilty when it's done." She grasped the bottom of his undershirt and began pulling it up over his torso. He was too astonished to do anything but raise his arms and allow her to pull it off over his head. Scully looked up into his eyes, and his deer-in-the-headlights expression made her pause. She smiled and shook her head and reached up to caress his face with one suddenly gentle hand. Almost reflexively, Mulder's hands came up to encircle her waist. He was so shocked to find himself standing half-naked in his kitchen with Dana Scully in his arms that he did the only thing any reasonable man could have been expected to do under the circumstances. He bent his head to her upturned face and began to kiss her again. Like my dream, Scully thought, Just like my dream. Mulder's hungry mouth seemed to want to devour her lips, her throat, her ears. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with delighted abandon. Mulder was reeling. He was glad he was leaning against the kitchen counter, because he wasn't sure he could stand up on his own. That she wanted him at all was wonder enough; that she wanted him like *this* was incomprehensible. "My God, Scully!" he exclaimed as he felt her fingers pulling feverishly at his belt. "Just kiss me," she returned, and covered his mouth with her own. A fierce joy rose up in him as she shoved him back against the counter and redoubled her efforts at his belt. When the leather pulled free of the buckle, she made short work of the button and zipper that remained. He closed his eyes in disbelief as he felt her fingers slipping under the waistband of his boxer shorts. He put one arm around her neck and pulled her closer and kissed her desperately, and then he felt her hand touch him under the silk. He gasped against Scully's mouth as her hand closed over the head and slipped down - and down - the shaft. Her eyes opened and widened as she wrapped her fingers around him, taking the measure of him. "Mulder. I'm impressed," she chuckled. His wit deserted him. "Thank you," he said weakly. She pressed her mouth to his again. Scully began to slide her hand up the length of him and back, teasingly at first, and then harder. Mulder's head fell back, and he began to moan, very softly, in time with Scully's strokes. She watched his face intently. Gradually she picked up her pace and Mulder fell silent, eyes squeezed shut, breathing in quick pants. "Scully," he groaned, "have mercy - " His hand came down suddenly to clasp her wrist. "Scully, no - not this way - I want..." She lifted her hand to his chest. "What do you want, sweetheart?" she whispered, but he only heaved a great sigh and bowed his head and laid it down on her shoulder. She felt him shaking and wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling his cheek and his ear. A long moment passed while she steadied him, let him catch his breath; then he lifted his head and sought her mouth and began to kiss her again. "Scully," he murmured between kisses, "you're wearing - so many - clothes..." "I was wondering when you'd notice..." His fingers found the buttons of her blouse and opened them, one by one; his hands slipped beneath the fabric. She felt a shiver pass through him as he ran his fingers lightly over her breasts. She straightened up and shrugged the open blouse off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Mulder ran his hands across the back of her bra, and found no fasteners, and paused. Scully smiled at his puzzled expression. She reached up, and smoothed his hair back from his forehead, and said softly, "It opens in the front, sweetheart." "Ah..." he said, opening it. He put both arms around her waist, pulling her hips tight against his, and she lay back in his embrace, letting the bra slide down her arms and fall away, already forgotten. Mulder bent over her and pushed his face against her breasts, turning his head from side to side, nuzzling and kissing. Scully stretched her arms over her head and leaned all her weight into his embrace; she let her head fall back, closed her eyes. Mulder's mouth closed over a nipple and suckled gently, then more firmly. "Beautiful," he moaned against her, "you're so beautiful..." Mulder lifted her up in his arms and turned her around, leaning her up against the counter. He lifted his head to kiss her forehead, her mouth, her throat; his lips grazed her breasts again and he kept going, down her torso; she ran her fingers through his hair, smiling to herself as she watched him. He sank to his knees before her, his tongue tickling her navel. His hands were sliding up her thighs, lifting her skirt, and she gasped as he ducked his head down further and she realized where he was going. She had the presence of mind to step out of her shoes when she felt his fingers begin to tug at the waistband of her pantyhose. Mulder almost laughed aloud with the sudden delight he felt. He pulled her pantyhose down her legs, peeled them inside out over her toes. She had gathered the skirt up in her hands, and he glanced up at her face. Her wide eyes seemed bluer than ever over her flushed cheeks, and they were alight - He'd never seen her this way, never dreamed it could really happen. His heart sang. He watched her mouth open in a wide silent "O" as he drew her panties down over her thighs. And slowly, reverently, he leaned forward, pressed his mouth to her... She swayed above him as his tongue parted her, and he wrapped his arms around her thighs, supporting her. Her sighs became low moans, sometimes became his name. He opened his mouth wider, pressed his face into her, and felt her move her hips against him; he let go of her with one hand and brought his fingers to her, slipped one, then two, into her sweet wet warmth. She swayed again and her hands clutched at his hair, the skirt falling around his head. He moaned without even knowing it. This was bliss, absolute bliss. This was the well he wanted to drink from for the rest of his life. Scully clung to Mulder's head, hoping vaguely that she wasn't hurting him, and tried to keep her eyes open. When she closed them the dizziness overwhelmed her, but keeping them open was so... so... hard... She heard herself moaning and was powerless to stop. He had found the place, and his tongue licked and circled, and his fingers slipped in and out in the same rhythm. Oh - she wanted - she *needed* - Her knees were turning to water. Even leaning against the counter, she knew she couldn't stand up much longer. "Mulder. Mulder..." She pulled his hair a little, and he looked up, and lifted his head, and just in time - for her legs gave way and she slid slowly down the front of the counter, letting him catch her in his arms. "Please... please," she breathed, and Mulder seemed to understand, and he lifted her up and half-carried her back to the living room, and set her down on the sofa. He kicked off his shoes, let his pants and boxers fall and stepped out of them, and then found the zipper of her skirt and opened it. He drew this last garment off her and just sat, looking wonderingly at her, tracing the lines of her body with gentle hands. Scully stretched like a cat under his touch. He leaned over her and dropped his head again to her breast. At length Scully shifted in his arms, and sat up, and pushed him back, making him sit up on the sofa. She put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself and climbed across his lap, straddling him. She reached down and took him in her hand. His head lolled back against the sofa cushions. "Scully..." he sighed, lifting his hands to cup her breasts. "Oh, Scully..." She grasped him firmly, and began to stroke the head of him against her, letting it part the moist lips. Mulder groaned and rocked his hips, but she wouldn't let him penetrate her, not yet; he was achingly hard, and the pressure of him against that most sensitive center of her was almost too much to bear. He put his hands on her hips, coaxing her toward him. She was like velvet, she was liquid. He strained his hips toward hers but she pulled back - pulled away - and he was left with the tip, only the tip, of the head poised at her entrance. He was sure he felt a drop of her moisture trickling down his shaft. He almost whimpered. Scully gazed down at him, at his rapt face, and struggled for control. He was the only thing in the world she wanted; she'd never wanted *anything* so much. And he was *right... there...* "This is my game, Mulder," she reminded him. She heard him choke back something like a sob. "Tell me what you want." Her voice was no more than a throaty whisper, but it was resonant with triumph. "Tell me... how *much* ... you want it." 1 Mulder stared up at her, stunned, speechless, imploring. What I want? What I *want*? he thought frantically. What I *want* is to flip you over, overpower you, *take* you!... But he saw cool steel in her eyes, and he was transfixed. ...Words. There were words, magical words that would make her lower her body onto his, words that would take him home, words that would change his life. He was desperate to find them. He ran his tongue over his lips. "Scully," he pleaded, "Scully, God - help me, Scully - I want to be inside you. It's all I want. It's all I've wanted for years - Scully... *please* ..." "Then do it, Mulder," she whispered fiercely. The steel in her gaze had gone molten. "*Do it now.*" And she lowered herself just as he thrust upward, sinking all the way into her. He felt her yield to him. She fit him perfectly. He wondered fleetingly if he might not die here and now, in her arms, inside her. She sat down upon him, taking him fully; he stretched her, filled her completely. He put his arms around her and she leaned forward, cradling his head against her breast, against her heart. They stayed like that, unmoving, for a long moment; then, as if by some silent agreement, they began to rock their hips, began to find their rhythm together. Mulder looked up at Scully through half-closed eyes. Her hair was falling across her face and he reached up, smoothed it away, ran his fingers through it; he drew her head down and found her mouth, and they kissed, their tongues echoing their bodies' dance. Mulder felt the pressure building inside him, felt himself coming closer and closer to the edge. He wanted to wait, wanted it to last. Reluctantly he broke off the long sweet kiss. "Scully - slow down - I don't want to come yet - " "Mulder, I can't. I *can't.*" And she sat up a little straighter on him, reached one hand down to where they were joined, and began to stroke herself as she rode him. His mouth opened wide in amazement. He had never, *never*, seen anything like... He was going to lose it. It was all over now. He was going to... But Scully got there first. She felt the first faint tingle, felt the flush spreading through her, widening like ripples on the surface of a pond. "Oh, Mulder - Mulder," she moaned, and threw her head back, and rocked herself against him hard. "*Mulder*..." He felt her climax from within her, and it was more than he could stand. He thrust into her as hard as he could, and gasped, "Scully - my Scully - " And then it was too late for words; it was happening, and he was shocked at the intensity of it, and he couldn't even find his voice to cry out, because there was nothing in the world except the way that he and Scully were joined, and he had no means of knowing where he ended and she began. He shuddered and fell back against the sofa. Coming back to herself, Scully looked down at Mulder's face and was suffused by a rush of tenderness. She wanted to stay with him, wanted to hold him inside, wanted never to let him go. She leaned forward and laid herself down on Mulder's chest. She put her head down on his shoulder and he put his arms around her; with one hand he began slowly, gently, stroking her hair. They lay together for a long time, until their breathing had quieted, until they both felt the air cool upon their warm bodies. Scully could still feel Mulder's heart beating against her breast. Now, in this deep quiet afterward, she was suddenly overwhelmed by what she'd done. Tears sprang to her eyes and she tried for a moment to hold them back; then, realizing she had nothing to hide from him now, she let them come. Mulder heard the little catch in her breath and wrapped his arms tighter around her. His heart constricted with a sudden, sickening fear that she was already sorry. "Shhh," he whispered, "Oh, Scully, no... Don't cry. Don't cry. I love you, Scully. Dana. *Baby.* I love you. Don't cry..." The words she had known she'd never hear, the words she'd have waited for all her life. They only made her cry harder. "I love you, Mulder," she wept against his shoulder. "I love you." Mulder let out a long sigh as the great flood of relief washed through him. "I know, baby, I know," he murmured soothingly, kissing her neck. "I love you, Dana. Don't cry." And he held her and rocked her until her tears subsided, until she lay peacefully still in his arms. They were lying down now, stretched the length of the sofa, holding each other close. "Scully." "Mmmm..." She had already been half asleep. "Let's go to bed." '"What bed? Isn't... this the 'bed'?" "I replaced that waterbed, Scully." She lifted her head to look at him and raised one eyebrow. He leaned close and deadpanned earnestly, "Yes. Brave... Fox... Mulder...special agent... G-man... dialed 1-800-MATTRESS." Scully winced and laid her head back down on his chest. "I'm sorry," she said, and Mulder, to her chagrin, began to laugh. "No, you're not! ...And I wouldn't want you to be," he said. "Really. Scully - think about it. Where would I be right now if you hadn't come over tonight and kicked me in the ass?" She raised her head and saw by his expression that he wasn't *quite* teasing her. She waited. "I'd be sitting right here, on this sofa... watching one of those tapes that isn't mine..." She smiled, and he took her chin in his hand, looked into her eyes. His own smile faded. "... and I'd be thinking about you." She opened her mouth, but it was a long minute before she could speak. "Mulder..." she breathed at last. 1 He stroked her hair, traced the lines of her face and throat with his fingers. "You knew I - You knew I loved you...?" His eyes were dark. "I told you... once..." "After I fished you out of the Bermuda Triangle," she murmured. With a pang, she remembered how she had cut him down with a sharp retort and fled the room, fighting back tears. She took his hand in hers and drew it to her lips, kissing the palm, the fingers. "I couldn't believe you said it. I ran away so you - wouldn't see me cry..." "Oh, Scully..." She leaned toward him and he held her tighter; he found her mouth and kissed her - soft, slow, sweet. "Come on," he said, when they had parted, "Let's take a shower and go to bed." "Will you wash my back?" "Oh, among *other* things..." They stood up together on unsteady legs and slowly made their way across the living room, Mulder's arm draped around Scully's shoulders, hers around his waist. "I love you, Mulder," Scully said again, and this time she was smiling.