Title: Like Tears in Rain II - Aftermath and Closure 1/2 Author: Chad Tanaka E-mail: chadt@aloha.net Rating: NC-17 (some cursing, explicit sex scenes) Category: SRA Spoilers: The End, fifth season Keywords: Mulder/Scully Romance, Angst Summary: Story continues where "Like Tears in Rain" left off. Mulder confronts his feelings for Diana Fowley and also for Scully. This is one for shippers only! Disclaimer: Dana Scully, Fox Mulder, Walter Skinner, Diana Fowley, and Gibson Praise are the property of Chris Carter, Fox Broadcasting and Ten-Thirteen Productions. The characters have been used without permission for purely non-profit entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended. "Like Tears in Rain II - Aftermath and Closure" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Fox Mulder's Apartment Alexandria, Virginia 6:35am Mulder leaned heavily on his front door. He was soaking wet and dripping rainwater upon the floorboards of the threshold in his darkened apartment. He ignored the inky blackness and his soggy state. Mulder shuffled in a trancelike state towards the living room by feel, rather than sight. He had a lot on his mind. Mulder slumped into his desk chair rather than upon the relative sanctuary of his sofa. he said to himself. He realized - after Scully admitted her feelings for him - that she was trying to reach out to him during the time he was sulking on the sofa he glanced at now. he thought. Certainly, she saw him for the pathetic immature brooder he truly was, he answered sardonically. If that were true, Mulder wondered, why did she still have feelings for him? How could she love someone so selfish? a tiny voice explained in the far corners of his mind. But he was, he admitted. It was all his fault. Mulder lowered his head into his hands and sighed. another voice in his head whimpered. He ditched her once again, leaving her behind at the Reflecting Pool (in the pouring rain, no less). She told Mulder that she loved him, and he confessed his strong feelings for his beautiful diminutive partner as well. But as soon as they got close, he pushed her away. He claimed that he might still have feelings for his former lover, Diana Fowley. He told her that the pain of losing another loved one was too much a risk for him to take. In reality, Mulder had absolutely no idea why he fled. But he knew he was scared. When he kissed Scully for the second time in one night, he felt a blinding panic - panic because it was all happening too fast for him to sort everything out. In any case, Mulder had run like a frightened schoolboy. He left the love of his life standing at the foot of the Reflecting Pool, her face contorted in a mask of confusion and hurt. He had ditched her - like always. To say he felt guilty at the moment was a monumental understatement. "How could you do something so stupid?" he breathed softly while staring forlornly at the slowly brightening sky through the window in front of him. Mulder closed his tired eyes, and a single tear of utter sadness blazed a quicksilver track down his cheek. Then his phone rang, causing Mulder to jerk as if shocked. His eyes flew open. he hoped against hope. He picked up the receiver. "Mulder," he answered tentatively. "Agent Mulder," said the stony voice. It was Assistant Director Skinner. "Yes, sir," Mulder replied. "I'm sorry...I realize what kind of night you've been having," Skinner said sympathetically. "But I thought you'd want to know." "Know what sir?" Mulder asked warily. It *was* truly a crappy night. "Agent Fowley...died about five minutes ago, Mulder. I'm sorry." Skinner really seemed to mean that. Mulder's view of the room spun wildly out of control, and wondered distantly if he was going to faint. But he put his head down on the table, like he had seen Scully do earlier that night, and took a few deep breaths. Mulder apologized silently. "Mulder, are you alright?" Skinner asked. His voice betrayed an undertone of deep concern. Mulder blew out a breath. "I'm...I'm fine sir," he said, realizing the irony of his statement. Now he knew how Scully felt when she lied to him like that. The pain was just too private and embarrassing to let out. "It's okay. Thank you for letting me know," he added, trying to put Skinner at ease. Mulder straightened and tried to pull himself together. "What kind of...arrangements are being made?" he asked. Skinner let out a heavy sigh. "We're trying to get in touch with her next-of-kin, but..." Skinner trailed off, telling Mulder what he already knew. "She didn't have much of a family left, sir," Mulder said sadly. "Actually, if you look into it, you'll find that there is one person to notify, someone not actually related to her..." Mulder wasn't sure if he wanted to go on. His interest peaked, Skinner asked "Who?" "Sir, you've already notified Diana's 'next of kin' - me." Mulder waited for his boss' reaction to the obviously unwelcome news. "I'm not going to ask, Mulder, but all right." Mulder could see the frown on the big man's face and was sure he was rubbing a hand over his smooth head. "What do we do now?" Skinner asked. Mulder leaned back. The room was now bathed in the soft glow of the sunrise. he thought wistfully. Mulder blinked away the tears that were welling up and turned his attention back to the matter at hand. "I want to see her...one more time," he said through ragged breaths. "Then I'll take her and let her get the rest she finally deserves." Mulder tried but failed to stop himself from weeping. He held a hand over his mouth so Skinner wouldn't be able to hear him sobbing. His shoulders shook and he was about to hang up to avoid the shame of breaking down in front his supervisor. "All right, Mulder. I'll let the hospital know you're coming," Skinner replied quietly. "There will probably be some...paperwork to fill out." When Mulder didn't respond, Skinner continued. "I'm sorry again Mulder. Keep me informed about your plans for Agent Fowley." Walter Skinner sighed in sympathy for his subordinate and ended the call on his cellphone. He knew exactly what it was like to lose someone close to you, although he wasn't sure how Mulder and Fowley had been involved with each other. Skinner turned around in the quiet sterile hallway of the hospital, and headed for the doctor who had treated Fowley before she died. He notified him and several of the Bureau agents standing around them that Mulder was going to come down and see to Diana Fowley's final arrangements. After getting agreement all around, Skinner made his way to the hospital exit. He was going to get a shower and maybe a few hours of sleep. While the square-shouldered Assistant Director strode purposefully to this car, his mind began to drift. He wasn't completely sure why he called Mulder to inform him of Agent Fowley's death. He saw the tender touch Mulder gave Fowley in front of that ill-fated Centerville hotel room. He had even heard the constant low-level buzz of rumors that permeated the Bureau's offices. Skinner gathered that Mulder was at one time deeply involved with the statuesque, almost regal brunette. She was apparently well steeped in paranormal science and allegedly played a crucial role in Mulder discovering and opening the X-Files. Of the more fanciful rumors that Skinner had come across was that at some point, Mulder had even been married to Fowley, going so far as wearing a wedding band on his finger. To Skinner's knowledge, Mulder's file contained no references to any marriage and doubted the validity of that rumor. But after seeing Mulder's face while he looked down at the mortally wounded woman and hearing his claim about being Diana Fowley's "next-of-kin," Skinner was no longer sure. he thought to himself darkly. He opened the driver's side door of his Bureau-issue Crown Victoria and plopped down tiredly on the seat. He looked contemplatively at the golden splash of color spreading across the sky. thought Skinner. Walter Skinner started the car and pulled out of the hospital parking lot, driving off into the new day that was just beginning. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX St. Luke's Medical Center Centerville, Virginia 8:10am Mulder slowly pushed the door open to the Pathology department's autopsy bay. He was informed that Diana would be kept here for the time being until Mulder's claim could be verified. He heard the faint clicking of his soles upon the cold tile floor, keeping in step with the frightened pounding of his heart. He wasn't sure he could do this, but he owed it to her. In many ways, mused Mulder, Diana Fowley was largely responsible for making Mulder everything he was today. As he approached, Mulder saw the small mound of white that represented the end product of the battle called life. No one won this fight, Mulder acknowledged. Death is always the final victor. He was afraid to touch her, to see her in this state. Diana was the proof that Mulder had failed, as he failed everyone he loved. Just as he reached the edge of the gurney that held his former lover and wife, Mulder saw in his mind other faces, those belonging to people he had also failed. Samantha, his beloved sister was there, silently imploring him to save her, but Mulder wasn't able to. He also saw his father, who wore a pained expression, a familiar grimace that spoke of his constant disappointment over his only son. Mulder wasn't able to save him either. Mulder didn't want to, but with tears brimming in his eyes, he slowly took hold of the edges of the sheet that covered Diana's lifeless body and pulled it down, away from her face. And there she was, exquisite and beautiful, with a peaceful, painless look on her face that signified the fact that all her problems were behind her now. Mulder realized. Looking around frantically, he found a tall chrome stool next to the waist high counter along one wall. He grabbed it and placed it next to the gurney. He sat on it carefully and looked at Diana once again. He reached out slowly and lovingly stroked her hair he remembered telling her once. He pulled his hand away reluctantly and laid his head down on the edge of the gurney. he said to her silently. And again, despite his wishes, Mulder began to cry. His shoulders shook in tiny staccato beats, his breath came out in hitched sobs. He felt the wetness flowing freely down his face. He thought of Scully then, remembering that he wept over *her* deathbed too, knowing that he'd failed her as well, despairing the fact that she was going to leave him all alone, to fight the good fight on his own. Distracted with these dark thoughts, Mulder at first did not notice the soft, feminine fingers that were slowly running through his hair. But when he did, he jumped up in fear, thinking for an instant that Diana Fowley was not as lifeless as he was led to believe. But then he was looking into a pair of eyes - wide, deep, liquid sapphire eyes. They were staring at him with compassion and affection. Mulder was looking down at the delicately featured face of his gorgeous partner. "S-Scully?" he asked, confused, but at the same time relieved and comforted. "Yes Mulder," was all she said. Scully glanced at Diana Fowley's still form. Mulder saw an expression of regret - or guilt - cloud Scully's features for a brief moment, then it was gone. The only lasting indication of pain remained hidden behind her red-rimmed eyes. Without speaking or offering an explanation, Scully held out her arms to Mulder. Giving her a thankful lopsided grin, he bent down and embraced her. Shutting his eyes tightly, he hugged Scully and continued to weep. Mulder realized that Scully was here for him again, much like the time when he wept over his mother, who was near death after suffering a debilitating stroke. "Shhh," cooed Scully quietly. "It's okay, Mulder." She slowly rocked Mulder back and forth. Scully closed her eyes and sighed. Despite their problems, she knew that it was important for her to be here for Mulder when he needed her. She still considered him her best friend. "I'm sorry, Scully," Mulder practically wailed into her shoulder. Scully stroked the back of Mulder's head soothingly. "It doesn't matter now," she replied softly. Slowly, Mulder's sobs subsided. He raised his head and looked into Scully's eyes. "I loved her, Scully," he tried to explain. "But that was a long time ago." He turned to look down at Diana Fowley's pale form. "I...I," he stammered while stifling his emotions, "It's just hard because I feel responsible for what happened to her." Mulder turned back to Scully. She reached up and held his face in her hands. "No," she said. "Diana Fowley was an FBI agent, just like us Mulder." She ran her right hand tenderly down her handsome partner's stubbly cheek. "She knew the risks, and it was her choice to make. You couldn't have known how far they would go to get Gibson Praise," she told him. Mulder extracted himself from Scully's embrace and covered Fowley's body with the sheet. "That's just it," he said. "If anybody could have foreseen and prevented this, it's me." She wrapped her hand around Mulder's arm. "You can't save the entire world single-handedly, Mulder," she said firmly. Her expression softened when she recalled a mental image of her partner's drive to find the truth: Mulder was much like the Don Quixote of legend, always tilting crazily at immovable windmills. He was forever trying to save someone from danger. He had saved Scully herself so many times, it should have come as no surprise to her that he would feel the same way about his former...what? Lover? Partner? She had even heard faint rumblings involving the word "marriage," but she discounted that immediately. she wondered. Scully pulled gently on his arm. "Come on, you need to get some rest," she said to him. She was slightly surprised when her lanky partner offered no resistance. With a final mournful glance at the delicate, now forever still form of Special Agent Diana Fowley, Mulder turned on his heel and followed Scully out through the double doors of the morgue. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dana Scully's Apartment Annapolis, Maryland 10:13am Scully sat next to Mulder on her sofa. She was cradling a cup of hot tea in her hands, sipping at it while contemplating the brooding, complex man just inches away from her. she lamented. Scully set the cup down on the coffee table and leaned back. She watched Mulder carefully. He had come over willingly, if not a bit distracted, she remembered. Scully had no intention of letting Mulder sulk in the dark confines of his dungeonlike apartment again. And she couldn't bring herself to sit in the same chair that she agonized over her partner in, just hours ago. No, Scully had decided to bring Mulder home. Despite his skittishness at the Reflecting Pool, Scully was determined to calm her distraught partner down enough to talk about everything that had transpired over the past few days. She loved him enough to do that for him, she told herself. She admitted that she was hurt by Mulder's relative cowardice, but she really did understand why he felt like running. Scully knew that she herself had a tendency to avoid painful and confusing emotions. So, right now, the only thing that she could really offer him was her support - as a friend. While studying Mulder, who was staring numbly at the teacup placed in front of him on the table, Scully sighed heavily and leaned against her armrest. With all the curves thrown at them recently - including the burning of their office, the imminent closure of the X-Files, the disappearance of Gibson Praise, the shooting *and* death of Diana Fowley - Scully really couldn't blame Mulder for being so out of it. She figured that her admission of her feelings towards him after all these years probably didn't help matters much. As if noticing her scrutiny, Mulder slowly turned his head toward her. His glazed expression seemed to pass through her for a moment. Scully suppressed a shiver. Then, his focus returned and he looked directly at her. His contorted frown relaxed and he gave Scully another of his patented goofy grins. "I'm really sorry, Scully," he said. She believed him. "I know you have better things to do than let me mope around here while you watch." She returned his grin. "Nothing makes me happier, Mulder." Mulder laughed at her stab at humor. She smiled at him, savoring the sound he made. She realized, sadly, that they both had not done much laughing in the past few months. Then Mulder's expression softened into something else. It made Scully slightly uncomfortable, but also excited at the same time. He reached out to caress her cheek with his palm. Scully clasped his large hand in both of her tiny ones and stroked them affectionately. And with that, the two hesitantly shifted closer to each other on the sofa. Without words, Mulder leaned over and rested his arm across Scully's shoulder and she moved in to snuggle against his chest. She turned and leaned back, facing away from him. Mulder laid his chin on the top of her head. He smiled. She sighed contentedly. "We need this right now, both of us," Scully stated matter-of-factly. "Hmm," was his reply. He wasn't about to argue the point with the enigmatic Dr. Scully, especially when she was right. He kissed the crown of her head, where he could see the pale skin beneath the part in her hair. He breathed in her fragrance. he thought to himself. Even *he* hadn't been able to get the stench of dung out of his hair for awhile, he remembered. "Scully...I know it isn't enough, but I'm really sorry," he said. "About what?" she feigned ignorance. "About...about how I treated you at the Pool," he explained. "I never meant to hurt you." With an understanding smile, Scully replied, "What's done is done, Mulder. I understand why you did it. A lot of things have happened, and I can't expect you to just sort it all out right away." A long, quiet pause ensued. Then Mulder blurted out, "I love you, Scully." Scully sat bolt upright and turned her head to look at him. Her eyes were as big as saucers and Mulder could see the hope and confusion swirling tumultuously within those ice-blue pools. A breathless "Mulder," was all she could manage. Then Mulder flashed a real smile for her, a genuinely toothy one, he thought. "Despite my lapse of good judgement at the Pool, I think you know how I really feel about you, regardless of my previous relationships. I'm just sorry that in my confusion, I hurt you," he said. Mulder mused, thought Scully. With smirk, Scully leaned in towards Mulder, their faces inching closer together. "Mulder," Scully whispered. "Are you sure? I know it's hard to sort it all out right now. If you want to wait..." That was as far as she got, for anything else she wanted to say would have to wait, as Mulder had effectively silenced Scully with a passionate, yet tender kiss. Scully hated to sound cliched, but whenever they kissed (a whole three times now!), Scully could swear she felt the earth move. Every nerve ending tingled, as if her whole body had become hypersensitive to touch. She felt lightheaded, and hoped that she wouldn't faint on Mulder. she thought. Mulder was running his hands through her hair. His warm and slick tongue was insistently probing along her full, soft lips. She opened them tentatively and let Mulder in. Their tongues met and intertwined in a microcosmic dance of passion. Mulder turned his head and began tracing tiny kisses along her jawline, ending at the bottom of her earlobe. He breathed in Scully's essence - a sweet hint of apple from her shampoo mingling with her intoxicating natural scent. Mulder felt himself responding, his member hardening and pushing painfully against his trousers. As he began suckling on her earlobe, Scully let out a sharp gasp. Mulder was practically on top of her and she felt his reassuring weight bearing down on her. She couldn't miss the persistent poking along her abdomen that gave away Mulder's excitement. She felt her arousal growing too. It started out in her private, forbidden areas, but soon spread out over her entire body, making her feel as if she were on fire. She shuddered with desire as Mulder touched her and brushed his hands erotically over her arms, breasts, stomach and legs. When his fingers came to rest on her moist center, Mulder glanced at Scully questioningly. He needed to know that this was what she wanted, that he wasn't forcing her into something she would regret later. "Yes, Mulder," she breathed huskily. "Don't think. Just do it," she said. With a flame of desire dancing in her blue eyes, she ran her hands through his hair and crushed his lips to hers. Scully kissed Mulder deeply as he began to stroke her through the thin material of her slacks. She let out a low moan, letting him know she was loving his tender ministrations. Following her own advice about seizing the moment, she frantically tore at Mulder's dress shirt, ripping it open and sending the buttons plinking off in several directions. She giggled at what she'd done, which elicited a grin from Mulder. He quickly removed the offending garment and tossed it aside. Now astride Scully, Mulder leaned down for a kiss. He slowly ran his palm along the soft globe of Scully's left breast. Mulder rubbed her through her blouse and undergarments, causing her nipples to harden. "M-Mulder," she said breathlessly. "I'm going crazy here. You've got to speed it up." She started unbuckling his pants with shaking fingers. Incredulously, Mulder stared at Scully, wondering if she was being serious. he thought. With a short laugh, he took off his pants and shoes until he was clothed only in his briefs. "Oooh," was Scully's response. She had a grin from ear to ear. Mulder smiled back and said, "Now you, little lady." He started unbuttoning her silk blouse, unwilling to damage an obviously pricey article of clothing. She helped him by sitting up and removing it on her own. She tossed it aside and quickly stood up. She toed off her heels, unbuckled and unzipped her slacks and let it drop to the floor. Standing at the foot of her sofa only in her underwear, she put her hands on her hips and tilted her head alluringly to one side. Mulder's eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets, and she could see his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he audibly gulped. With a seductive smile she asked, "Remember the last time you saw me this way, Mulder?" Still staring at her, Mulder replied "It's not something a red-blooded male could forget about easily." He reached out and ran his hands along the sides of her hips and traced them along her flat belly. They moved up to cup both of her breasts. Scully closed her eyes and gasped. She was so close to climaxing right here, standing in front of him like this. Glancing down and seeing Mulder's expression, Scully had never felt so desirable and sexy in her life. She needed him - and fast. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX End - Like Tears in Rain II - Aftermath and Closure 1/1 Title: Like Tears in Rain II - Aftermath and Closure 2/2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Grabbing one of Mulder's wrists, she dragged him upright and began to pull him towards the bedroom. "I'm really sorry, Mulder," she tossed over her shoulder. "But our first time isn't going to be pretty." She looked back and realized that Mulder was misunderstanding her. Turning around and clasping both of his hands in hers while she walked backwards to her bed, she explained "No, I mean I can't wait - I want you hard and fast, Mulder. I've waited too long." She smiled at Mulder's gaping mouth and stunned look. As she reached her bed, she spun around and virtually tossed a speechless Mulder onto her bed. he thought. He shook his head in amazement. Bending over, she grasped the waistband of Mulder's underwear and pulled them down quickly. She gave him an approving "Mmmm" after looking his naked body over appraisingly. Her unexpected behavior was having the desired effect, as Scully saw Mulder's (very nice) swollen member bobbing up and down enticingly. She reached out stroked its length gently. Mulder's eyes fluttered and he arched his back. Scully giggled at the look on his face, his mouth contorted into an aroused "O." Mulder was breathing in short gasps, much like Scully was. She tore off her panties without preamble and ran her fingers through her auburn curls, stroking herself a few times. She was so turned on - standing there, feeling herself *and* Mulder up - that she began to feel moisture dripping down her legs. In a flash, Scully crawled onto the bed and straddled Mulder's hips. She leaned over and kissed him, thrusting her tongue down his throat. His penis throbbed against the cleft of her buttocks. With a moan of pleasure, she arched her backside and stroked his length up and down along her swollen labia. She quickly bathed Mulder's shaft with her own juices. "Oh god, Scully," Mulder whispered. He reached up and slid his fingers under Scully's bra. She responded by reaching behind her back and unhooking the clasps. She shrugged out of them and tossed the silk brassiere aside. Mulder stared lovingly at Scully's small, yet very sensual breasts. He rubbed his fingers against her hardened nipples. Scully dropped her head down and groaned with pleasure. She lowered herself until Mulder could suckle her breasts. He took the right nipple into his mouth, while pinching the left gently with his fingers. He sucked eagerly, biting the rock-hard nub tenderly. Scully let out a contented sigh. "Mulder," she moaned. "Hmm?" answered Mulder, as his mouth was preoccupied. He turned his head and looked up into her eyes. In those beautiful blue orbs, Mulder saw everything: Love, desire, friendship, fear. He realized she had never let anyone see this part of her, her inner core. He knew instinctively she was giving herself up to him freely, with the caveat that whatever happened, he would always be there for her. With a look that he dearly hoped mirrored Scully's, Mulder wordlessly answered her silent plea. With a knowing look, Scully bent down and kissed Mulder lovingly. He returned the kiss with equal conviction. "Now, Mulder," she commanded him, shivering with anticipation. Mulder shifted under Scully, moving himself lower and preparing to enter her. She arched her back and trapped the tip of Mulder's shaft in her dripping opening. She rocked back and forth gently until it began to slide in. With a stifled cry, she thrust the length of Mulder's penis into her vagina until she sank down all the way to the hilt. "OH, GOD!" she wailed, which elicited an answering groan from her partner under her. thought Mulder. Immediately, Scully began to worry as she experienced a few tiny tremors. She rhythmically pumped her hips up and down, riding Mulder. She felt the waves of tingly pleasure traveling from her core to the very tips of her nerve endings. The pressure quickly began to build, but she tried to hold back. "Yes...uh...yeah," she murmured incoherently. Mulder was now pumping Scully from below, adding to the pleasure building inside her. "Scuuullly..." Mulder moaned. He was slamming against her furiously and could feel the friction, but her wetness obviated any discomfort. In fact, it felt too good. He wanted to come inside this gorgeous, wondrous, sexy redhead so bad. But he wouldn't until she was ready. Mulder bit the side of his lower lip and continued his sweet thrusting. "No, no," Scully whispered breathlessly as she pulled out and flung herself onto the side of the bed. She was breathing heavily, covered in sweat. Mulder, alarmed, propped himself on one shoulder and asked "What's wrong, Scully?" Turning her head towards him exhaustedly, she gave him a faint smile. "It feels so good, Mulder. I...I'm getting too close too fast," she said shyly. Since her face was so flushed, Mulder couldn't see the blush rising in her cheeks. With a tender smile, Mulder leaned over and kissed Scully lightly on the lips. "Honestly?" he asked. "I was worried about the same thing myself." He laid his palm on the flat of her belly. "Maybe if we go a little slower, we might have a little more time," he asked softly. She looked at him and knew why she was in love with this crazy man. In many ways, he was devoted to her, and she felt her happiness was important to him. She felt more loved and protected than she ever had before. "I love you, Fox," she whispered to him. She hoped it would be Fox, finally. she thought, . With a nod and a grin, Mulder leaned back and said, "I love you too, Dana." She giggled softly at that. They kissed. Now, it was Mulder's turn to take the initiative. Almost timidly, he began to lean over Scully and had soon engulfed her tiny form under his own. His weight was again a comforting pressure on Scully's body. She squirmed under him, rubbing her breasts and pubis against Mulder's front. With a growing response from below, Mulder pushed his body up on his forearms and looked deeply into Scully's eyes. She spread her legs slowly and wrapped them around his thighs. Mulder's erect member was now insistently prodding Scully's entrance, the tip rubbed suggestively against the round button of her clitoris. She gasped with pleasure and her eyes glazed over. "Fuck me Mulder," she said throatily. "Make love to me." And with a slow thrust, he obeyed. Mulder began the rhythmic stroking, pounding the length of his shaft in and out of her. Scully arched her head back and let out a gasping cry. she thought. She wanted it to last forever, but she realized that it felt so good for both of them, neither would be able to hold back much longer. "Oh Mulder," she whispered, as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She could feel the powerful muscles in his back and arms flexing as he slammed into her. Feeling herself reaching the edge of an orgasm, she moaned, "oh, yeah, faster baby. Harder." Mulder, the accommodating man he was, wasn't about to deny Scully all the pleasure she deserved. He picked up his pace, thrusting in and out with increasing frequency. He began to feel and hear his body slapping against the petite redhead under him. The bed began to rock, his body becoming slick with perspiration. Bobbing up and down beneath Mulder, Scully's mouth gaped open in ecstasy. Her breaths came in shallow gasps. To Mulder's surprise, Scully began to grunt. It was a primitive, incoherent, guttural grunt of pleasure. he thought. Mulder looked down at her, amazed and also very aroused. Soon, Mulder sensed a tensing in Scully's body. She was arching her back and her stomach muscles began tightening up. Her breathing rate increased. "Yes, Mulder," she whispered. "I'm gonna come, I'm gonna..." And before she could complete her sentence, her eyes rolled back slightly and she gripped his shoulders tightly. He could feel her hips rocking, and felt the tiny constrictions gripping him. "Oh, oh, oh, yeah," she said in a tiny voice. Her eyes were tightly shut. Mulder smiled down at her. he thought excitedly. As her twitching subsided and her breathing returned to normal, Scully's eyes opened slowly. With a spreading grin she said softly, "Wow." Still pumping her gently, Mulder returned the smile and bent down to kiss her tenderly on the lips. Scully wrapped her arms around his neck and responded in kind. Breaking the embrace, she lay back and looked hungrily at her lover hovering above. "Now you, Mulder," she murmured throatily. "Come inside me." Then she closed her eyes again and ran her fingers along Mulder's buttocks. She grasped a firm cheek in each hand and pulled him deeper into her. With a moan, Mulder began to quicken his strokes. He stared down at the ivory-skinned beauty before him, noticing her sensual cupid's bow upper lip; her strong, yet flawlessly smooth chin and jawline; his gaze finally resting on her incredibly large and expressive icy-blue eyes. His intense scrutiny was reflected back at him in those deep pools that reached into his soul. He saw her love for him there. He saw her needs, her desires. Mulder felt himself slipping, losing himself within her. At the same time he felt the familiar pressure building. Within his mind's eye, it appeared as a bright flash in the hazy distance, approaching rapidly like a runaway train. Mulder was frantically pumping Scully. He was so close now. He looked at her, and saw that she was again deep in ecstasy and Mulder wondered fleetingly if she would be able experience another orgasm. For he was certainly about to reach the end of his rope himself. Scully must have noticed a change in him somehow, because she began rocking her hips, meeting each thrust with her own. Murmuring dreamily into his ear, she said "Yes, come on. I can feel it getting harder, Mulder. I want you come inside me." That was all it took. Like cresting a wondrous hill, Mulder felt himself lose control. He spasmed violently, emptying himself hotly into Scully's waiting core. "I love you, Scully," he strained to get out, his face twisted in a mask of pure pleasure and release. "I love you too," she replied, squeezing herself to enhance his pleasure, as if she could milk out every last drop of his love for her to keep deep inside. Scully watched Mulder in the final throes of passion and smiled. she said to herself. Spent, Mulder collapsed on top of Scully like so much dead weight. Finding the situation quite humorous, Scully began to giggle softly. With an incredulous look, Mulder turned a weary head towards his copper-haired partner. "And what's so funny?" he asked, not able to mask the grin that was spreading across his face. Her giggling stopped. "Nothing," she replied. "It's just after wanting each other for so long, we should have known the first time would be incredibly...intense and draining." he thought. But he truly loved her for that. For where would he be without his enigmatic Dr. Scully - medical pathologist, scientist, federal agent, and all-around skeptic? After a moment's reflection, he raised his head and asked "Hey, Scully, what happened to 'Fox?'" An embarrassed grin highlighted her attractive features. "I guess he's in the same place as 'Dana,'" she replied. After a pause her smile vanished. "You'll always be my Mulder, I suppose." "Yeah, I know what you mean," he said to her. "Anyway, you know how I hate my first name." The smile returned, along with a heartfelt laugh. "Okay, okay," she answered. With a tired groan, Mulder rolled off of Scully and lay next to her. He gripped one of her tiny hands in his own, not wanting to break off contact with his newfound lover. He looked at her tenderly, and she did the same. Her eyes began to droop sleepily. Stifling a yawn with the back of her free hand, Scully leaned in closer to Mulder. She snuggled up to him and lay her head in the crook of his neck. Mulder wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. Still holding hands, Scully contemplated the significance of what just took place between them. Without looking up, she said softly, "Mulder, please promise me something." "Anything," was his quick reply. And he meant it. "Promise me no matter what happens between us, don't ever leave me," she said. "I don't want to lose what we had...before." Becoming his partner was the most fulfilling thing she had ever done in her life. If she lost that, she knew she wouldn't be able to go on. Then Scully remembered the recent shutdown of the X-Files and the impending hearing regarding its future. Tears welled up in her eyes and flowed silently down her cheeks, dripping warmly on Mulder's chest. Mulder had been thinking similar thoughts, and noticed her weeping. Releasing her hand, he swept his fingers lovingly along her hairline, pulling the errant strands away from her face. "I promise, Scully," he said finally. "No matter what happens, I'll never leave you. We'll be together always." She lifted her head and turned it towards Mulder. He reached over and wiped away her remaining tears. With a grateful smile, she leaned over and kissed Mulder lightly on the lips. She lingered over him for a moment, holding his gaze with her own. Then she laid her head back down to his chest and sighed contentedly. After awhile, Dana Scully drifted off into a happy and untroubled sleep. Her loving partner followed her into the sweet caress of darkness soon after. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Rolling Hills Cemetery Fairfax, Virginia 11:21am Mulder looked down at the marker solemnly. It wasn't much, but it was the best one he could find for her. Mulder thought humorously, he realized. Looking up and staring off into nothingness, Mulder remembered Diana Fowley's burial ceremony from a few days ago. No one - save for Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and yes, even Jeffery Spender - had shown up. Mulder wasn't particularly surprised by this. When he was with her, Diana had told Mulder that both her parents had passed on, and they had no contact with any other family members that she knew about. Mulder wasn't sure he had believed her story or not, but now that seemed to be a moot point. That was one of the reasons that he had married her. Two lonely people had found each other, and would love one another - forever. An ironic smirk reached Mulder's lips. he thought to himself. He made that promise once before and broke it. Would he fail again with Scully? Mulder shook his head to get the brooding thoughts out of his mind. He looked down once again. He placed a bouquet of lilies at the foot of her gravestone. Diana had always loved lilies. Mulder's memory flashed back to another time and place, where the lovely lady who was lain to rest here had brightened endearingly at receiving a bouquet of lilies - much like the one resting on the sodden grass now. He remembered a smile, a kiss, and more. With a slight twinge of pain from deep inside, Mulder realized Diana Fowley would no longer enjoy the flowers, or much of anything else now. And he felt he was largely to blame for that. Regardless of her oath as a federal law enforcement officer, Mulder believed that he could have done something to prevent her death. He hated this feeling of helplessness, not being able to do anything for the ones he loved. Diana, Scully, his father, even Samantha - he had failed all of them. But thankfully, he still had a second chance with Scully. He had one more opportunity to make it up to her. He vowed not to let her slip away again. Bending down and kneeling on one knee, he looked down at the words on the marker: In peaceful slumber DIANA LEIGH FOWLEY Nov. 21, 1960 - May 16, 1998 "In Truth Will You Find Eternal Happiness..." Rubbing his thumb across the fresh engraving in the cold, gray granite, Mulder let out a tired sigh. he said to her silently. And although he didn't normally believe in such things, he raised his head to the overcast and gloomy sky and said, "Wherever you are, I hope you can find it in your heart to watch over me...and Scully." Bowing his head down, he stood up slowly and brushed at the soiled knee of his trousers with his hand. Just as he was about to turn around, he felt a reassuring squeeze on his right shoulder. He didn't even have to glance at Scully to know she had come to offer her support. he mused. Turning his head, he gave his partner a slight smile. "Hey," he said affectionately. "How are you doing?" Scully asked softly. She looked up into the pained expression twisting Mulder's features. She noticed his hypnotic hazel eyes were clouded with regret. Sympathetically, she brushed away the recalcitrant lock of hair that forever fell in front of his face and slid her warm palm along his freshly shaved cheek. "I'm fine, Scully," he replied. When she gave him her "don't bullshit a bullshitter" look, he smiled and answered, "No, really. I'm okay." He reached down to clasp her hand in his. Finally, she seemed to accept his answer and Scully turned to look at Fowley's gravestone. "It's really beautiful, Mulder. I'm sure...Diana would have liked it," she said. After a pause, she looked at Mulder questioningly and asked, "Was my gravestone just as nice?" Her liquid blue eyes gleamed brightly, even in the gray light. With a small chuckle, he answered her. "Yes, it was very nice, Scully. But I'm incredibly happy that we never had to use it." He put his arm around her tiny shoulders. "Me too," was her only response. She slipped an arm around Mulder's waist and snuggled up to him. The two agents looked down at Diana Fowley's final resting place and contemplated all that had transpired in the past week. After a few moments, they wordlessly turned around and headed for their car. "We have to face that review board in a couple of days, Mulder," Scully told him while they walked. "What are we going to do? What if they really do break us up and shut down the X-Files forever?" Staring at the grass passing beneath his feet, Mulder searched for an answer he knew was not forthcoming. Finally he replied, "I don't know, Scully. But you know we have to keep on searching. We'll find a way." He drew her closer to him. "We've done it before," he said to her. "Yes," she said with a frustrated sigh. "I guess you're right." She believed in Mulder, loved him dearly and trusted him with her life. If he said that they would prevail, then she would follow him to the ends of the earth to find the truth. They still needed to find Samantha, and she still needed to uncover the reasons behind her cancer and her abduction. Above all, she wanted the bastards who created her beloved - and doomed - daughter Emily. Scully shut her eyes and tried to push away the painful memories of the daughter she never really knew and had so little time with. she thought angrily. As they reached the car, she looked into Mulder's eyes and saw the burning fire of determination that matched her own. Yes, they would prevail, she decided. thought Scully. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Whew! Let's shave a few years off my life, shall we? For those of you who don't write, Fanfic is not easy, let me tell you. For those of you who do, you know what I'm talking about! I'm asking for readers to be understanding and tolerant of me. This is my first NC-17 attempt. I feel that explicit sex scenes are not my forte, but all my previous MSR stories have stopped just short of the "Final Frontier." I decided that it was time to put up or shut up! Some of it may be pure bunk, but what the hell, It's all just fantasy! By the way, I hope the whole thing wasn't too clinical or unromantic, I tried - I really did! But expressing such a beautiful act with words is a difficult and wrenching experience. Oh, well. :-) Anyway, this continuation is dedicated to the readers of "Like Tears in Rain" who requested a sequel. If you missed it and can't get "Like Tears in Rain" on Gossamer, E-mail me, and I can send it to you. I never write my fanfic with the intention of creating sequels, but several of you wanted a satisfying resolution to the ScullyAngst and MulderAngst portrayed in that story. Well, I hope I haven't disappointed anyone! As always, I really like feedback - especially the good kind. If you have problems with the story (and there will always be people who hate it), please let me know why. Constructive criticism is good for everyone involved. If you actually made it this far, why don't you drop me a line at chadt@aloha.net as I would appreciate hearing from you! Thanks for reading! -- Chad K. Tanaka chadt@aloha.net