Full Circle To The Truth Pt. One(NC-17)(1/4) AUTHOR: Des EMAIL: des826@internetconnect.net FEEDBACK: As the great James Brown would say: Please, Please, Please!!! DISTRIBUTION: I can't think of any place I WOULDN'T want it to go, so anywhere as long as my name is attached and you let me know when you send it. CLASSIFICATION: MSR, Romance; Post EP-"One Son" RATING: NC-17 for some language and steamy passion between my fav FBI agents. If that doesn't float your boat, DO NOT PASS GO!! Minors: Put your hands in the air, and step AWAY from the fic!! Or I'm telling your mama!! Non/shippers: DANGER! NOROMOS! DANGER!!! MSR AHEAD. SPOILERS: I didn't intend when I first started writing to have any spoilers at all, but, so much of this story is writing itself; I'm just trying to keep up. Though the spoilers are small, it does help to be familiar with all that M&S have been through together. To list so far: Arcadia, Fight The Future, The Ghosts that Stole Christmas, Duane Barry/Ascension/One Breath, The Blessing Way. SMUTNUGGET: M&S's first...(ahem)...encounter, is semi- autobiographical but let's just keep this our little secret! DISCLAIMER: Well, you all KNOW I'm a singer, so I can't Have just a regular disclaimer; IT HAS TO HAVE MUSIC!! This disclaimer is set to the tune of "Walking After You" performed by the Foo Fighters on the Fight The Future soundtrack. If you know it-start humming the tune as you read. If you don't - SHAME ON YOU!! Go buy the soundtrack, and THEN hum the tune as you read. So...here we go... Mulder and Dana Scully, don't belong to me... They are CC's... Along with Fox Broadcasting, and also 1013... Oh no infringement, intended by me... I'm not paid a fee. I'm just a struggling...singer you see... Ooo, ooo...If you come after me... no profit in it for...you. Ooo, Ooo...Just feel Mulder and Scully... deserve happiness...too. Ooo...Ooo...Since CC won't agree... I'm doing it for...you. GRATITUDE & THANKS: CC for pissing me off enough that I felt I had to do something after One Son. I would have never found out what a wonderful thing the writing process is. Maria Gomez, my XF pt beta-reader and idea conjurer at work for being patient, listening to me, and being so sweet; LT and all The Cave dwellers for trying to find the deeper meaning behind the characters; Gwoman&Patt for their outlook, support and for making me laugh; Zuffy - for being who you are - and for writing the pain - filled, three sentence, e-mail that started me on this journey. ATXF for providing a diversity of opinions and just plain silliness; The Paradise...who saved my Philehood after One Son(I was gonna quit watching) and all the writers and lurkers who are a part of the list, you guys are so great; Heather's and Mitzi for pushing, nudging, and when that doesn't work, outright blackmail to inspire us all to write higher levels of smutdom. Nic and Kimba-thanks I know you tried, you were just too busy!! DEDICATION: This story is dedicated to 3 people equally: Brandon - my songwriting partner, for telling me I needed To express what I was feeling. Alicia, my wonderful and supportive beta-reader. Thanks for your ideas, insights and patience, as well as your tremendous faith in me. I not only found a beta-reader, I found a friend. And last, but not least, my best friend Cat. The Scully to my Mulder. We are our own X-file; being able to read each other's minds, sense when something's wrong, and help each other through some rough times. You're closer than a sister and I would not have tried this if you hadn't said "I think you should write it Des." You mean the world to me and I love you. SUMMARY: Special Agent Diana Fowley. Special Agent Dana Scully. What do they mean to Fox Mulder? Does he know? If not, how far do you have to go to find the truth? I thought it was time to find out. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FULL CIRCLE TO THE TRUTH (NC-17) by Des J. Edgar Hoover Building The cellular phone clicked as he angrily disconnected. No answer. As he walked into the J Edgar Hoover building, and onto the elevator, he wondered for the umpteenth time that day-hell, that week, where was Scully? Pressing the button for his floor, he pondered for a moment, all the changes that had happened in the last several weeks. Things haven't been easy and he still wasn't sure how he felt about all that he'd learned. he thought with a shrug. But the way things stood now, the planet is safe - temporarily - NOT through his own efforts but by the efforts of another race of aliens that apparently don't believe in bondage. The group of men that he'd come to think of as the Consortium are all dead - with a few suspicious exceptions. Reaching into his coat pocket, he fished out a handful of sunflower seeds and cracked one open, thinking of loose ends and tight spots. Loose ends like Special Agent Jeffrey Spender, at first thought missing, now presumed dead. He had mixed feelings about it. His initial impression of the Spender was that he was a weasel, but he'd proven himself a man of integrity, standing up for himself, and facing down his superior by telling, no, by DEMANDING that the x-files be given back to him and Scully. And then he'd disappeared. But that last meeting had the desired effect, he thought, stepping from the elevator. He and Scully were back on the x-files, going undercover as a married couple in a planned community where three other married couples had gone missing without a trace. It was to be their first case back. But NOW there were strings attached. Special Agent Diana Fowley was liaison between them and Skinner's office. A glorified way of saying they had to answer to her. Every piece of information they acquire, now has to go through HER first - then Skinner. Mulder thought back for a second on the meeting that served to let him know he could continue his life's work, at the same time it told him there was always a price to be paid for disobedience. When he'd asked Skinner who sent down the order for a liaison, all Skinner said was that it didn't come from his office, but was an anonymous request from someone in a higher branch of the government. Mulder shook his head as he walked down the hall thinking of his partner's reaction to that little piece of news. It wasn't pretty. She'd thought the whole thing was concocted as another way to stop them from getting too close to the truth - and to keep them away from the man who was slowly becoming known as their ally: Assistant Director Walter Skinner. What else could he do, Mulder reasoned to himself, but give her his honest opinion on the subject? He'd told her she was letting her personal feelings color her judgement. Diana made no secret of her interest in the X-Files; it wasn't surprising that she would volunteer to be more directly involved if the opportunity arose. He grinned, thinking of Scully's response to his opinion. It was...NOT for delicate ears. He didn't know what had gotten into his petite partner lately. She was beginning to live up to her red-headed heritage, becoming a veritable spitfire now. But no matter. He secretly loved it when she swore at him - it was so...Unscullylike, he thought with a chuckle. Rounding the corner, he thought of what brought him to these hallowed halls today. He'd received a call from Skinner's secretary, telling him he had a meeting. He'd tried calling Scully then too, but again, he'd gotten no answer. After they'd wrapped up their last case, she told him she was taking off for the weekend. Then the weekend became ten days and he still couldn't reach her, though he was told that she had sent in a request for more time off. He wasn't even sure if she'd been contacted about this meeting but, as he opened the door to Skinner's outer office, he certainly hoped so...he missed her. "You wanted to see me, sir?" he asked, after being announced by Skinner's secretary and taking a seat. Noting his bosses' trademark stony stare, Mulder sat quietly and waited, not even blinking an eye at being studied intensely by the man who had gone from being his boss - and ass-kicker, to being his ally and ass-kicker. They'd played this scenario out so many times in the past that by now, it was old hat. Skinner leaned back in his chair and continued to silently stare at the man sitting so calmly before him. The only agent under him that manages to be both the bane of his existence, and someone so devoted to the truth that he secretly admired him. The road has been rocky, with many twists and turns, and he wondered, with some trepidation, what new twist this meeting would come to represent. But that could wait. Skinner had a question for his rogue agent. "What's going on between you and Agent Scully?" "I'm sorry sir? What do you mean?" Mulder asked cautiously. "Agent Mulder," Skinner began with a sigh, "You and Agent Scully had a focus that, combined, made you one of the most effective partnerships in the Bureau and a way of communicating - a short hand that didn't require words. At first, I thought you just needed to find your rhythm again but - you two are just not on the same page anymore. I want to know why." Mulder froze as the nightmare that he'd been having for the last few weeks, came painfully to life. There WAS a distance between them. One that had him up late at night, pacing the floor, trying to figure out just when it happened. Trying to find a way to bridge the slow, but steadily increasing gap between him and his partner of 6 years. He was just too afraid to talk about it for fear that he would damage the partnership even more. Things were bad, but they were still together, and no one else had noticed. Or so he thought. He should have known that, if anyone was going to notice, it would be Skinner. Realizing that he had been sitting silently for several minutes without answering Skinner's question, he opened his mouth to speak, not having a clue as to what he was going to say. "Sir-" Luckily, a brisk knock at the door gave him a reprieve. The person behind that knock? Diana Fowley. While she made her apologies for being late and took a seat, both Skinner and Mulder eyed each other accusingly. What the hell was going on? , Skinner thought. . Before he could utter a word though, Fowley beat him to it. "OK Fox, what's this all about?" Mulder looked at her in surprise. "I thought Skinner called this meeting". Now it was Skinner's turn to be surprised. "I received a call from my secretary telling me someone had requested a meeting at this date and time. I had assumed it was you Agent Mulder." "No Sir. I received a similar call." "She called me too," added Diana. Determined to get to the bottom of it, Skinner buzzed his secretary, and asked her to come into the office. A few moments later, she walked nervously into the room, just inside the door. "Did you call Agent's Mulder and Fowley and myself to set up this meeting?" "Y-Yes," she stammered, clearing her suddenly dry throat. "Why?" he asked, with more bewilderment than anger. A clear and strong voice from behind her had Mulder's heart thudding. "Because I asked her to." With those words, and a squeeze of reassurance for Skinner's secretary, Special Agent Dana Scully, resplendent in a tailored tan skirt suit, and a file in her hand, entered the room. "I apologize for my methods, sir. I would ask that you not hold it against her, and that she be allowed to stay and take notes." Feeling really bewildered now, Skinner agreed as he glanced at Mulder to get an idea of what this was all about. No answers there. Mulder's attention was completely focused on the woman he hadn't seen or talked to in 10 days. As Mulder watched her taking the empty seat next to him, he was struck by a momentary feeling of helplessness. He was again, slapped by the distance between them. She hadn't looked at him or acknowledged him since she walked into the room. He needed to make things right. Mind made up, his features turning into a mask of determination, he promised himself if he had to carry her kicking and screaming to his apartment and tie her to the couch in his living room, they would work it out. All of it. And she wasn't leaving until they did. Scully took a deep breath and opened the file she carried into the room. Locating the form she was looking for, she handed it to Skinner, without a word. Skinner tried to gauge her mood by searching her face for clues, but her features were smooth - her expression blank, and he soon gave up to concentrate on the piece of paper before him. Mulder watched as Skinner blanched, then reddened, and he wondered just what was on that piece of paper Scully had just handed him. Fighting a growing sense of dread, he again tried to make eye contact with Scully. Again she didn't look at him. "Agent Scully" Skinner began, "what is this about? I assumed if you were having problems with your current assignment, you would come to me, before taking this kind of action. This is not proper procedure or protocol Agent. I never thought I'd have to remind *you*of that." "What kind of action?" Mulder asked, a headache starting to join his thudding heart. Ignoring Mulder's question, Scully answered Skinner's. "I apologize for not following proper procedure Sir. It certainly was not meant to be of any disrespect to you. I just felt this was the best way to handle the situation." Behind the 2 agents, Diana Fowley, shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Something about this made her nervous. Skinner was trying to clamp down on the inevitable guilt he was now feeling, realizing that if he didn't, there might not be any way to salvage the situation. He had KNOWN there was something wrong, he should have done something when he first noticed. But he didn't have time for guilt. He needed to focus his attention on a way to buy enough time to find out what was really going on here. He glanced at Mulder for a moment in sympathy. From his question and the fear that was very visible on his face, Scully never discussed this with him. Poor bastard. Returning his attention to Scully, he said, "after all that you have been through in these past 6 years, and all you have learned about the future, these past several weeks, you think the best way to handle this is to transfer OUT of the X-files?" "WHAT??? Scully, No!!!" Mulder shouted, as behind him, Diana Fowley closed her eyes in reaction. Scully was walking out. Though her voice trembled slightly, her resolve was evident in her response. "Agents Mulder and Fowley are more than capable of handling the field, and I can do more good in the lab overseeing the research team assigned to combat the virus. I'm still fighting sir, just changing battle positions." Momentarily breaking eye contact with Scully, Skinner skewered Mulder with a look that said But Mulder could do nothing. His world had just fallen apart. repeated itself over and over in his head, and his heart was squeezing the life out of him. He had to concentrate just to breathe. Amazingly enough, the next volley came from Fowley. "Look Agent Scully, I know what this is about and-" "All I need is your signature, Sir," Scully said, addressing herself to Skinner, and effectively cutting her off. Still unable to speak, Mulder looked at Skinner, and tried to convey his feelings. Skinner looked down for a moment, feeling torn. "Agent Scully, you are putting me in a very difficult position here". Reaching into the file again, she pulled out a 2nd piece of paper, and placed it on the desk. Again, without a word. Both Skinner and Mulder eyed the second piece of paper apprehensively. What now? He didn't know about Skinner, but Mulder didn't think he could handle any more. Skinner read the letter thoughtfully worded, carefully typed and neatly signed and shook his head in disbelief. "Resignation agent Scully? You would resign from the FBI? You're telling me it's transfer or nothing?" Skinner asked, momentarily losing his tight control on his temper. Mulder closed his eyes, as he felt his heart just break. He was sure everyone could hear it shattering into tiny little pieces. He was positive they could see the blood dripping from his wounds. Scully's resolve wavered for a moment and she risked a quick glance at Mulder out of the corner of her eye, before hurriedly looking back down at her clasped hands. He was hurting. Well, so was she. Strengthening her resolve, she looked at Skinner determinedly as she answered his question. "Yes sir. It's transfer or nothing." At her words, whatever had paralyzed Mulder from the moment she started the conversation, let him go and he exploded into action, at the same time as Agent Fowley. Diana thought, even as she started to berate Scully for not talking over this kind of a major move with her partner or with her: the person with whom she *really* had the problem. At the same time, Mulder was trying to find out why Scully wanted to throw away 6 years of partnership, without even bothering to talk with him. How could she trust him with her life, but NOT trust him with her feelings? But Scully never focused on either of them, choosing instead, to concentrate her attention on a response from Skinner that would end this hell. She didn't know how much more of this she was going to be able to take so, in the midst of all of the chaos, she masked her features and locked gazes with him. Skinner's eyes widened in shock. For the first time since she'd walked into his office, Scully's feelings were clearly evident in her face. She meant it. She was walking, whether he or Mulder liked it or not. He never thought he'd see the day. Not when it came to the X-Files...or Agent Mulder, when Scully would CHOOSE to leave. 'They' had tried everything, including trying to kill her, to break them up and nothing worked. He supposed he figured nothing ever could. Apparently, he was wrong. Breaking eye contact, Skinner thought fast. If he didn't sign the transfer, Scully would walk, and knowing her determination they'd never find her again, she'd make sure of it. Or...maybe she wouldn't - but he couldn't take that chance. Momentarily blinded by a sheen of tears, Skinner blinked and looked up apologetically at Mulder. "You're not going to do it, are you? You can't! Not without giving us a chance to work this out! Damn it Skinner, you didn't let ME resign-" "Nor will I let Agent Scully," Skinner interrupted, and, picking up the letter, tore it into little pieces. Mulder gave a premature sigh of relief, leaning back in his chair, forgetting for a moment, the dual nature of Scully's ultimatum. After tearing up the letter, Skinner picked up his pen and prepared to do the one thing that he knew would look like a betrayal of trust to Agent Mulder. Closing his eyes for a moment, he thought and with that thought as his primary motivation, he signed the official termination of one of the most effective partnerships in the FBI. Mulder was shocked. Skinner had done it. And for the second time in this meeting, he was paralyzed and speechless. "Thank you sir," Scully said. Putting the form back into her file, Scully rose to leave. She knew she had to do this quickly. Before Mulder recovered from his shock. It was almost done. "Agent Scully?" "Yes Sir?" "Take care of yourself." "You too, Sir. You too." As she turned to leave, Scully reminded herself that she had one more thing to take care of and set her sights on the woman beginning to rise from her chair. She had a very private, woman to woman message for one Diana Fowley. Walking across the room, Scully pinned her where she stood with eyes of blue steel. In a voice cold enough to chill and low enough not to be overheard, she spoke. "Take care of him, or you will answer to me. Understand me on this Agent Fowley. You hurt him, or even let someone else hurt him, there will be NO place you can hide." Diana stared at the woman who had just become a small red- headed terminator, and believed every word she said. Assured that her message was received, Scully opened the door, and walked out of the office. As soon as the door was closed, she heard a great deal of commotion and confusion inside. No surprise there. But she could not focus on that right now. "I did it. It's done," she whispered to herself, as she leaned back against the door. Of course she knew that wasn't entirely true. Not if she knew her partner. she thought, as a wave of pain washed over her. When she felt the jiggle of the doorknob, she knew she had to get out of there fast. She needed to get a big enough lead to make it to the elevators before he could stop her. She could never go through with this if she had to face him just now. And so, though it was easy way out, she broke into a trot, in an effort to allude the man that had been a part of her life - a part of her, for 6 years. Mulder spotted her instantly and started walking quickly to stop her, understanding that she probably thought that by walking out on him in public, she would avoid the showdown that would surely occur if she were to face him in private. After 6 years together, she should know him better than that. "Scully! Scully wait! Why won't you talk to me, damn it! Scully!" he said desperately, not even caring about making a scene in the semi-secluded hallway. Tears rolled freely down Scully's cheeks as her heart broke. Because she was blinded by the tears she was sure would become a fixture in her life, at least for the immediate future, she sensed more that saw the elevator arriving. Mulder realized that he wasn't going to catch up to her in time to stop her from getting on the elevator. She was stepping on it right now, though she was facing the wall. he thought. So he stopped, a foot away, and said the one thing that would encompass all the hurt, betrayal, and bewilderment he was feeling. "YOU SAID YOUR PLACE WAS WITH ME NOW!!!" he shouted, just now realizing the tears rolling down his face. At this, Scully halted the elevator doors, which were beginning to close. She'd hoped to avoid this. By planning and executing her transfer in this manner, she thought she could avoid - or at least delay - the inevitable. This was harder than even she'd anticipated and she felt out of control. SO out of control that she was about to do something completely uncharacteristic for her. But her sense of integrity wouldn't allow her to do anything else. < This just isn't fair>, she thought, So she prepared to face the man that was her partner, colleague, friend, one more time. Taking a deep breath, she turned to him. And when she did it was like a punch in the gut to him. Well, she was finally looking at him, and he had her attention, but the only thing he could do was hold on to the wall for support, and the only words he could utter were- "God, Scully, you're crying." "So are you," she replied. In a state of shock, Scully stared. she thought. Mistaking her shock for hope, Mulder tried inching his way a little closer to her, but was stopped when she took her finger off the hold button. "Scully-" "I love you, Mulder." Mulder's knees buckled. As the elevator doors closed, he simply couldn't hold himself up any longer. The wall he was leaning on was now used to brace him as he slid to the floor. He never dared to even DREAM those words from her - except maybe in that hazy time between sleep and wakefulness, when he just couldn't stop his heart from wishing it's desire. And now it's been given to him, at the very same moment that it walks right out of his life. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX End of Part (1/4) NEW DEBUT: Full Circle To The Truth Pt. One (NC-17)(2/4) AUTHOR: Des EMAIL ADDRESS: des826@internetconnect.net Disclaimer in Section 1 As the elevator descended, Dana tried to rein in her rioting emotions. How had it come to this? Since the night she walked out of the LGM's place, she'd known what she had to do. She meant it when she told Mulder she couldn't help him. This was a journey he had to make alone. Even shoring up her strength these past weeks, she STILL felt like she was ripping her own heart out. Was she doing the right thing? Scully leaned against the elevator wall trembling and in tears, alternately cursing herself and rejoicing in the fact that she'd finally told Mulder her "dirty little secret." She felt a little hysterical laugh bubble up at the inappropriate flashback to the last time that phrase was spoken to her, in a haunted house, by a "ghost." Feeling torn apart by equal parts pain and grief, Scully closed her eyes and saw him. Bewildered, betrayed, angry and hurt. God, she'd hurt him. She did her best not to let it show, but the strong bond that had always been between them was alive and well, enough for her to feel both HIS pain as well as her own. It was tearing her up inside; she had to get out of here. Fast. Scully clamped down hard on her lower lip and fought for control, reaching in the pocket of her suit for a tissue to wipe her eyes, not even noticing that the elevator had stopped and a few other agents had gotten on. "Agent Scully? Are you alright?" Outwardly composed now, she turned around as she heard the doors open on the ground floor, squared her shoulders and looked straight ahead, walking resolutely to the exit. "I'm fine." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX J Edgar Hoover Building 3:02 PM Standing in the doorway of Skinner's outer office, both he and Diana watched the scene between the two agents unfold, even though they couldn't hear what was being said. The insistent ringing of the telephone penetrated Diana's concentration, and she tore her eyes away from the scene in the hall and looked around for Skinner's secretary, noting that Skinner's concentration remained unbroken. Realizing that Skinner's secretary must have stepped away from her desk, Diana herself walked over to the phone and answered it, taking a message for her. As she heard the phone disconnect in her ear, Diana watched Mulder slide down the wall of the hallway to the floor. Dammit, she needed to find out what was going on. Realizing that she was listening to a dial tone, Diana started to hang up, then thought better of it as an idea came to her. Raising her voice, hoping to catch Skinner's attention, Diana pretended to have a conversation, then hung up; glad to see that her ploy worked. He was watching her. "Sir, that was Holly," She said, walking back to the doorway. "She said that AD Kersch is requesting that you report to his office immediately." "Can't this wait?" he asked, turning his attention back to the scene in the hallway. "No sir. Kersch said immediately." Annoyed, Skinner sighed. "Alright, I have to see what this is about. Agent Fowley, inform Agent Mulder that he is to report back to my office and is NOT to leave until I get back." "Yes, sir. I will." After watching to make sure the Assistant Director was indeed on his way, Diana made a beeline for Mulder. "Fox? My God...Fox, look at you." Getting down on her knees, Diana tried to rouse him as best she could. Wrapping her arms around him, she tried - unsuccessfully - to help him up. He was dead weight. If she was to get him up, she would need his help. She was acutely aware of the picture he made, slovenly draped against the wall. Agents and secretaries alike were already whispering behind her. "Fox, you have to get up. Skinner will be back soon. It won't take him long to realize I invented that urgent request from Kersch's office. I tried to buy you some time to pull yourself together," she stressed. Leaning down further, trying to make eye contact, she slid a finger under his chin, tilting it upwards enough that she can look into his eyes-and was stunned at the devastation there. "Fox? What the hell happened?" "She's gone," he mumbled, stunned. "I can't hear you, Fox." "Sh-she took my dream." "What?" Diana asked, realizing he wasn't making sense. When she received no answer, she tried again. "We'll find a way to work this out Fox...together. You and me, okay?" Mulder squinted, for the first time noticing Diana - and felt totally disoriented. "Fox, Skinner still wants to talk to you in his office when he gets back and everyone is watching. You need to get up and pull yourself together," she said forcefully, holding his face in her hands, trying to keep his attention rooted on her. Mulder nodded mutely, tears still running down his face. After rising from his position on the floor, Diana straightened his jacket, and tried to wipe the tears he still seemed unaware of. "It's going to be okay, Fox," Diana said softly, stroking his face. "I'll help you." After focusing on her blearily for a moment, Mulder walked back down the hall to Skinner's office, while Diana followed along more slowly, assuring enough distance between them to allow her to pull out her cellular phone without being noticed, and quickly dialed a number. "She quit. Not the FBI, the X-files," She said curtly, and hung up. Lengthening her stride, she walked into Skinner's office, grateful to see he hadn't arrived back yet, and closed the door. Taking the empty seat beside Mulder, she took his hand, glad to see the tears had stopped. "Fox, you still have the work; the X-Files are still yours. It can be like old times? Remember? You and me investigating a case? Things should run more smoothly now since you and I approach them from the same side." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing." "No-no, you said approaching it from the same side, are you trying to say that Scully wasn't on my side?" "After what has happened here today, how can you believe anything different?" "You don't know her like I do." "I know she walked out of here without so much as a goodbye!" "And we BOTH know that she's not the ONLY woman in my life that has done that, don't we?" "Dammit, you're not being fair!" "And you are?" "Fox, this work isn't easy and it isn't comfortable - it takes guts to challenge your own beliefs day after day!" "Who the HELL do you think you are? NOW you're saying that Scully is a coward?" "I'm saying that investigating the X-Files requires an open mind. A phrase I tend not to associate with Agent Scully." "You know NOTHING about Scully. She views our cases through the eyes of science; it's who she is and she's saved my ass more times than you can ever know. She is as important to the work, as I am." "Don't you mean she was?" Diana corrected softly. And with her words the pain came rushing back like a flood, making him tightly shut his eyes and get to his feet. "Like I said Diana, you don't know her like I do," Mulder said tiredly, rubbing his temples. The headache was getting worse. He had to get out of there. Opening his eyes and turning quickly, Mulder started for the door - only to be stopped by Diana, blocking his path. "Fox, I'm sorry." Stroking his chest, she added, "I guess I'm a little over- protective when it comes to you." "Diana, if we are to be working together, then Scully is a subject we have to agree NOT to discuss," he said, grabbing her stroking hand, removing it from his chest, and letting it go. And with those words he was gone. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Margaret Scully's house 4:10 PM "Dana?" "Hi mom." "What are you doing here?" she asked, pulling her into her arms for a hug and shutting the door. Dana squeezed her eyes tightly shut and held on for dear life. Alarmed by her daughter's almost desperate grip, and some inner radar that only a parent can have when it comes to their children, Margaret Scully pulled back and gently smoothed her daughter's hair, taking note of the fact that she wouldn't meet her eyes. Wrapping an arm around her waist and gently directing her toward the living room, she asked... "Honey? Is everything alright?" "I'm fine mom." "Come on, let's sit down," she said, patting an empty section of the couch. But Scully was too restless to sit. If she sat, then she might think, and if she thought, she might feel, and THAT was something she couldn't let happen. She simply COULDN'T feel anymore, it would kill her. Stalling, she asked, "Mom, don't you want some coffee?" "In a bit. Sweetheart?" "I sure could use some." "Dana-" "Mom, Mulder and I are no longer partners," Scully abruptly blurted out. "What??" "I terminated it. Transferred out of the X-Files, actually. It's a done deal," she said brokenly. "Why?" "I HAD to." "But...why, honey?" Dana remained silent. Margaret Scully sighed at this well recognized sign. Her daughter was indeed in pain. "Well...how - what did Fox say?" "I didn't give him a chance to say anything." "Dana! You didn't even TALK to him first?" "It was the only way, Mom! I'm just waiting until after hours to pack up my things because I...I just can't face him again!" she said, ending on a whisper. "Oh Mom," Scully cried, "I feel so lost!" With tears in her eyes, she finally broke down and fell into her mother's already outstretched arms. "Oh honey, it will be okay," she soothed. Margaret Scully held her daughter, thought of her partner, and hurt for them both. She'd always known that to find their happiness they'd both have to overcome pain. As she hugged her daughter and tried to comfort her, part of her brain marveled at how her very logical rational daughter thought that just by signing a slip of paper, she could separate 2 people that were joined at the soul. Her mind flashed back to the day she finally understood that fact, a shudder racking her body as she remembered those terrifying months after her daughter's abduction - and the day she handed her daughter's cross, the only piece of jewelry recovered, back to the man she KNEW would never rest until her daughter was back where she belonged. With her family. And with him. Though she was not entirely sure EITHER of them understood that. Yet. But SHE did. And hopefully quite soon...so would they. So be it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mulder's Apartment 10:30 PM "Agent Mulder, you were ordered to remain in my office. I wasn't finished with you yet." Mulder leaned against the doorframe and looked at his superior with an insolence that was all bravado. "I had a pressing appointment." "Sitting alone? In your apartment? In the dark?" "Can't beat the company." "You might as well invite me in, because I'm not going away." "Well then...by all means," Mulder said, opening the door wide and bowing deeply. "Stop being such a smart ass Mulder; you're not fooling me," Skinner shot back, entering the apartment and closing the door. "No disrespect intended sir, but it IS after hours, and I'm in my own house." "Meaning?" "I have every right to act like an ass," Mulder replied glibly, settling down on the couch and not even bothering to turn on a light. "Is that what happened between you and Agent Scully?" Skinner asked while settling into a chair himself. At the mention of her name, Mulder closed his eyes - an action that wasn't lost on Skinner. "You probably know more about what happened than I do. She didn't even give me a clue that something was wrong." "Bullshit." Opening his eyes, Mulder just stared. "Don't hand me that crap Agent Mulder. If *I* knew something was wrong , YOU sure as hell did." "Well you sure as hell took care of it, didn't you? A flick of the wrist, problem solved." "Don't try to put the blame on me Agent Mulder. What did you do?" "Just what makes you think I did ANYTHING?" Mulder said, guilt starting to be overcome by temper. "When Scully showed up at that Georgetown hospital, comatose after her abduction 4 years ago, EVERYONE tried to bring her out of it. Nurses and family members alike. But one of the nurses taking care of her told me that she didn't come out of it until YOU sat at her bedside and talked to her. Not even DEATH could make her leave you! And yet this very same woman arranged a meeting in my office this morning and WILLINGLY walked away. Now I'm beginning to lose my patience with you Agent Mulder. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" "I DID NOTHING!" Mulder yelled , jumping up from the couch, temper in full control of his actions now. "THAT'S A GODDAMNED LIE," Skinner roared. "There's been a problem between you two ever since Cassandra Spender was found and then killed! So don't hand me that bullshit about you have no idea or that you didn't DO anything, because when you do that, you're working against yourself. Now SOMETHING happened. WHAT THE HELL WAS IT?" The air left Mulder's lungs with a whoosh at his words, feeling as if he'd just received a punch in the gut. Skinner's words had just caused all the pieces to click into place. Now he COULD pinpoint when the trouble started: it was when Scully walked out on him after presenting evidence about Diana, at the LGM's place. AFTER she told him that she couldn't help him anymore. AFTER he'd made it clear that he didn't believe her evidence was any REAL proof. Oh my God. Jumping out of his chair, and grabbing Mulder by his T- shirt, Skinner spun him around, and threw him to the floor. "I asked you a question Agent Mulder, and I expect an answer." Leaning down and grabbing his shirt, Skinner braced as if he fully intended to knock Mulder across the room again. "Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way, but EITHER way I'm getting some answers." "Go to hell, Skinner." "Not until you do. Now. What. Did. You. Do." Breaking down, Mulder explained, "We've been having disagreements about Diana." "Disagreements? What kind of disagreements?" "Scully did some checking on Diana and found what she thought was incriminating evidence." "Evidence?" "Through phone records, she was able to find out that Diana had been making weekly trips to Tunisia and has traveled extensively throughout Europe. Scully thought the reason for this was to monitor the women who had microchips planted in the back of their necks like her, and then report it to her superiors." "What SHE thought - you didn't agree with her?" "No." "Why not?" "I thought this was...personal." "Agent Scully was chosen as your partner BECAUSE of her objectivity as a scientist, yet you didn't trust her judgement. Why?" "Because she doesn't know Diana like I do." "And that overrides the fact that Agent Scully is your partner and has been for 6 years?" "One has NOTHING to do with the other-" "And THAT'S MY POINT!! Just whose judgement is being affected here, Agent Mulder? What's REALLY going on, dammit!" Skinner added, giving him a shake. It was slowly beginning to dawn on Skinner that this was more a matter of Mulder's inability to handle having both women in his life than anything else - and he stiffened against the surge of anger that coursed through him at the thought. Mulder just stared at Skinner helplessly, shaking his head and watching an almost frightening surge of anger leap into his eyes as he watched his superior begin to put two and two together. Breathing heavily, through clenched teeth, Skinner spoke evenly, "You mean to tell me that one of the best - if not THE best, partnership in the FBI was terminated because YOU couldn't get your SHIT TOGETHER?" he said, ending on a yell. "That's none of your damn business!" Mulder screamed, trying to get up from his position on the floor. "The hell it isn't." Skinner began, holding Mulder in place with a hand to his throat. "Look, I've never questioned you and Agent Scully's relationship. I KNOW that the protectiveness and care that you show toward one another, the bond that develops from that, is necessary and important if you are to stay alive. Yours was stronger than most, I think. It surprises me that you would do ANYTHING to jeopardize that." "I didn't KNOW I was jeopardizing ANYTHING!" "BULLSHIT! If you hand me that innocent line one more time, I swear to god, I will kick your ass." At his words, Mulder sprang into action, forcibly removing Skinner's hands from his throat, and landing a punch that skimmed Skinner's jaw, making his glasses go flying across the room. Before he could connect again, Skinner grabbed him and twisted his arm behind his back high enough that, if Mulder moved the slightest inch, he would be in pain. "You want to take a shot at me, Agent Mulder? Will it change anything? Even if I let you, it won't change the fact that she's gone, and it won't change the fact that you brought this on yourself." "You don't know anything about it Skinner," Mulder replied, slumped, defeated and trying unsuccessfully to hold back tears. As Skinner saw the tears rolling down Mulder's face, he was struck by a twinge of sympathy. Hardening his heart, and cloaking himself with icy remoteness, Skinner rose from his spot on the floor and, picking up his glasses, walked to the door. "Agent Scully is the best thing that ever happened to you. I thought you knew that. If you don't...then she was right to walk out on you. Get your priorities straight Agent Mulder. Before it's too late." And with that, he walked out the door. Mulder sat on the floor, staring at the door in more pain than he thought was possible to feel. He felt lost, adrift. Normally when he felt like this, he turned to Scully. She had always been his anchor, his refuge, no matter what other turmoil existed in his life. Just seeing her, having her around, made things better. But now she's gone. And with that thought, he became aware of one more thing he was feeling. Anger. Rising on shaky legs and picking up his keys, Mulder walked out the door, deciding to go to the one place that still had traces of Scully, hoping that this would bring him some comfort. Back to the office. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX J Edgar Hoover building Basement office Dana looked at her watch, and stubbornly wiped the last of the tears from her eyes. It was time to go. She'd purposely parked on a side street outside the building, utilizing the parking meter instead of the parking garage, to insure that she limit her time here, lest her resolve weaken. She couldn't afford to weaken; this was the biggest gamble of her life. She stood, box in hand, and took one last look at the office that had sometimes seemed like a 2nd home to her. So many memories, she mused, arguments, debates, long discussions laced with comfortable silences. Bad puns, even worse innuendoes, she thought a slight smile touching her lips; she was going to miss those. Joy and heartache, pain and comfort. Shutting the door behind her, Scully walked up the steps, out of the building, then down the street. As she walked to the car, Scully thought of the most surprising aspect of her partnership with Mulder. The laughter. She knew that she had a tendency to be very solemn at times, mostly due to the choices she'd made in her life. The solemnity was necessary to be taken seriously. But never with Mulder. He always valued her opinion and took her seriously. Even when they didn't agree. From the first day she walked into his office and introduced herself. To the last, when he scoffed at her evidence about Diana and she'd walked out. Stopping in front of her car, Scully took a deep breath and then searched for her car keys, thinking to herself that it smelled like rain. After putting her box of memories in the trunk, she slammed down the hood. "In all our years together Scully, I never figured you for a coward." "Jesus Mulder," Scully said with a start. "You scared me to death; what are you doing here?" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX End of Part (2/4) NEW DEBUT:Full Circle To The Truth Pt. One (NC-17)(3/4) AUTHOR: Des EMAIL ADDRESS: des826@internetconnect.net Disclaimer in Section 1 Outside the J Edgar Hoover building 11:45 PM Across the street, in a nondescript car, smoke filled the air as the passenger door opened then closed. "You're just in time. The show's just starting." "Do you have any idea what time it is?" "I didn't interrupt anything, did I?" "I...no. Why are we here?" "Gathering information; you can only win a war if you don't underestimate your enemy." Annoyed, Diana Fowley grabbed the door handle. "It's too late for guessing games, now if you don't have anything for me-" "Oh but I do Agent Fowley, I do," Opening his window, CSM flicked his cigarette out with thumb and forefinger. "What then?" "I thought it was time you checked out the competition." "What comp-" she broke off. Diana never completed the sentence because it was just at that instant that she spotted Scully slamming down the trunk of her car - and Mulder stepping out of the shadows. Diana stared mutely, as the CSM, lighting another cigarette, remarked, "Should be quite a show, don't you think?" With a chuckle he added, "I only wish I'd bought popcorn." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Stepping further out of the shadows, but saying nothing, Mulder gave his partner *ex-partner* a critical once over. She was slowly becoming pale and she was trembling. Good. She wasn't as unaffected as she seemed, though she was trying desperately to hide that fact from him. Any other time that would have endeared her to him. Now it just hurt. "I'm no coward, Mulder," Scully said evenly, trying to still her suddenly quaking body. "No? Let's look at the facts. You tell me you are going away for a weekend that turns into 10 days, with no call, nothing. When you finally DO show up, it's only to announce that you have arranged a transfer out of the X-files, without a word to your partner or your superior, but worst of all..." Mulder paused as his voice broke with emotion. Clearing his throat, he continued. "But worst of all, you tell me you love me and walk away. What would you call it, Scully?" "Necessary," she shot back, wrapping her arms around herself defensively. His pain was an almost living thing to her. "But you didn't find it necessary to talk with me? Your partner?" "There was nothing left to talk about." "Really? So you're saying it wasn't necessary to talk to me about the fact that you love me?" "I didn't think it was fair to leave without telling you," she said softly. "Well, I didn't think it was fair of you to tell me, then leave." "Mulder, this is pointless. It's done." "Why Scully? Because of Diana?" Scully lowered her head. She had hoped to put this conversation off until they were both better able to handle it. It was time to accept that she would not be given a reprieve. Taking a deep breath, Scully prepared to speak her peace. "Mulder, do you remember what you said to me when we were working on the Pfaster case? You said you didn't want me to feel like I had to keep anything from you, remember?" "Scully-" "And yet, you didn't share this -HER- with me. You've acted from the very beginning like you had something to hide." "I also remember telling you, not so long ago, that you hide your feelings very well! How could I be sure of the way you would react?" "How can you ask something of me that you aren't willing to do yourself?" "And what happened to 'not everything is about you Mulder, this is my life?' Well, I could make the same statement. When is MY life...My life?" Scully flinched away as if he had struck her, eyes going dark with temper and pain, and causing Mulder to instantly regret his words. "Your life has *always* been your life, I'm simply taking mine back," she answered hoarsely, starting to step around him. It was time to go. Mulder grabbed her arm, stopping her before she could get into her car and drive away. "Scully wait." Turning around, Scully faced him with somber blue eyes. "I can't help you Mulder. Not anymore." "You're trying to make me choose and that's not fair." "It's not a question of you choosing; *I* chose." "Why?" "I don't know who you are anymore." "What are you talking about Scully? I am who I have always been." "No. Not when she's around." "Why are you making this about her?" "It's NOT about her, it's about you." "Wait a minute-" "You wanted to know, so LISTEN! I can't trust you anymore! She has some sort of hold over you, and it's affected your judgement!" "My judgement," he repeated, annoyed. "Yes. And your instincts." "The instincts that you say you can no longer trust are the SAME ones that brought me here. RIGHT here! The SAME ones that KNEW you would be here. And the SAME ones that brought YOU here right now." "I came here tonight because-" "You knew, Scully! NO!" He started, before she could interject. "You *knew* I'd be here, just like I *knew* you would! Somehow. We both just knew! Be-because...that's US! We share a bond - a connection! The same bond that told you I was still alive when everyone else thought I was dead. Burned to death in that boxcar in New Mexico," Mulder said, his voice shaking with emotion. "The same bond that NEVER let me give up hope when you were taken-" he stopped, shaking with the effort of holding back the tears that threatened as he thought back to her abduction - and causing the first tear to track down Scully's cheeks. "Even though everyone - including your mother - did give up hope," he finished, his voice hitching. "Somehow I knew, just as you did then, because there is something between us. It's been there from the beginning." "But it's - it isn't there now." "It is. Right now! I wouldn't be here - YOU wouldn't be here - if it weren't!" "You'd understand why I'm doing this if it were!" Taking a deep breath to regroup, Scully continued. "Mulder, I once told you that there was a limit to how far I would go; a line which I cannot -no- WILL not cross. I've drawn it here." "All because I didn't believe you about Diana? I told you you don't know her!" "I don't believe you do either but," she added quickly before he could comment, "she is only part of the problem." "OK. What's the rest of it?" "Mulder. We...our partnership works because were are not only true to the work, but true to ourselves, our beliefs-" "I still believe in you, Scully. Are you telling me you no longer believe in me?" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX End of Part (3/4) NEW DEBUT: Full Circle To The Truth Pt. One (NC-17)(4/4) AUTHOR: Des EMAIL ADDRESS: des826@internetconnect.net Disclaimer in Section 1 "Mulder...though it probably doesn't look like it, I wouldn't be doing this at all if I didn't believe in you. But it doesn't mean a thing if we don't remain true to our nature and to each other." "We're on opposite sides of the fence with this one, Mulder. For either of us to cross to the other's side without really believing would be betraying everything that we stand for, everything we are. We'd be working against each other, and the truth." "What do you want me to say Scully? Should I tell you you're right when I don't feel you are? Just tell me," Mulder said, raising his voice. "That's just my point," she shouted, trying to make him see, to understand. "You can't do that for me anymore than I can do that for you! What's more, I wouldn't ask you to! You have to be who you are and so do I." "And you think the answer is leaving?" he said angrily. "Leaving is the ONLY answer right now," she yelled. "It can't be a choice between who you are and me!" "But it CAN be a choice between who YOU are and ME, right? And I'm the loser," Mulder yelled, as thunder and lightening acted as a manifestation of the storm inside them both, and the sky started pouring buckets of rain. "That's not it at all!" "You said you loved me," he yelled. "And YOU said I was the ONLY one you trusted! Was THAT a lie," she yelled back, control all but forgotten. "DO...YOU...LOVE...ME?" He yelled, taking a step toward her with every word he spoke. "AS MUCH AS YOU TRUST ME!" "SCULLY, IT'S NOT A MATTER OF TRUST!" "AND IT'S NOT A MATTER OF LOVE!" "DAMN YOU SCULLY! ANSWER ME!" "YES! DO YOU THINK I WOULD LIE ABOUT THAT?" She screamed, tears now joining the rain drops rolling down her face. At this, Mulder lowered his head. The hell of it was he knew she wouldn't. Not Scully. And that thought brought him to the one thing he'd been denying all day: they were at an impasse. How can they get past this and still be who they were? How could they not? If he simply went along with her and followed her blindly, would he be able to look at himself in the mirror? If she felt this strongly about the situation, how could she let herself go along with it without losing her self-respect? They were each immovable. Mulder pushed down the hopelessness that was fighting to rear it's ugly head. Anger was better; anger didn't hurt. Damn her. Damn her for giving him his dream and taking it away. Stepping closer, Mulder leaned down so they were eye to eye. "You walked out without so much as a word. Without talking to me at all. Does 6 years mean NOTHING to you?" "I COULD SAY THE SAME THING! Look, I know I hurt you and I'm sorry, but there was no other way!" "There's ALWAYS another way!" "I COULDN'T tell you because I already knew how you would react!" "How the hell would you know how I was going to react? I thought you just said we didn't have any connection between us anymore! You're suddenly a proponent of ESP?" "I don't need ESP, Mulder," she said, stepping even closer and poking him in the chest. "We've been here before, or don't you remember what happened the *last* time I told you I was leaving?" And there it was. Thrown down like a gauntlet between them. The one subject they each have been so carefully avoiding since last summer, lest a spark that was started in a hallway of a small apartment building in Arlington, ignite into a flame so high neither would be able to put it out or figure out why they would want to. As the rain pelted their bodies, and the wind swirled around them, their breathing became labored, and the air crackled with tension. They each were remembering how close they came to heaven. Regrets filled them both that they weren't able to complete the promise of that kiss. Scully didn't even know if she was ready to complete that promise, and felt a moment of sheer panic. Fight or flight. But it was here that she finally noticed the position they were in. Nose to nose, with her nestled between his legs, and torn between wanting to move, and wanting to stay right where she was. Then Mulder made the choice for her, by wrapping his arms around her, preventing her any escape. "Mulder look, we're both upset and had a very hard day-" "No. No, Scully you asked a question," he whispered, relishing the fact, even through his anger, that this was the first time he held her in his arms in quite this way. "Do I remember what happened the last time?" "Every second," he said menacingly, softly, wrapping her tighter in his embrace, the growing fear in her eyes making his anger spike. "But you make a good point, Scully. This is the second time you've tried. Am I that much a pain in the ass? Or is it that you're just tired of being Mrs. Spooky?" "Mulder? Y-you know it's none of those t-things," she stammered, trying to calm her body's reaction to his nearness. Now that she had confessed her love and was in his arms, it seemed her body wanted it's expression too. And she was losing the energy to fight it. Was it so wrong to finally give in? "And how do I know that? You're the Ice Queen, right? You seem to have no problem walking away. Well, you can shed a few tears for auld lang syne, but after that we just change partners and dance, right? No hard feelings?" Mulder spoke cruelly, trying to hurt her - so that he wasn't the only one in pain. "You think this is easy?," she cried, beginning to feel hurt, then looked - really looked - into his eyes. And saw the truth. He was TRYING to hurt her. Like she was hurting him. She understood him well enough to know how he would view her actions and her heart broke for them both. Every important person in his life betrayed him - with the exception of Samantha - but before he would blame them, he'd see it as something lacking in HIMSELF - something within him that stops people from loving him enough to do the right thing or to stay. How could she get him to understand that she had to leave, but that she wasn't letting go? That this didn't have anything to do with her love? In the end, simple is always best. "I love you, Mulder." "Damn it Scully!" he said angrily, feeling like she was rubbing salt in his wounds. "I love you." "SHUT THE HELL UP!" He yelled, grabbing her until she was standing on tiptoe. Mulder looked into blue eyes both suddenly at half mast and aware, and felt small hands slowly slide their way up his chest, past his neck, to slowly caress his face. "I-" "DON'T SCULLY, I MEAN IT!" he said, quickly shaking her before she could finish the phrase. Scully simply set her teeth and waited. Then tried again. "Mulder, I love-" The rest of the phrase was cut off, as Mulder ground his mouth against hers bruisingly, still trying to hurt her. Jamming his tongue in her mouth and biting her lips, grabbing her breasts, squeezing her hips, and then her ass. But Scully, set free and emboldened by the passion she was now able to give to him, was not to be denied. She poured her love over him. Made sure he felt it in every touch, every sigh, using her tongue to soothe his lips, caressing where he grabbed or squeezed, searching for those special places of pleasure that would make him moan. GOD she wanted to make this man moan. she thought, softly sucking on his neck and feeling desire whip through her at hearing his first faint groan. And they'll BE no changing partners either. He would know that too. "Stop it," Mulder whispered, sinking his teeth into her neck and moaning as she licked him back with love. Nibbling and sucking, she made her way up his neck, thrilling at his every shudder and groan. "I haven't even started yet Mulder," she whispered. Mulder reminded himself. She nipped the soft underside of his chin, then soothed the small bite with her tongue, nibbling her way to his ear where, again using her tongue, she gently traced the outer rim, before sucking gently on the lobe. "Dammit Scully, I said stop it!" he growled, grabbing her shoulders and pushing her away with shaking hands; filled with anger, pain and love. she thought, stepping back into his arms with eyes open, as she stood on tiptoes and tasted the rain on his lips - tracing them slowly with the tip of her tongue and sending desire shooting through them both. She could feel her body softening, getting wetter, preparing itself to receive him, while her eyes told him how much she wanted him. Mulder looked into eyes of blue fire and felt anger and control slip away with every caress, every stroke of her tongue. he thought desperately < How the hell can I fight her love? It's what I always wanted.> And with that thought, Mulder gave himself what he wanted the most and for so long: Scully. Dana closed her eyes a moment as she felt his surrender and tried to resist, at least for a little while longer, her own; shuddering herself as Mulder rained small kisses over every inch of her face. She *still* had a point to prove. Wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her fingers in his thick, brown hair, Scully opened her eyes. Looking directly into his, she let them deliver the message: And if it took a lesson on a dark, public, rain-filled, street, Fox William Mulder would know who he belonged to THIS night. She would leave her touch on his body and her taste in his mouth, and dare him to find someone else to replace them. And if Diana Fowley thought she had a snowball's chance in hell of getting anywhere with him, *she* had a lesson coming too. Scully moaned as she felt his hands slide down her back to cup her ass, fitting her against him tightly and grinding his hips against her in a mute plea for relief. Tightening her grip, she pulled his head down and slid her tongue deep in his mouth. As she felt his tongue move boldly, demandingly into hers, all thought left her mind as she was swept up in the burning needs of a passion long denied and a love finally free. Before she had taken the next breath, she'd yanked the tails of his shirt out of his pants, and ripped it open, running her hands over the breadth and width of his chest, over his back and shoulders, and wishing like hell for a bed - even a table - so she could feast on him. But that didn't mean she couldn't taste, she thought, as she fastened her mouth on his chest, lapping at the rain with her tongue then swirling it around first one nipple, then the other, making him shudder, aroused at the feel of him. He hurried to catch up, sliding his hands up her back and underneath her jacket and yanking her shirt from her skirt, frantic to touch her. He slid his palms down the soft, smooth skin of her back, up, then down again, unhooking her bra on the way, impatient with anything separating him from her sweet flesh. Anxious to feel the curves he'd only dreamed about, he continued his exploration, moving his hands downward past her hips, bending his knees, and grasping the hem of her skirt. Slowly exploring and caressing the soft firm skin of her thighs, Mulder felt a surge that went straight to his groin as he realized that his very proper and tailored Scully wore thigh highs. Each stroke inched her skirt higher and brought him closer to his ultimate destination: the heaven he knew was between her thighs. How many times had he thought about tasting her, swirling his tongue around her clit, licking and sucking, over and over until she came screaming his name, and then doing it all again. And again. Reaching her bikinis, he slipped his hands underneath them, hearing her pleading whimpers, and feeling stunned. She was so hot, he felt branded by her. Her hips were beginning to shift restlessly as her tongue swirled around his invitingly, enticing him inside - only to wrap her lips around it and suck. Hard. Pulling his tongue further into her mouth, and making them both moan loudly as each thought of her doing the same thing with her lips wrapped around his cock. Mulder rocked his hips against her mindlessly, as he felt her small hands slide past both his pants and boxers, making them slide down past his waist, to settle on his ass, matching his rocking hips with movements of her own. He was wrapped in the magic of this small wonder of a woman, who was sexier than any video, and as ferocious as a tigress. This was a Scully he'd only dreamed about, who was surely every man's dream. Sliding her hand around to his front, Scully closed her hand around his shaft, sliding her thumb around the tip that was moist with pre-come and desire. She traced the length of him and marveled at his size. He was both hard and thick. Soft and smooth - and oh so ready for her, she thought, and proceeded to drive him crazy as she pumped him - slowly at first - then with increasing speed. The feeling of her small, capable hand sliding up and down his hard burning length, made him moan loudly, and shudder violently. Abruptly, Mulder unbent his knees, gripped her ass tightly and lifted her off her feet; knowing that if he didn't, it would be over before anything had really begun. Scully responded instantly, parting her thighs, wrapping them tight around his waist, and rubbing herself against his engorged cock; a distressed whimper of frustration escaping her at the barriers of clothing separating them, though it was only their underwear and his pants, since he had her skirt almost up around her waist. Desperate and needing something to brace her against, Mulder slammed her against the door of the car. Using his body to anchor her in place, he ripped her blouse open, shredding her bra along with it and sending buttons flying. Hungrily, he clamped his mouth on her breast, closing his lips around it and tasting the rain on her skin. Flicking the nipple back and forth with his tongue, he used his other hand to gently massage the other. Sucking, licking, then gently biting first one nipple then the other, making Scully moan, and rub herself against him harder and faster. And then they were lost. To anything and everything except each other. Now having the car door to brace her, Scully shifted into overdrive and instantly went to work. Not thinking of anything now, but Mulder and how desperately she wanted him. Shifting in frustration at the barriers still between them, Scully inadvertently found a position that placed him flush between her lips and the tip of his cock directly over her clit. Tightening her thighs around his waist to keep him there, Scully thrust her tongue strongly into his mouth, and proceeded to grind her hips, moving that hard thick ridge up and down between her folds. Fast and hard and furiously she moved, the fabric of her panties providing a marvelous friction that egged her on even further. Mulder had stopped kissing her, and was panting into her mouth. Round and round she went, each stroke rubbing her clit, and bringing them closer and closer to orgasm. Mulder, who was indeed feeling his own orgasm fast approaching, was still frustrated. He wanted skin. He wanted to feel that hot moist heat made just for him. Grabbing a handful of the lacy fabric, he ripped her panties off and threw them to the ground leaving her open and vulnerable to him. Scully slipped her hands lower on his body to slide his pants down even more, insuring that his cock was free and securely nestled between the wet, slick lips of her passion. Both of them moaned at the feeling of flesh on flesh. As he felt the moist heat of her outer lips enclose the length of him, Mulder wanted desperately to slide so far into her that he couldn't tell where he stopped and she began. But this was not the time or place. All it would take was a slight shift of his hips and he would be inside her. And the temptation of that almost drove him insane. But he didn't want to do that here. He wanted to wait until he could take his time about it. Lingering over her, tasting, licking and sucking every part of her body, then sliding inside her and riding her faster and faster until they both came. But for now, he was fit snug between the petals of her womanhood, and wanted to finish what they started. He couldn't jump into the fire - not just yet - but he WAS close enough to feel the heat. The impulse to move was hard to resist - his body was demanding satisfaction. And judging by her arousing whimpers, Scully wanted that too. So, grabbing her hips, Mulder then used his cock to rub her slippery folds up and down the length of him. "Scully, my god, Scully," he panted, moving her back and forth over him faster and almost ready to explode. "More, more please Mulder," she moaned into his mouth. An animal sound escaped him, as he gritted his teeth, and moved faster. The tension was building...faster and faster...out of control and becoming unbearable. Harsh groans and pleading whimpers - like a dam ready to burst. A second away from ecstasy, they were an extension of the storm; harsh and wild, abandoned and elemental. "Scully," he hissed through clenched teeth, "I'm...gonna...come." Trembling and straining, Scully knew she was almost there and moved frantically, grinding her way to the orgasm she knew they both had to have. "Oh. OH! Yes, yes. Mulder!" She cried as the fury came upon her and Mulder covered her mouth with his own. He grabbed her hips and moved his own once, twice, three times, and then went rigid in her arms as he felt his body join hers and shudder with release, while Scully tasted her own name on his lips. Mulder tilted his head toward the rain as he took deep gulps of air and leaned heavily on Scully, idly wondering if he ever DID get the chance to make love to his partner, would he be able to survive her incredible passion. His legs were like water, his heart was racing, his breathing labored, but he knew he'd just had the most incredible experience of his life. Special Agent Dana Scully just blew his mind. Exhausted and trembling, Scully laid her head on his shoulder. "I love you Mulder, never doubt that." Mulder lowered his cheek to the top of her head and closed his eyes. How long had he wanted to hear those words? For about as long as he's been in love with her. Forever. Nudging her head up with his own, he planted a soft, tender kiss on her still trembling lips. "Scully," he whispered. he thought, while they stared at each other in wonder. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Struggling to regulate his breathing in the tomb-like silence of his car, the CSM fished another cigarette out of the pack, and lit it with slightly shaking hands, amazed at what he'd just witnessed. Though his view was obstructed by rain, his location across the street and Mulder and Scully's position behind the car, he knew what he'd just witnessed was beyond powerful. "That was quite a performance. Even better than I had anticipated. Now do you understand why I called you here tonight?" Diana Fowley struggled with equal parts of arousal and anger. She'd forgotten just how passionate Fox could be. But...shit! Had he EVER been that passionate with her? So wrapped up in nothing but what they were doing to each other? They were on a public street humping like a two-bit hooker and her john for god's sake! But she knew it was more than that. Had he ever cherished her and treated HER with the tenderness that he is so obviously - even from across the street in the rain - displaying toward his partner even now? "Agent Fowley? Do you understand?" Slowly tearing her eyes away from the tender scene before her, She looked at the man who, at this moment, she despised for showing her the truth. Forced her to open her eyes to the reality of the situation. "You bastard. What is this about?" "Agent Scully will be a formidable enemy," the CSM smirked, fanning the flames, knowing she was steaming - exactly as he'd wanted her to be. "She's off the X-files, I told you that!" "Surely you don't think it's THAT simple, do you? After what you just witnessed?" he countered, staring at her in disbelief. "I can handle Scully." "Really?" "I've been doing it so far, haven't I?" "That's because she's been helping you." "Helping me?" "Unwittingly, of course. But arranging for a transfer out of the X-files tells me the little lady is smarter than we give her credit for." "I said I can handle Scully," Diana snapped back, losing her grip on control. "You can? Alright, why don't you tell me what this little exercise in the rain was all about?" "It was about anger." Sighing, the CSM shook his head. "I thought I taught you better than that. No, it was about territory. Rights. Ownership." "Ownership of?" "Why, Agent Mulder, of course." "What?" "Let's just hope that your hold over him can match hers. Even *I* underestimated how powerful it is." Diana, fuming, turned back toward the tender scene in the rain. So, Agent Scully thought she could compete with her? "Interesting that he's holding *her* out there instead of you" the CSM mused, as if reading her mind. Diana opened the door and got out of the car before the CSM could grab her, slamming it closed before he could utter a word. The CSM panicked. He wanted her angry. He'd wanted her to know what she was up against, but he didn't want a confrontation. At least not yet. But as he watched an angry Diana cross the street to the couple still unaware of anything else but each other, he knew he had pushed her too far. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Diana fumed, completely oblivious of the rain. If Agent Scully wanted a fight, she was damned well going to get it, she decided and marched across the street ready for battle. Ignoring the rain that plastered her clothes to her body so that they seemed painted on, she crossed the street and started down the side walk toward them. Two steps later, an arm snaked around her waist, and roughly pulled her into a darkened corner of an abandoned storefront. Reacting instinctively, she struck out with her hand intending to connect with her assailant's solar plexus, only to have her hand caught in a firm grip and her body pinned against the wall. "What the hell are you doing?" "Let me go," she seethed, struggling against him. "Feeling jealous, Agent Fowley?" he taunted, tightening his grip. "Well, too late," he whispered. "It was too late from the day she first walked into his office. Anyone with eyes could see that this was inevitable." "Fuck you!" "Stick to the plan, Diana." Enraged, she spit in his face. "You always DID like it rough," he sneered, wiping his face. "Lucky I'm a man that aims to please," he whispered, and crushed his mouth to hers, while she struggled against him fiercely. But as she felt the familiar hands roam over her breasts, hips, and finally between her thighs, she stopped resisting and melted against him, returning his kiss with abandon. "Stick to the plan Diana," he whispered, tearing his lips from hers and walked away into the shadows. he thought. But it was too risky with Cancerman right across the street. He's probably wondering what happened to her as it is. No. It was her move now. He'd played this hunch based on years of intimate knowledge. So many years that she was one of the FEW people who could call him by his real name, though now he even makes his lovers call him X. It would be up to her, whether or not that gamble would pay off. And with that thought, X returned to his car and waited to see what she would do next. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX End of Part (4/4) FULL CIRCLE TO THE TRUTH Pt. 2 (NC-17) by Des EMAIL:des826@internetconnect.net Still leaning against the wall, Diana tried to get control of herself. Bastard. Even now, with all that was at stake, he always knew how to make her forget about everything else but having him inside her. But equally as strong was the urge to DO something. She wasn't even sure why. She was just angry and wanted nothing so much as to shock the two of them. To embarrass them both by letting them know that their very private moment was actually a public event. Though, if she knew Fox, he wouldn't give a damn anyway, but his partner would. she reminded herself. Oh yes, especially the prim and proper Agent Scully. Always by the book. Always following procedure...and always being a pain in the ass. Scully thought she won today with that little stunt she pulled in Skinner's office. Well Diana Fowley knew how to pull a rude awakening too. And humiliate her to boot. Pushing away from the darkened corner Diana lifted her streaming hair away from her face, and turned in the direction of the car - trying to decide whether to go forward or stay back. Legs still wrapped around his waist, Scully twined her arms around Mulder's neck and closed her eyes. This was such an impossible situation - finally being right where she wanted to be - in Mulder's arms - but not being able to stay there. She wrapped her arms around him tighter. As she felt Mulder's hands roam over her body in response, skimming her thighs, her bottom and then wrapping tightly around her waist, she stifled a moan, feeling he already touched her with a lover's possession. Rubbing her cheek against his, Scully sighed, thinking she'd never see the rain again and not think of him. Then she opened her eyes. And found herself staring into the wet, furious gaze of Diana Fowley. She thought Under normal circumstances, being exposed like this would have embarrassed her beyond reason. But these weren't normal circumstances. This was war. Gently stroking the back of Mulder's head, she boldly and defiantly stared Diana down. Then she issued her challenge. Diana eyes narrowed as she took in Scully's challenge with great surprise. Just what the hell had gotten in to her? And as she watched, Scully gave her a slow, knowing smile. She KNEW she'd just shocked the hell out of her and was laughing at her! Damn if she didn't want to wipe that smug smile off her face - as well as a couple of teeth down her throat! Did Scully hate her so much that she would act in a manner that, by all reports, would be totally uncharacteristic for her? This whole operation depended on predictability - not unpredictability. And yet Scully has done nothing all day that would be considered predictable for her. Apparently, Miss Scully decided to change the rules. Diana watched as Mulder, sensing Scully's distraction, started to turn his head around to see what she was looking at, and thought to herself that this night just might have some possibilities after all. But Scully averted disaster by simply closing her mouth over his, instantly wrapping him up again in her magic. Diana's blood boiled at his passionate response, then shot up 10 degrees higher when she saw Scully, still passionately kissing her partner, tilt her head and open her eyes. Again staring her down. Diana sucked in a furious breath. Plan or NO plan that bitch wasn't getting away with that! And all she had to do was step out of this doorway. she thought. Fully determined now to let her presence be known and DAMN the consequences, Diana stepped from the shadows- "Agent Fowley. Agent Fowley, GET BACK IN THE CAR! NOW!" Though his voice was commanding, the CSM knew this was up to her. He'd pushed her too far, and now, might have jeopardized all they'd accomplished. But he had to ensure she wouldn't take their side. he thought, with a pang to his heart. He could no longer afford to take any chances, so he took steps to make sure she wouldn't betray him - even if it meant manipulating her feelings. But this had all been a bluff. *He* knew it, and hoped like hell she wouldn't call him on it. While across the street, his car hidden in the shadows, another man was hoping the same thing. He'd come too far - even cheating death - to let a case of unresolved issues ruin all his plans. Mulder was her one weakness. And that weakness could destroy all his plans. He should have seen this coming - anticipated this move. If he knew she was vulnerable, others would too. But he knew the power he had over her. The sensual power of the flesh. He knew her body as well as he did his own, and he could make her beg for it. Mulder may be good, but *he* knew how to make her scream. After tonight, he'd make sure he kept her so "occupied" that she'd be too exhausted to even think about Mulder OR his pretty little partner. "Come on Diana...get...in...the...car," he whispered. Diana stood, angry and indecisive, and staring at the car door left open by CSM. If she didn't move now, Agent Scully would see who was in the car and force her to play a hand she wasn't willing to show. She couldn't allow that to happen. Not yet. Diana Fowley had a few plans of her own. So after one last look at the couple entwined in the rain, Diana got into the car - slamming the door, and thinking to herself that Scully might have won this battle, but the war wasn't over yet. Reaching for her seat belt, she turned to CSM. "Drive, you bastard." Chuckling, CSM turned on the headlights he was afraid to use earlier, for fear it would give away Diana's position before he found her. "Your wish is my command, Agent Fowley." As the car passed by, X slid down in his seat, not wanting to be seen by that black lunged bastard. That day would come soon enough. When he was sure they'd driven past, he sat up, started his own car and headed back to her place. Watching the long overdue heat explode between Mulder and his partner, reminded him of where he and Diana were before they were so rudely interrupted. He sped up, anticipating picking up where they'd left off. They had some unfinished business to take care of. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Though late, there was one more player on the field this night, watching the events unfold with a mixture of fear and confusion. This wasn't expected. What to do now? Nothing. Nothing but wait. Again. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hearing the hum of a car engine, Mulder tore his mouth from Scully's while grabbing the door handle of the car. Thinking quickly, he opened the door while cradling the back of her head, protecting her from harm as he laid her down on the back seat, suddenly realizing that he could kill two birds with one stone. No matter who was driving by, unless they got out of the car and walked over, they couldn't see anything. And though he still felt this wasn't the place to explore their passion to it's fullest, it DID afford him the privacy and opportunity to use that passion to issue a challenge of his own. "Mulder, wh-" "I'm saving your reputation, Scully." "My reputation?" "Well you sure as hell don't think I care about mine, do you? Wouldn't want to start any rumors about the always-by-the-book Agent Scully making wild monkey love in the rain. Especially when she's starting a new job," he ended sarcastically. And with no more warning than that, shifted his hips and slid into her; leaving her gasping in shock and pleasure - her inner muscles trembling in adjustment. "Ohh! What are you doing?" Scully said, half-moaning and looking up into hazel eyes filled with the dregs of both passion and anger. "Putting you on notice," he said, pulling out of her almost completely and causing her to raise her hips in search of him. "Mulder, please!" wrapping her thighs tighter around his waist and arching in pleasure as he plunged deeply inside of her. "LOOK at me Scully," he demanded, making her open her eyes as he stroked her deep. "You say you've drawn your line? Well so have I. You want to walk? You can try, but you can bet I'll be somewhere behind you, so you'll just have to take your chances," he said, punctuating each sentence, then each word, with a stroke of his cock; sinking into her deeply, and making sure he rubbed her clitoris on each trip. The only response Dana was capable of giving was a strangled moan as her body again started the delicious climb toward release. Mulder was not unaffected himself, knowing he had to make his move fast - before he didn't care about anything else but the incredible pleasure of being inside her. "You feel you have to walk away, and maybe I'm trying to understand that. But I won't make it easy for you - don't expect me to." And with a strong, final stroke, he pulled out of her warmth, falling on his knees uncaring about the rain, and zipping up his pants. At hearing Scully's cry of frustration, he rose from his knees and lowered himself on top of her once more. Giving her a hard, passionate kiss, he lifted his mouth from hers and whispered... "Like I said, I won't make it easy for you Scully. I won't." And before she could get control of herself, he was gone. Trying to still her trembling body, Scully damned Mulder to hell. She was torn between wanting to kill him and wanting to cry in frustration. She wanted him - needed him. And dammit, he wanted her too - there was no way he could hide that from her! But it seemed he'd declared war too...only SHE was the one under siege. She only hoped she had enough strength to win. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Diana leaned back in her seat and tried to ignore the suffocating smoke permeating the insides of the car. "It took me a while to find you, Agent Fowley. One minute you were there, the next you were gone." "So?" she replied, feigning nonchalance. "I was becoming...concerned over your whereabouts," he said, stopping at a red light. "You weren't looking in the right place, that's all," she replied, as the car moved forward again. "You need to gain Mulder's confidence. Confronting Agent Scully is not the way to do that," he said, glancing over at Diana's somber expression. She remained silent. "As I said earlier, Scully will be a formidable enemy and considering this new development in their relationship, you might need to take more drastic actions." Diana slowly turned her head to stare at him. "What do you mean 'more drastic actions'?" "He's hurting from his partner's seeming betrayal. Don't you think he'll need a shoulder to cry on? Some comfort? A little...TLC?" "So I should seduce him for the good of the project? Just what the hell do you think I am, your whore?" "Sometimes sacrifices have to be made Agent Fowley. It's a fact. You wouldn't be the first, nor will you be the last." "Making love to Fox wouldn't be a sacrifice, but project or not, *I* choose my bed-partners. No one else." "Of course, as long as you are using good judgement." "Meaning?" "You could have ruined everything tonight," he said sharply. "Perhaps you should have thought of the consequences before you tried this little maneuver." "Diana-" he began, pulling up to the curb of her apartment building and parking the car. "Look, don't try to control me like some sort of Pavlovian dog. I know what I have to do," she said fiercely, grabbing the door handle of the car, and getting out. "I'll get it done," she said angrily. "My way," she finished, and slammed the door behind her. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 3 weeks later J. Edgar Hoover Building Scully's office Scully gingerly opened the door to room 101 and stared at her name, written in gold letters. she read to herself. When she made the decision to transfer out of the X-files, she certainly didn't anticipate this happening. She still wasn't sure how it *did* happen. Since the first day she joined the classified research team assigned to combat the virus, she'd been utilizing a desk with all the other scientists. When she received the order from Kersch to report to her new office, no one was more surprised than she was. Especially considering the fact that Kersch had no real knowledge of the unit's actual purpose. He likened the unit's function more along the lines of the Centers for Disease Control. Finding the antidote for a virus of extra-terrestrial origin, that, if released into the population, could end all human life on this planet, might be a little difficult for a man like Kersch to comprehend. Only Skinner knew that. But Skinner was no longer her boss. What was even more surprising, was that her new office was one floor up from her old office. The one she shared with Mulder. she thought, shaking her head. It was like some bad joke. It was both a blessing and a curse. God, she missed him. She walked into the office and looked around, putting down her box of memories. She was starting to shut the door when she heard a noise coming from the behind a stack of boxes. Turning around, she walked further back, searching. "Hello? Is someone there?" There was more rustling, then a young man appeared, his arms laden with books. "A-Agent Scully! You're early. I was just bringing down some reports on the latest developments on the project." Scully took in the tall, lanky, obviously nervous, but very good-looking young man who was putting a mountain of journals on her desk. "Do I know you?" Finally relieving himself of his burden, he held out his hand - then remembered it was sweaty and wiped it on his pants before holding it out again. "I'm Matt...Matt Johnson," he said. "Nice to meet you Matt," Scully replied, extending her hand. "I'm to be your assistant. I just started today. I have to tell you, I'm so excited Agent Scully; you're like a goddess at Quantico," he blurted, then blushed 5 shades of red while still shaking her hand. "I have an assistant?" Scully asked, genuinely surprised. "Yes. So whatever you need, just tell me and I'll take care of it. Pronto." "Well Matt, there *is* one thing I need." "Anything, Agent Scully." "Can I have my hand back now?" Matt dropped her hand as if it were on fire. "I'm so sorry...umm I apologize," Matt stammered, backing into her desk. "It's no problem Matt," she said, smiling reassuringly. "Ok...great," Matt said, smiling back. A few moments passed in silence. "Matt?" "Huh?" he said, still grinning foolishly. "Can I have a little privacy? I'd like to settle in, if you don't mind." At her words, Matt snapped out of his trance. "Of course, I'm sorry. I'll just get out of your-" "Am I interrupting something?" Scully didn't need to turn around to know who that was; her stomach only fluttered like that for one person. "Special Agent Fox Mulder..." Matt spoke in awe. Walking into the office, Mulder shook Matt's hand. "Nice to meet you. Matt Johnson, right?" "Yo-You've heard of me?" Matt said with a gulp. "One of the best forensic pathologists in the bureau - next to my ex-partner of course." Scully didn't miss the undertone of pain in his voice. "Oh, I could never be in the same league as Agent Scully. I know I'll learn a lot from her." "Definitely. Matt?" "Yes, Agent Mulder?" "Can I have my hand back?" Embarrassed yet again, Matt decided to cut his losses and leave, dropping Mulder's hand and turning toward the door. "My apologies Agent Mulder. Well, I have work to do. You'll let me know if you need anything Agent Scully." "Dana," she corrected. "Dana," he repeated, and walked out, shutting the door behind him. Leaving the two ex-partners alone, just staring at each other. It was the first time they'd seen each other since that rainy night weeks ago. "I'm here," he said hoarsely, remembering how her skin tasted in the rain. "Yes," she said faintly, fighting memories of her own. "How've you been Scully?" he said, amazed at his nervousness. "I-I've been ok," Scully stammered nervously, then rallied. "Actually, I'm fine Mulder, how about you?" "Oh we've-ah-I've been working...a lot," he finished lamely. "Well...good," she said. "Yeah." They both fell silent, again hoping their eyes could say what their mouths could not. In the quiet, they stood. Drinking each other in. She should be ready to ring his neck, after the condition he'd left her in. Wanting to finish what they had begun that night had left her restless and yearning for him almost constantly, but she knew this separation would be easier on them both if they didn't. She didn't know how he felt, but she was so happy to see him. So happy to be near him again. Across the room, Mulder was thinking the same thing. DAMN he missed her! She looked beautiful too, all buttoned up in her smart, conservative FBI suit. But he knew what was underneath all that navy blue silk that matched the blue of her eyes. The silky creamy skin, her overwhelming passion, her all-consuming love. Staying away these last few of weeks had been hell. He was getting even less sleep at night reliving their passionate encounter in the rain. As it was, every time he took a shower, he got hard. He wished like hell that he had finished what he started. His little stunt in the back seat of her car had backfired on him. It was bad enough wanting her when he had no real idea of what it was like to be the object of her affection, her passion, and if he were to believe it - her love. Now it was next to impossible to think of anything else. He would find himself reliving moments from that night at odd times throughout the day. Her incredible passion, the thrill he felt as she ripped his shirt open like a tigress. Her soft moans and whimpers just before she came, and the indescribable pleasure of sliding into her hot, wet...tight heat. Mulder closed his eyes and tried to fight the incredible fire that surged through him. He opened them again, but wasn't able to completely extinguish the flame. Scully stared into eyes heavy lidded with desire. And wanted him back. Locking eyes from across the room, they stared. Then moved as one. Right into each other's arms. Already moaning, tongues questing, holding each other tightly, they kissed. Mulder ran his hands over those ripe curves that kept him up at night and Scully moaned into his mouth, feeling like she was home. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut to fight back the tears that threatened while Mulder tore his mouth from hers to rain small kisses over her face. "I miss you, Scully." "I miss you too, Mulder. So much," she whispered, sliding her hands underneath his jacket and caressing his back and shoulders. Moving his hands lower, Mulder cupped her bottom and ground his hips against her. "This is crazy, Mulder," she moaned. "Insane," he panted, as he felt small hands slip underneath his pants. "God I want you," Scully whispered. "It's all I think about," Mulder said, unbuttoning her jacket. "Making love with you." "Again and again," she agreed, feeling him caress her breasts through her thin silk shirt..."All night long." "Scully," Mulder groaned, desperate and backed her up against the door of her office, working his hand underneath her skirt. "Mulder...no," Scully moaned. "Yes," he said, finally reaching the elastic of her panties. "We can't," she lied, sucking on his neck. "Open for me Scully," he demanded, using the palm of his hand to move her legs further apart. "Mulder wait-" "I can't," he said feverishly, and slid one finger inside her, moving in and out of her, while he used his thumb to stroke her. Scully caught fire, unzipping his pants, and sliding her hand around to his thick erection. She reacquainted herself with his thick rod, stroking him lightly to relearn his size and texture, then went to work - pumping him. Hard and fast. Ruthless and quick. Determined to make him come. Mulder moaned, shaking; then responded by pressing his thumb down hard on her clit, then ruthlessly stroking, wanting to hear her make those soft, mewling sounds that signaled her orgasm while feeling his own body rushing toward the inevitable release. She knew instinctively just how to stroke him to make him come. He slowly slid a second finger into her heat, then pumped her both hard and fast. Scully moaned as she felt her legs start to quiver, and moved her hips almost involuntarily against his stroking finger. He was getting harder and thicker, even as she was getting hotter and wetter. Each feeling like they were going to explode, their actions became more frenzied, more intense. Up, down, and around they moved... "Ohhh," Scully moaned, shaking - until finally... They pushed each other off the cliff. Free-falling into the intense pleasure that was theirs alone. "Ohh yes," Mulder said, closing his eyes and starting to shudder with release. Scully felt the incredible pleasure slam into her and with a muffled cry, gave into it, shaking with him. Capturing his lips and holding on for dear life. Until the last shudder passed. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX End Part (1/10) NEW DEBUT: Full Circle To The Truth Pt.2 (3/10)(NC-17) AUTHOR: Des EMAIL ADDRESS: des826@internetconnect.net Disclaimer in Section 1 Mulder leaned heavily against her in the aftermath, trying to catch his breath and feeling singed by her heat. It seemed they were both prisoners of this...passion between them. Gathering his strength, he reached into his pocket and removed his handkerchief. Placing it over Scully's hand, he gently cleaned them both while Scully leaned heavily against the door, docile, overwhelmed and exhausted. she thought. The last thing she remembered, she was thinking about how glad she was to see him. After 6 years of working closely together, did this new twist in their relationship mean they couldn't be in the same room without passion erupting between them? "Scully," Mulder whispered in her ear, "did you call me here to tell me you've decided to stop punishing me?" "Hmmm?" She said dreamily, still lost in passion. "Mulder," she said, recapturing his lips, "I want more. I want to finish this." "Scully," he said, pulling away from her distracting lips, "Does this mean you've forgiven me? That you'll come back to me? Is that why you called?" The pleading anxiety in his voice finally penetrated the sensual fog in her brain. "What do you mean?" Scully asked. "This isn't any kind of punishment." "What is it then? It certainly *feels* like punishment to me," he said, still not willing to let her go. "Six years of almost constant contact - and now nothing. What else is it?" "You still don't understand, do you?" Scully asked, holding his face in her hands. "Mulder, when we spoke on the night of my transfer, one of the things I was trying to point out to you was that-" The rest of the sentence was cut off by his lips. He couldn't help it. He just had to taste her, touch her. Especially since these days, he could never be sure when he'd get another chance. So he kissed her. Again and again. Until she was tempted to forget her train of thought, and simply respond to him. But that wouldn't solve their problem. "Mulder-" she panted into his mouth as he sucked on her lower lip. "What?" he growled, holding her tighter, then smoothly sliding his tongue in her mouth. "Mmm," she moaned, then caught herself. "No, Mulder you're not listening to me," she said, pulling away from his lips in an effort to calm the heat trying to take control of her body. Threading her fingers through his hair, she gave his head a tug, pulling it down until they were nose to nose. "You never spoke to me about Diana Fowley, Mulder, a-and that hurt," she said in a low, even voice. "I didn't and I still don't understand why." "Scully-" "No Mulder. This isn't easy for me to say - let me say it. I've questioned and I've waited," Scully pulled back to search his eyes, her own filled with pain. "Yet to this very day," she whispered, "even though you know how important it is to me, you *still* haven't said a word about her. Just who's punishing who Mulder?" "Scully," Mulder asked, wrapping his hands around her wrists, "what exactly do you want?" "The truth, Mulder," she answered, staring deeply into his eyes. "You think I lied?" he asked, trying not to show how much her answer meant to him. "I'm...not sure," Scully said, not meeting his eyes. "By omission, maybe." "Scully-" "How do you feel about her?" "What does it matter?" Mulder asked, exasperated. "It-she's not important." "This *is* important," Scully said earnestly. "Important enough to be the only thing to come between our partnership in the past six years. Don't you care about that?" "Of course I do Scully. Is that the only reason you called?" "I didn't call you, Mulder." "Scully, I got a call on my machine saying that you wanted me to meet you. You weren't in the basement office and you weren't on the research floor. One of the docs finally told me where to find you," he explained, pulling back further so he could look in her eyes. "I didn't call you Mulder. I just received the order to move into this office. I didn't even know I had an assistant until I walked in on him," she explained. "Well if you didn't call me-" "You still didn't answer my question." "The question doesn't matter - we matter!" "Can you even answer it?" she challenged him. "It's a hard question to answer." "Try, Mulder," she whispered, rubbing her forehead against his chin for a moment, before pulling back to look into his eyes almost pleadingly. "For both our sakes, because this isn't going to go away. Until you can understand why I left, I can't come back." Mulder's heart squeezed. What if he couldn't solve this? All he felt right now was pain, confusion and fear. The fear that she would never come back. Could he hold off that fear long enough to understand why she'd left him in the first place? "Agent Scully, are you there? I'm looking for Fox. Have you seen him?" Diana Fowley said, already knowing she was interrupting. Mulder looked into eyes that just a minute before were blazing with passion, and felt the temperature become absolutely arctic. His heart sank. Whatever forgiveness she might have had in her heart, Diana had just chased away in one felt swoop. Scully busied herself straightening her clothes and his, while Mulder searched her face. "Scully?" he whispered. "He's in here, Agent Fowley," she said, stepping away from the door and opening it. Diana Fowley stepped through the door, immediately walking toward Mulder and standing by his side, effectively separating the two ex-partners. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Diana said innocently. "What is it Diana?" Mulder asked, his eyes fixed on Scully as she walked behind her desk and sat down, resting her still trembling legs. "We received a call from Skinner. Something about a body that was found in a warehouse, he was very vague, but was insistent that you'd understand the situation once we got there and viewed the body. So if there's no pressing business here, we should be going," She finished. "Agent Mulder and I are finished," Scully said, pinning him with a direct stare and succeeding in immediately pissing him off. he thought, infuriated. "Yes," he said, returning her stare with eyes gone dark green with anger. "But Scully has obviously misinterpreted the situation. Our business will have to be postponed...but," he continued, rubbing his finger, still wet with her essence, slowly across his lips..."we're most definitely NOT finished," he taunted almost threateningly. He watched with secret satisfaction as Scully tried to control her body's instinctive reaction to him, suppressing a shudder. Confident his message was received, Mulder broke eye contact, trying not to feel too smug. At least her BODY knew who it belonged to, even if SHE tried to deny it. "Let's go Diana," he said, turning toward the door and putting his hand on the small of his back, ushered her out the office. Scully let out the breath she'd been holding. What was wrong with her? It seemed all she needed was to be in the same room with him now. She'd been in love before, or at least she thought she had. Passion was something pleasant, certainly enjoyable, but NOT overwhelming. Definitely not insistent. But it's all those things and more with Mulder, and she just wasn't sure she could handle it. And what was that business about a telephone call? He seemed sincere; he couldn't have faked the anxiety she heard in his voice. But she didn't call him. And Agent Fowley interrupted them before they could get to the bottom of it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "FOX!! Did you hear ANYTHING I just said to you?" "No," he said, apologetically. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" Mulder watched as Diana stepped on the gas to pass a sanitation truck that was slowing them down, and tried to forget the fire still burning in his gut. He couldn't get her out of his mind. She was turning out to be everything he'd wished for in a lover. But she was still unattainable. Oh, maybe he could have her body. In fact, he was sure the countdown to that event has already begun. She couldn't fake that. She wanted him as much as he wanted her and they both knew it was long overdue. It was only a matter of time now. She'd even let him know he had her heart. But he also knew she walked away so he could find her - them again. He'd have to go through Diana to do it. "You went to see Scully," Diana said again, bringing him back to the present. "Yes." "Any particular reason why?" "Do I need one?" "Well considering the fact that she walked out on you-" "Diana, what did I tell you on our first day as partners again? If we're to be working together we cannot discuss Scully," he said, his voice rising in frustration. "Fox! Continued contact can't be good for either of you." "What can I say? I'm a rebel!" "It's not funny, Fox." "What the hell's your problem, Diana?" "I'm your partner." "Yes." "I also thought we were at least friends. I mean after all we've been through together," she said softly. "Yes. That doesn't mean you are responsible for my actions." "Fox," Diana said, pulling over to the side of the road, "stop stonewalling me!" "Stonewalling you?" "I thought we were past this." "Past what?" "I don't like to see you hurt. It can only hurt you to continue to see the woman who walked away from your partnership!" "Now that's kind of ironic coming from you, don't you think?" Placing her hands on either side of his face, she moved closer. "Fox." "Have I asked you about your personal life?" he asked, interrupting her. "So it's personal between you two?" "You know better than that, Diana. It's nothing BUT personal. We're partners." "Were," Diana said. "What?" "Were partners," she reminded him. "Yes," he agreed, and wondered if he would ever learn to accept that fact. "Are you in love with her?" "What business is that of yours anyway?" "Maybe I made a mistake; maybe I've regretted it for a long time now," she said moving even closer. "And maybe I want a chance to make up for it," she whispered, and pressed her lips to his, wasting no time in wrapping her arms around him. Mulder thought, his body responding to the familiarity of her. The chemistry was still there; why else would he have wrapped his arms around her, and allowed her to open her lips over his? And after all the pain and turmoil of the past few weeks, it was comforting just to be held by someone. Diana relished his tentative response, sliding one palm up the center of his spine, remembering it was one of his *sweet spots* as she used to call them, and hearing his breathing quicken in response. But though his mouth was open, as was hers, every time she moved to stroke his tongue and deepen the kiss, he would close his mouth completely - denying her entrance. As Mulder felt her move even closer to him, images of their relationship flashed like snapshots through his mind: The first time they met in the halls of the FBI, the night they shared their mutual interest in the paranormal - and in each other, investigating their first case together, the first time they made love and the last - the night before she'd left... They flashed like a movie through his mind, luring him to settle into her - into the familiar. There was a certain comfort in that. But was comfort enough? Should it be? Oh, it *had* been at one time. Enough that he hadn't even noticed something was missing, he realized. But now he knew there was so much more. There's respect, honesty, trust...love, he thought, and closed his mouth against the entrance of her tongue. Diana thought frustrated, and slid her free hand down across his chest nibbling on his chin. Continuing her journey, she slid her hand across his stomach, intent on reaching the destination that would ensure he'd stop fighting and respond to her. Working her way to his ear, she licked the lobe, whispering to him. "It used to be good between us Fox. Remember? All those hot, sweaty nights when all we did was eat, sleep and make love? It could be good again. Maybe we can make it work this time, Fox," she finished, finally reaching her target and intending to stroke him lightly. a voice said in his head, and he froze as the image behind the voice appeared in his mind. Fiery red hair, blue eyes brimming with mirth and relief, creamy smooth skin and beautiful smile against the white background of a hospital bed. "Diana...no," Mulder said softly, turning his head away and placing his hand on top of hers, stopping her before she began. Comfort would never be enough anymore - no matter how good the sex that came with it. "Maybe we should get to the crime scene," he told her, removing her hand. Diana opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a phone call. "Hello," she said curtly. "There's a problem. I need to speak with you" "Now's not a good time." "Now is the perfect time." "I'm in the middle of something." "Well I suggest you finish it as soon as possible and report here. There are things to discuss that are of the utmost importance." "Things? Like what?" He remained silent. "Like I said, I need to speak to you," he repeated. "I'll be expecting you soon," he finished, and hung up. "OK. I'll be there," Diana said, already speaking to a dial tone. "Let's just stick to the case Diana, ok?" Mulder asked. Knowing she was in no position to argue right now, Diana nodded. "OK...for now," Diana said reluctantly and started the car. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Leaning back in his chair, the CSM lit another cigarette. While arranging to have bugs planted inside Agent Mulder's office, he'd been stunned to learn that his office was already being survailled. And he had NO idea by whom. Or why. And Diana. Did she arrange this? Or someone else? The jarring buzz of his phone broke his chain of thought. he thought, and then picked up the receiver, fighting the niggling suspicion that there was another shadow player in this game. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Diana's Apartment X clicked off his phone and settled down with his drink. he thought with a smile. His men had just informed him that his secret had been revealed. Cancerman found out that someone had beaten him at his own game and bugged Mulder's office first. X thought. He hoped that bastard was shitting bricks! This was only the beginning. Before he was through, Cancerman would know firsthand what fate would befall anyone who doublecrossed Mr. X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Scully's Office J Edgar Hoover Building 2:15 p.m. Scully leaned back against her chair and closed her eyes, trying to fight the feeling that her life was spinning out of control, when she heard another knock on the door. she thought. "Who is it?" "Skinner." "Come in." "Sir, what a surprise," she said, rising from her seat. "Please sit Agent Scully," Skinner urged, walking into the room and shutting the door. Walking toward the center of the room, Skinner looked around. "Haven't gotten around to decorating yet, have you?" he asked. "No. I've only just gotten here. Please have a seat." "Thanks," he said, settling into a chair. "Well...to what do I owe this honor?" "How are you, Agent Scully? I haven't had a chance to speak with you since that day...the last meeting in my office." "I'm fine; still adjusting. I'm...ah...I'm moving up in the world." "Yes. Head researcher and now your own office. Congratulations." "Thank you." "Are you happy Scully? Is this what you wanted?" Skinner asked not wasting time in getting to the point of his visit. Scully lowered her head for a moment. "Happiness is relative Sir," she replied, looking up. "That's a non-answer, Agent." Scully broke eye contact, feeling uncomfortable with his intuitiveness. "Look, I apologize. I know I'm making you uncomfortable. It's just that I feel you made a hasty decision in leaving the X-files." "It wasn't hasty Sir, though it might have looked that way." "I also think that Diana Fowley was a major factor in your decision." "It had more to do with my feelings about the effectiveness of my partnership with Agent Mulder." "I can't be entirely sure what your feelings were about the situation Agent Scully, and I can't help feeling offended by that," Skinner said, realizing that she'd sidestepped his comment about Agent Fowley. "Sir...I know I breached protocol and that's not what you've come to expect from me, but-" "I was your superior," he interrupted urgently. "I thought I had your confidence...your trust." "Sir, if this were any other situation..." "Dammit Scully, you should have come to me," Skinner said impatiently. "I couldn't! This was too personal," she cried. "Personal? You just told me your decision was about the effectiveness of your working relationship with Agent Mulder. How is that personal?" "Sir...?" Scully said incredulously. "We were partners, it's nothing BUT personal," she said, not realizing that for a moment she'd let down her guard and revealed to her former superior just how much pain she was actually in. For the first time since that meeting in his office weeks ago, Skinner's heart lightened. All was not lost and Agent Scully wasn't as unaffected as she appeared. Oh, there was still work to be done, but now he was sure of how to complete it. Scully broke eye contact, again feeling uncomfortable with both Skinner's intuition, and the sudden light of determination in his eyes. Clearing his throat, Skinner got the conversation back on track. "Yes, you were partners, but the way you handled the situation made me think that you no longer saw that as anything personal." "Why?" Scully asked. "Why? Agent Scully, you made a major decision with out consulting your superior OR your partner!" "So now you think I'm incapable of making a decision on my own?" "That's not-" "Are you saying that I can't make a decision based on the facts presented to me? As if I don't know my own mind?" "Of course you know your own mind Agent Scully; I just don't feel your *mind* was the controlling factor in your decision!" "Then what, in your opinion, was the controlling factor?" "Your heart, Agent Scully," he said softly, knowing he was trespassing on her need for privacy. "My heart?" Scully repeated, turning her chair away from him momentarily, feeling very exposed. How could Skinner be so accurate about her feelings and Mulder just didn't understand? If she believed in such things, she would have said that she and her partner shared an almost psychic connection between them. she thought, closing her eyes and shaking her head. "I never told you this, but on the night you transferred out of the X-files, I went to see Agent Mulder." "For what purpose?" she asked, turning back around and facing him. "To find out what he did to push you far enough to leave. He told me of your disagreements over Agent Fowley." "Leaving was my choice and had more to do with him - us - than her." "Yes, that's exactly why I went to see him." "What's your point sir?" "I've never questioned your relationship with Mulder. I've always felt the two of you were so close, no one could come between you. So if Agent Fowley played any part in the termination of your partnership, it's because both you and Agent Mulder let her." "I beg your pardon?" Scully asked, surprised. In all his years as her superior, he had never spoken to her so...bluntly. He always respected her boundaries and her need for privacy. Skinner knew he was acting out of character but it couldn't be helped. He even knew she might feel he'd betrayed some unspoken agreement of trust. But he couldn't afford to be more lenient on her than he was on Agent Mulder. He intended to push. This was too important. "With all due respect sir, that's none of your damn business." "You're wrong Agent Scully; this IS my business. You and Agent Mulder have always been my business and that didn't change because you handed me a slip of paper a couple of weeks ago." Scully's mouth fell open in shock. End of part (2/10) NEW DEBUT: Full Circle To The Truth Pt.2 (3/10)(NC-17) AUTHOR: Des EMAIL ADDRESS: des826@internetconnect.net Disclaimer in Section 1 Taking a deep breath, Skinner tried to explain to her what he was only just beginning to understand himself. "Agent Scully," he began, elbows on his knees, and glancing at the floor for a moment in an effort to compose his thoughts. Facing her again, he continued. "I've frequently felt like I have straddled the fence with regards to you and Agent Mulder, never jumping off and landing on one side or the other for fear of the possible repercussions. Or maybe I never actually wanted to be responsible for making the choice, I'm not sure." "But one thing I am sure of...I've felt guilty," he said softly, avoiding her eyes. "Because, even if I don't understand the whole picture, on some level I agree that your work is important. You and Agent Mulder ask the questions that I'm afraid to. That takes courage. But I'd never taken a stand." "Sir-" "I'm not finished Agent." Scully remained silent. "I know the work is relevant. It might even mean the difference between life and death. To know it and not do something to try to help seemed so cowardly, it kept me up many nights." "Then something occurred to me. I DO contribute and I haven't been straddling the fence. How? Because unconsciously, and almost involuntarily, I've been making it my job - no - my DUTY to protect you and Agent Mulder." "Sir, Agent Mulder and I have always been very grateful to you-" "Oh, spare me the obligatory thanks Scully; I said it was my *duty* to protect, that doesn't require thanks. I've come to understand that I'm not straddling the fence. I am taking a stand. If I didn't consciously know it before, I do know it now though it took this situation for me to realize it." "In protecting, I AM contributing." "So I guess I owe you some gratitude for helping me to see this clearly. You see, I understand now that's the reason for all the personal attention, the reason for the covering up, the reason for the taking the heat for you and the reason for plowing down anyone who tries to get in your way. It's because I believe in your work and know it's important." Scully sat stunned, as tears sprung to her eyes. Skinner reminded himself. Then he moved in for the kill. "But you'll find there are some definite drawbacks to this. You see, if it's my job to protect you from anyone who tries to get in your way, that means everyone - including yourselves." "Sir, you're not responsible for my or Agent Mulder's actions." "I never said I was responsible for your or Agent Mulder's actions, just your protection." "But..." Scully began, shaking her head. "You doubted yourself, Scully," Skinner said softly. "You doubted your position in his life." "Doubted my position in his life? I was his partner. That was my position." "Do you really believe it was as simple as that?" "I don't know what to believe anymore." "Which proves my point, and explains why you're sitting in that chair. But you are so wrong." "How?" "Agent Scully, when you were abducted," he hesitated. "Have you and Agent Mulder ever talked about that period?" "No, it's always been a subject that is too painful for me to discuss. I'm not even sure of my own memories about it-" "No Agent Scully, I'm talking about Agent Mulder." "I'm sorry Sir, I'm not following you." "Has he ever spoken to you about what he went through when you were gone?" "What he went through?" Scully repeated. she thought, stunned. Seeing her obvious surprise, Skinner decided it was time she knew. "Agent Scully, I have never seen a more desperate man than Mulder from the moment you were taken. He couldn't sleep, nor eat. He was distracted and in despair." "Sir please-" she pleaded, feeling more pain than she thought was possible at his words. "No Scully," Skinner said, ignoring the tears rolling down her face, "you need to hear this." "Mulder lost control when Duane Barry was in custody thinking that he might have hurt you in some way. He regained it of course because Barry was his only link to you. It was all he had left." "Sir-" "...And when Mr. Barry died while in custody, Mulder was simply...lost. His last link was gone, Agent Scully, and I'm not exaggerating when I say this: Mulder was a shell of a man. It was almost as if he'd lost his center. It was a painful thing to watch." "He had to be subdued by armed guards the day you appeared in the hospital in a coma. The doctors...held no hope. Mulder was inconsolable and only wanted someone to pay. He even went so far as going after Cancerman, a scheme I'm not proud to admit I helped him with. I...guess that was a measure of my own grief and need for revenge." "My God! Was he hurt?" Scully asked. "No. Not physically, but after the events of that meeting, he submitted a letter of resignation." "Mulder was going to resign from the FBI?" "Yes." "What stopped him?" "Two things," Skinner said. "The first? Me. I wouldn't accept his letter of resignation." "So that's what he meant that day in your office," Scully said softly. "Yes. Though there was a chance that he would have walked anyway." "What else then?" "The second thing. You. I guess he realized that all his running around looking for revenge was simply a way of avoiding the truth." "Which was?" "That he was going to lose you." "Oh God," Scully whispered. she thought to herself. "He knew it was time to stop running and make his peace," Skinner continued. "But you want to know the funny thing about this? When he finally did come to you, you came back to him." Scully again turned her chair away from Skinner, as tears fell from her eyes, remembering that hazy time when she was deciding between life or death. She still remembered his words, she thought, closing her eyes and hearing his voice reaching out, touching her through the fog, guiding her. Those words HAD brought her back. She'd been waiting for him, she realized, not bothering to wipe the tears streaming from her eyes. Waiting to see if she meant to him what he meant to her. If he hadn't stopped running and come to her, would she have chosen to live? That didn't matter, because he *did* come to her. And never said a word about all that he'd suffered in between. "Not a word," She whispered. she thought in despair. "This lack of communication is a big part of the problem," Skinner continued, breaking into her thoughts, "and makes your partnership vulnerable to any person that seeks to destroy it. Do you know that when I went to see Mulder on the night that you resigned from the X-Files, he was completely exhausted and filled with despair? In just as bad a state as he ever was when you were abducted. He just didn't understand how you could hurt him the way you did." "I didn't betray Mulder. What I did was necessary." "I never said a word about betrayal; I said hurt. But if you are interpreting my statement as betrayal what does that say about you?" "It was for the best." "For the best?" Skinner asked, rising from his seat. "Yes." "The best for whom?" As Scully searched her mind for an answer, Skinner walked toward the door. "Look Agent Scully, I'll give you two time to work this out on your own, but beware, I'm not a very patient man so your time will be short. Don't test me and never doubt my commitment here, Agent Scully. I won't hesitate to break you down if I have to. Your biggest worry will not be Agent Mulder or even Agent Fowley," he said, opening the door and standing in the doorway. "It will be me. That's a promise." Then he walked out. Scully leaned back in her chair, wondering when this day would be over. So much had happened to her. She didn't know how much more she was going to be able to take. Closing her eyes, she tried to take in everything that Skinner had revealed to her about Mulder. Was he really that devastated when she was gone? It made her feel guilty for what she was putting him through now, despite the fact that this was necessary. "Agent Scully? Dana?" She pressed the button to turn on the speakerphone. "Yes Matt, I'm here." "I received a call from Agent Fowley requesting my presence at a crime scene. They need a forensics guy," he explained. "That's fine Matt. I'll be okay," she answered, wondering if this was the same case that Mulder had left her to investigate not too long ago. "If you need anything important, I'll have my cellular turned on, so you can reach me." "Thank you Matt," Scully said. "You're welcome, Agent Scully." "Dana," she corrected. "Yes. You're welcome, Dana," Matt repeated with a smile, and signed off. Not five minutes later her phone rang. Thinking it was Matt, Scully picked up on the first ring. "I told you - I'll be fine, stop worrying." "Scully?" "Mulder? I'm sorry. I thought you were Matt. Is something wrong?" "I need your expertise." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Shadow Pharmaceutical Warehouse "Fox, what are you doing? I thought you said that the blood was toxic to humans," Diana asked, her voice muffled by a gas mask. "I said if it was what I suspected it was, the substance flowing from the wounds of the body would be green and toxic to humans," he explained, removing his gas mask. "But the green residue is on the floor - not the body." Looking around him, Mulder took in all the details of the murder scene. The yellow tape; the white chalk surrounding the body; the frazzled security guard who had found the body, lying in a pool of red and green, while making his rounds at a pharmaceutical warehouse. "And the red substance?" "Normal human blood. We should get samples of both to send to the lab." Taking off her mask, Diana agreed. "I'll take care of it," and opened her cellular phone. Crouching down, Mulder slipped on his plastic gloves and ran his hand over the neck of the corpse. Pulling back his collar, Mulder noticed a scar on the back of his neck, similar to the one Scully had on hers. Standing up, Mulder searched for a security guard. "What is it?" Diana asked. "Can you spot a security guard anywhere?" "Why do you need a guard? We have plainclothes on the scene." "I'll explain in a minute. Excuse me! Sir?" Mulder yelled at a security guard holding back interested bystanders. "Could I borrow your wand?" "Yes sir," he said, walking to Mulder and handing it to him. "Thanks," Mulder said and crouched back down. Not wanting to move the corpse anymore than necessary, Mulder ran the wand over his neck, hearing it beep - just as he suspected it would. On a hunch, he also ran it past the man's stomach and heard the beep again. There was no doubt about it. They were implants. Similar to the ones implanted in Duane Barry and Scully too. "What did that mean, Fox?" Diana asked. "Why did it beep?" "Implants. Back in our second year of partnership, Scully was abducted by a man named Duane Barry who was once an Agent for the bureau. He claimed that he himself was repeatedly abducted and had implants in his body. Eventually, he was taken into custody and while there, died. I don't think this is a random occurrence. This man has implants in some of the same areas that Barry did. I think he's connected somehow," he said walking to the guard and handing him back his wand. "What's the cause of death...do you know?" "Asphyxiation would be my guess...just like Barry." Mulder stopped in his tracks. "How did you know that?" Flustered, Diana backtracked. "You must have told me." "No. I only told you that he died - not cause of death." "Well...I must have read it in one of the files...at any rate," she hurried on, "I called Matt Stone to come view the body and handle the autopsy." "You did? I called Scully." "Scully!" Diana said incredulous. "Why?" "I just explained to you why, Diana. She's familiar with this situation." "Agent Mulder," Matt called, "look who I found!" Mulder and Diana turned around and saw both Scully and Matt walking toward them. "This wasn't a good idea Fox," Diana chided. Ignoring her remark, Mulder met them halfway shaking an enthusiastic Matt's hand, and guiding both him and Scully to the body. "Thank you for coming," he said. "You said something about implants?" Scully asked, getting right to the point. "Yes. He has them in his neck and stomach, but that's all I was able to find out because I didn't want to move him anymore than I had to." "How are implants relevant?" Matt asked, all business now. "Agent Mulder and I had an on-going investigation linking cancer, the government, and implants placed in strategic locations on a person's body, like the back of the neck, or the abdomen. Some years ago I came to realize that one of these implants was imbedded in the back of my neck too." "My God! Agent Scully, I'm so sorry," Matt said sadly. "This is exactly why I don't think it's appropriate for you to be here," Diana said, stepping up to the circle. "Diana-" Mulder said in warning. "No, this is serious Fox. Agent Scully's too close to the situation to be of any help." "Begging your pardon Agent Fowley, but she just got here. How are you able to assume she cannot be objective?" Matt asked, her statement getting his dander up. Mulder thought to himself. Scully smiled at Matt in appreciation of his defense, then turned her attention back to Fowley. "I take it you don't want me here?" "I wasn't aware that Fox had called you," she said. "Just like I wasn't aware that you'd called Matt," Mulder returned. At this, Matt's head snapped around to Diana. She'd told him that Mulder was the one that requested he come. "Well since were here," Matt said, "why don't we just take a look at the body?" Moving forward, Matt guided Scully to the body and they both put on their plastic gloves. Then they crouched down and examined the body. Mulder pulled Diana aside and spoke softly but urgently to her. "What is the matter with you Diana? You attacked as soon as you heard she was coming. Why did you insult her like that?" "I didn't insult her at all. I don't feel she can be objective enough to handle this investigation. What about my opinion, Fox? I'm your partner and you totally disregarded how I might feel about this!" "How so? Have I made a big deal about your calling Matt without letting me know? I don't mind him being here; he's a big help. I just wanted Scully here too." "She's too close!" Diana said. "You're making assumptions Diana. She's fine." "Damn you Fox, I don't want her here!" she spat. "What the hell's your problem Diana?" Mulder asked starting to lose his temper. "If Scully's presence here bothers you so much, then you deal directly with Matt and I'll deal with Scully, though I don't see why that should even be necessary. You're supposed to be a professional." "That's exactly why I'm bringing this up, dammit!" "EXCUSE ME!" At Matt's loudly spoken command, both Mulder and Diana stopped talking and turned to face him. "Thank you," Matt said quietly. "Agent Scully asked me to tell you two that she was leaving. She didn't want to be the cause of a rift between partners. She said you both would be able to understand what that meant, and once you two come to some sort of agreement, to give her a call." Mulder closed his eyes. She'd walked away again. Not that he could blame her. "Why don't I finish up here and send the body to the morgue," Matt said. There was something in Agent Mulder's face that had him speaking softly, consolingly. "I'll do the autopsy, and if there is anything relevant in the results, you can consult with Agent Scully." Mulder opened his eyes, thinking to himself that he was really beginning to like this kid. "That's a perfect idea Matt. Thank you," Mulder said gratefully. "You're welcome," Matt replied, preening at the obvious light of approval shining in Mulder's eyes. "Well, I'd better get started." After he had walked away, Diana turned to Mulder, laying a hand on his arm. "Fox, listen-" "Don't. I'm going to interview the guard that found the body," Mulder said, a slight chill in his eyes. As Diana watched him walk away, she cursed Scully for doing just the right thing to turn Fox against her. Something had to be done. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX He watched Scully leave. She'd walked right past him. Nothing was going the way he planned. Every plan he made was thwarted by circumstance. The timing was always wrong. He couldn't take the chance on allowing himself to be seen but how long would he have to wait? He was getting impatient. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Diana took a deep breath, and entered the dimly lit, smoke filled office. "You certainly took your time getting here, Agent Fowley." "There were things I had to take care of. I got here as fast as I could." "Did you take all the necessary precautions? Are you sure you weren't followed?" "I know how to cover my tracks. What is it you wanted to talk about?" she asked, taking a seat. "It seems that there is a shadow player in the game." Diana tried not to show the panic she felt at his statement. Could he have found out? Had X made his move before the scheduled time? "What makes you say that?" She asked cautiously. "The presence of surveillance equipment planted in Agent Mulder's office." "What's so surprising about that? It's what you wanted, isn't it?" That's just it Agent Fowley - they weren't planted by me. When I sent my people in to plant them, they told me that the equipment was already in place." "Well, maybe your men got their wires crossed, and put them in before the time you allotted. It's a simple mistake," Diana tried to explain, knowing that it was no mistake at all. "My people don't make mistakes Agent Fowley," he snapped back. Diana stared wryly. "Not more than once," he amended. "Alright, then who do you think is responsible?" She asked. "I have a few possibilities running around in my head. Nothing I want to share just yet. I simply wanted to get your opinion on the subject." "I just gave you my opinion." "You disappoint me, Diana. That's all you could come up with?" "Right at the moment, yes." Leaning forward in his seat, CSM pinned her with a unwavering stare. "Can you think of anyone who might have reason to monitor Agent Mulder's actions?" "Yes...several; can't you?" she shot back. "Touch Agent Fowley," CSM said through a cloud of smoke. "Craftiness becomes you." "You might want to rephrase the question," she said, leaning back in her seat. "Agreed. Do you know if anyone is monitoring Agent Mulder's actions?" "Besides yourself?" "Yes." "No," she lied. "Are you sure?" "Yes. Do you think I'm lying?" "Not at all, Agent Fowley. You just used to show more imagination." "Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not in the mood." "Ahh, problems on the home front?" CSM said sympathetically. "Scully is still coming between us, even though she is no longer his partner. When we were in need of a pathologist, she was the first person Fox called. I told him I preferred Matt, and he had no objection, but still insisted on Scully's presence too in spite of how I felt. I was humiliated. He was angry and wouldn't back down. In the end, SHE decided it for all of us by walking away." "Perhaps you need to try a more intimate type of persuasion," CSM suggested. "I tried that already - with limited results. She's got an iron-tight grip on him," she blurted in frustration. "I have got to have them separated," she said to him urgently. "That will be a start. Can you arrange that?" "They already work for two different departments; how much more separated do you want them to be?" "I don't want her anywhere near him," she said with venom. "There must be some way for you to make that happen!" "Of course. All you need to know is what strings to pull to guarantee the outcome that you want. Then of course, there is what puppet to use to achieve your purpose," he said musingly, thinking of the perfect candidate for the job, AD Kersch. Scully's new boss. "So you'll do it?" She asked anxiously. "My dear Agent Fowley, when will you learn that I can do anything?" End Part 3 of 10 One week later J Edgar Hoover Building Dana tried to calm her knotted stomach as she entered the elevator. Pressing the button for Kersch's floor, she wondered if she would even be able to survive another 'meeting.' Who would have thought that this maneuver would ever turn out to be so complicated, she pondered. In making a decision she thought would bring some peace and control into her life, she'd set in motion a chain of events that had brought her nothing but confusion and pain. While the pain was expected, the degree of it wasn't, and she couldn't help feeling, she thought as she stepped off the elevator, that she was in way over her head. On top of that she was late! Opening the door to his outer office, Scully stepped inside, ignoring the condescending look being given to her by his secretary. "Agent Scully, you're-" "I have a meeting to get to," she interrupted before she could launch the first salvo, and opened the door. Scully thought walking into the room. Matt, Diana, Skinner, Kersch, even Mulder were already comfortably settled in their seats. Turning around to shut the door behind her, Scully gave herself a few moments to compose herself then spoke. "I'm sorry I'm late, Sir. I was stuck in traffic," she said, sliding into the only available seat - next to Mulder. Scully could feel his intense stare like a caress, though she knew he was trying to hide it. She understood the feeling completely. Not seeing him on an everyday basis was slowly eating away at her. she thought, "Well Agent Scully, so nice of you to join us. Since Agent Mulder was just five minutes ahead of you, we didn't really get anywhere," Kersch said disapprovingly. "Well, I can't vouch for Agent Scully's reason for being late, but I had to feed my fish," Mulder deadpanned. "Fox," Diana whispered on his other side, laying her hand on his arm. At her gesture, Mulder straightened, settling into his chair. "What's this about Kersch?" Skinner asked. "In a word, clarification," Kersch answered succinctly. "Pardon me?" "I thought it important to get all the pertinent parties together for a clarification session," Kersch repeated. "What exactly are we supposed to be clarifying?" Mulder asked. "Your boundaries, among other things, Agent Mulder," Kersch replied. "You're not responsible for setting Agent Mulder's boundaries Kersch, I am," Skinner warned, already beginning to see where Kersch was heading. "What about my boundaries?" Mulder said, bringing Kersch's attention back to him. "I was...informed of the need to make certain truths clear to prevent any possible instances of future confusion." Turning his attention to Scully he said, "Agent Scully you requested a transfer from the X-Files did you not?" "Yes sir," Scully answered. "And you are now Special Agent in Charge of the research team." "Yes." "Yet you showed up at a crime scene-" "At my request," Mulder interjected, "we needed her expertise." "Any forensic pathologist would have done the job, and your partner had already called to dispatch one to the scene," Kersch countered. "Yes sir. Though she informed me after the fact. By that time I had already called Agent Scully. No disrespect intended," Mulder said, turning to Matt. "None taken Agent Mulder, I would want Agent Scully too, if I were...you..." Matt trailed off, embarrassed. Mulder thought, while Matt tried to backtrack. "No need to explain Matt, I understand. The point I was trying to make sir," returning his attention to Kersch, "was that Agent Scully and I have worked on these types of cases before and she would have already been familiar with it." "Might I remind you that Agent Scully is no longer your partner?" "Yes sir, I'm aware of that-" Mulder began. "Are you Agent Mulder? Because your actions speak otherwise." "Sir, I know-" "Agent Mulder, I'm not all that interested in what you know anymore and I don't have to be. As your AD has most recently informed me, you are his responsibility now and that's fine with me. But Agent Scully is *my* responsibility and I take my responsibilities seriously," Kersch said. Scully thought angrily. "Excuse me Sir, but *I* am responsible for my own actions and it was *my* decision to go to Agent Mulder when he called," Scully said, glancing at her former partner and for a moment, becoming lost in his eyes. Quickly breaking eye contact, Scully lowered her gaze to her hands. "Well, maybe you made the wrong decision," Diana said, goaded by the look that passed between the two ex-partners, and causing Scully's head to snap up with an indignant reply. Unfortunately, Kersch beat her to it. "I don't remember asking for your assistance in this matter, Agent Fowley. I can handle this quite well without your help," Kersch added. "Of course. I apologize," Diana said. "Look, this is getting old Kersch," Skinner said, annoyed. "What exactly is the purpose of this meeting?" "Simple. The purpose of this meeting is to make sure that everyone clearly understands that Agents Mulder and Scully are no longer partners and therefore have no reason to continue any contact." "But don't you think that's a little unrealistic?" Matt chimed in. "I mean they can hardly avoid each other and cases overlap from time to time, not to mention the fact that frequently agents assist each other in their off-hours. How could you possibly expect Agents Mulder and Scully to have absolutely no contact with each other?" At this, Scully turned her gaze on Diana Fowley and watched as she shifted uncomfortably. Flashing back to the scene at the warehouse, Dana remembered how vehement Diana was about *not* wanting her there. Without fully being able to explain it, maybe it was just instinct, but she was positive that somehow Fowley had orchestrated *clarification session*. "What was your name again?" Kersch asked, focusing his attention on the young Agent. "His name is Matt Stone; one of the best forensic pathologists in the bureau, and Agent Scully's assistant," Mulder said. "I apologize if I came across in anyway disrespectful, Sir. I have a tendency to say the first thing that pops into my head." "That could become a very dangerous habit, Agent Stone" Kersch said in subtle warning. "It was only a question, Sir" Matt said. "And a damned good one at that," Skinner agreed. "Agents Mulder and Scully's work on the X-Files would make it a necessity for them to consult with each other from time to time on some critical points of evidence. Expecting them to have absolutely no contact is not only unrealistic - it's also unreasonable." Kersch mulled this over. A complete separation just wasn't possible. At least not this early in the game. "Well some contact is obviously unavoidable," Kersch agreed grudgingly. "Agent Scully will be needed as a consultant until Agent Fowley gets up to speed on the cases. After that, there should be no reason to consult with Agent Scully. Agent Fowley should be more than capable of handling the caseload. After all, she was there when you started the X-Files in the first place. Isn't that correct, Agent Mulder?" Kersch asked. "Yes," Mulder confirmed. "Though Diana was there when the X-Files were re-opened, she'd only been working on them for a year-and-a -half to two years before she left." "Agent Scully is more familiar with the cases," Skinner added. "She's been working on them for 6 years." "Yes. But in a strictly medical capacity, and without any prior experience or even belief in the types of cases that she and Agent Mulder were investigating," Kersch said. "Am I right, Agent Scully?" "Well Sir...my original purpose was to provide a hard science background to the cases we investigated," she explained. "You neglected to answer my question, Agent Scully. You had no prior experience or belief in the types cases you investigated with Agent Mulder. Am I right?" "Yes sir," Scully answered reluctantly. "But that doesn't invalidate her work on the X-Files-" Mulder started "I never said it did" Kersch interrupted. "Agent Fowley, you have a background similar to that of Agent Mulder, is that right?" Kersch asked. "Yes," Diana said. "Parascience." "I don't believe anyone is doubting Agent Fowley's qualifications to be Agent Mulder's partner, so what's your point?" Skinner asked. "My point is that though Agent Scully has worked with Agent Mulder longer, it makes more sense for Agent's Mulder and Fowley to be partners given their backgrounds. I feel that every effort should be made to that end. To put it bluntly, I don't want any unnecessary fraternization between Agents Mulder and Scully." "I beg your pardon sir?" Mulder said. In her seat, Diana tried to conceal the spurt of satisfaction...but not before Mulder caught a glimpse of it. Deciding to file that away until he had time to chew on its implications, Mulder turned his attention back to Kersch, intending to provide his own *clarification*, when he got a look at Scully's face...and realized it was safer to keep quiet. "Begging your pardon again Sir, but I'm no child and I highly resent being treated like one," Scully said, trying to fight the anger coursing through her. "Agent Scully," Kersch began, "you had a very promising career before-" "I know what my career was and is sir," Scully interrupted furiously, "and I find it highly objectionable that you would conduct this meeting like you would a trip to the principal's office!" "Agent Scully-" Skinner said, surprised at her outburst. Standing up, Scully faced her former superior. "My apologies Sir, but as you have already stated, Agent Mulder is your responsibility. I am not." "Now just hold on a minute Agent," Kersch said, trying to regain control of the situation. "I believe you misinterpreted my statement." "I did no such thing. Did you or did you not say-" Scully was cut off mid-sentence as the shrill ring of a cellular phone took center stage, causing everyone to check their pockets to find out if theirs was the one ringing. It was Scully's. Everyone used the pause in conversation to take a deep breath, and calm down. While Scully spoke in low hushed tones on her cellular, Skinner turned a disapproving gaze on Mulder. "You couldn't find two words to pull together that might have helped, Agent Mulder?" "No Sir," Mulder said. "Well, why not?" Leaning into him and lowering his voice, he answered, "self- preservation, Sir," then leaned back in his chair. Skinner closed his eyes. he thought, annoyed. Closing her cell phone, Scully placed it back in her pocket and faced her superior. "I have to return to my office," she said, facing Kersch. "Why?" he asked. "I'm not sure exactly. I'm just told I have a very important visitor and must get to my office immediately." "Agent Scully, we still have business here." "Well then, I suggest you take it up with your superior, Sir. It was his secretary that relayed the message." "Alright Agent Scully," Kersch said reluctantly. "We'll continue this conversation later." "If you'll excuse me," Scully said, turning around to walk to the door, her eyes lingering on Mulder's before she could control them. she thought, and walked out of the door. "Well, I don't really need Agent Scully's presence here to get my point across," Kersch spoke into the ensuing silence. "I want to make it clearly understood that this isn't something I will have a great deal of tolerance for." "And I want it clearly understood that both your and my priority should be the most efficient and timely cooperation between departments to solve a case - no matter which combination of agents are used," Skinner shot back. "The important thing has to be the case, Kersch. Or have you forgotten that?" "I haven't forgotten anything, Skinner. Just keep your Agent under control and know that *any* contact with Agent Scully will be scrutinized by me." "You can be sure I'll pay that the consideration it deserves, Sir," Mulder said wryly. "What?" Kersch asked, pretty sure he'd just been insulted, but not sure how. "We'll be sure to keep that in mind," Diana interjected quickly. "Are we finished here?" Mulder asked, bracing himself to get up. "One more thing Agent Mulder. You said you requested Agent Scully come to the scene," Kersch said. "I wanted her opinion." "What about your partners opinion? She wanted Matt." "Matt was there. But I also wanted Agent Scully." "Well your partner didn't." "Yes..." he agreed slowly, "she didn't." Turning his head, he focused on her for the first time, and wondered if she was so against any contact with Scully that she would somehow arrange this meeting. "Maybe you need to find out why?" Skinner added. "Yes," Mulder agreed, watching Diana fiddle with her hair - a surefire sign that she was uncomfortable about something. "Let me give you some advice Agents," Kersch began, drawing everyone's attention back to him. "You'll never have an effective partnership if you are not on the same page." Mulder thought to himself. "Now are we finished...Sir?" Mulder asked aloud. "This meeting is over; thank you for your time," Kersch said dismissively. Rising from her chair at the same time he did, Diana grabbed Mulder's arm. "Let's go Fox," she urged. Giving her a nod of assent, Mulder turned toward Matt and shook his hand while they walked toward the door, and Skinner, seeing an opening while Mulder was occupied with the star-struck researcher, made his move. "Agent Fowley?" "Yes sir?" "Do you have a moment?" "Is something wrong sir?" "I'd like to speak with you." "What about?" "In my office, Agent," he finished, escorting her out of the door. Diana stopped in front of Mulder. "Go on Fox, A. D. Skinner asked to see me. I'm going to be a few minutes," she said. "What's going on?" he asked. "I'll let you know when I find out.." "This way, Agent Fowley," Skinner said, walking down the hall to his office. "I'll catch you later," Mulder said, walking into the elevator while Diana hurried down the hall to Skinner's office. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX As the elevator descended, Mulder asked himself what that meeting was all about. His instincts were telling him there was more going on here than he was seeing. That everything wasn't what it seemed. But he just couldn't seem to concentrate long enough to figure things out. He was at a disadvantage and he knew it. This was not the time to be or feel vulnerable. Nevertheless, that was exactly how he felt. Because she was gone. The ringing of his cellular phone brought him out of his musings. "Mulder." "Agent Mulder?" "Yes." "This is the operator. You are wanted in Agent Scully's office." "I'm sorry?" "You are requested to report to Agent Scully's office. Now." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Skinner's office Opening the door of his office, Skinner guided Diana inside then took his seat behind his desk. "Have a seat Agent Fowley. This won't take long," Skinner said, then waited until she was comfortable before speaking. "Is there something wrong sir?" "Since your re-assignment in Washington, you've taken an almost exclusive interest in the X-Files, though I know you were aware that the unit was officially assigned to Agents Mulder and Scully." "Begging your pardon sir, but Agent Mulder and I started the X- Files and-" "Excuse me. The X-Files were re-opened by Agent Mulder...alone. You were simply his first partner. There's a bit of a difference there." "Alright, yes," Diana conceded. "But my point is that it should be understandable that I still have an interest in them." "An interest, yes. It's the exclusivity of that interest that I'm curious about," Skinner countered. "I didn't think justifying my interest would be necessary." "No need for defensiveness, Agent Fowley. I apologize for any discomfort that I might be causing you, but like you, the X-Files are of particular interest to me. As a superior, I like to have a handle on the Agents under me. Agent Scully's sudden departure from the X-Files and your taking up the position as Mulder's new partner, happened so quickly I didn't have time to touch base with you." "Touch base?" "Yes. I'm still wondering about your...interest in the X-Files. What happened Agent Fowley? After all it was your choice to leave. Wasn't it?" "Yes." "Why?" "Though I loved my work on the X-files, they were Agent Mulder's project. As you've just reminded me, I was just his partner and I had ambitions of my own. When I was offered the position overseas, I was given the opportunity to not only head up a project of my own but also advance my career. It was a difficult decision, but I chose to leave." "What prompted you to come back, and what are you hoping to accomplish?" "It sounds like you have suspicions," Diana said. She was pretty sure there was a veiled message Skinner was trying to convey, but couldn't quite catch the meaning. "It should sound like I have questions. Questions I would like answered Agent," he finished sternly. Diana certainly caught *that* meaning. "I just decided that I had gone as far as I could in the anti-terrorism unit. I wanted a change - to get back to my roots, the work I enjoyed the most. My work with Agent Mulder on the X-Files was the most satisfying time in my career. The only thing I hope to accomplish is the pursuit of the truth," she explained. "Well Agent Fowley, you seem to have all the right answers." "I'm simply being honest," she asserted. "Yes. Well, as I've said the X-Files are of particular interest to me, so I intend to keep a more watchful eye on things," he said to her meaningfully. "Agent Scully's abrupt departure proved to me that I wasn't vigilant enough to recognize the factors that contributed to it beforehand. Now Agent Fowley-" Skinner stopped at the sound of her cellular phone. "Excuse me Sir." "Where are you?" "This isn't a good time. I'm in a meeting with Assistant Director Skinner." "Well, I suggest you make your excuses. Your partner was just seen heading for Agent Scully's office, and Kersch just postponed our scheduled meeting for twenty minutes, saying he needed to settle an issue with Agent Scully," the CSM said, through a cloud of smoke. "Remember, you have to protect our interest," he reminded her then, clicked off. "I'm sorry Sir, I've just been given an important piece of information that I need to relay to Agent Mulder," Diana said, preparing to rise from her chair. "Well, is it life threatening?" Skinner asked. "No Sir." "Good, because this won't take much longer," Skinner said, and watched Diana settle back in her chair. "Now, I'd like a little more detail on just what you hope to accomplish with your work in the X-files." Diana sighed. This was going to take longer than she thought. End of Part (4/10) NEW DEBUT: TITLE: Full Circle To The Truth Pt. 2 (5/10) AUTHOR: Des Scully's office J Edgar Hoover Building Scully stood in the middle of her office, confused. Why was she called here when there was no visitor? It just didn't make sense. She was beginning to feel like someone was directing her like a puppet on a string and she had no control at all. Given the circumstances, the proper thing to do would be to head back up to the meeting, but there was no way in hell she was going to do that. Listening to Kersch's pompousness was more than she could stand. Throw in the sneaking suspicion that Diana Fowley arranged that fiasco and the fact that she just couldn't control her attraction to Mulder anymore, and that amounted to a very good reason for staying right where she was. Turning around to close the door behind her so she could give the impression that she was meeting with someone, Scully was startled to find Mulder closing it himself. Turning around, he faced her silently. "Mulder? Wha-" "Ok, I'm here." "Mulder, are you crazy? Didn't Kersch just seriously threaten both of us if we're anywhere near each other at all?" "Scully, do you really believe I give a flying f-" "Mulder! This is serious!" "What's the matter, Scully?" he asked softly, his deep voice sending chills up her spine. "Don't you like my company anymore?" he asked, walking toward her. "Don't Mulder," she said, backing up. "Stay right where you are." She always wound up in his arms if he was anywhere near her these days. "Don't Shoot!" he cried dramatically. raising his hands in the air. "Cut it out, Mulder." Lowering his hands, he chuckled. "Are you afraid of me, Agent Scully?" "Why are you here Mulder?" "I got a call to come here." "Mulder," she started, then stopped - realizing that the same thing happened to her. "I thought you sent for me." "No Mulder, I was called here too." "This is the second time this happened. The first time I came to this office I was called here - just before Diana came by with the tip from Skinner..." he said, then trailed off at the mention of Diana and the sudden chill that came into Scully's eyes. Clearing his throat he asked, "what do you think is going on here Scully?" "I'm not sure Mulder. Obviously someone is playing games. Any ideas as to who that might be?" She asked sarcastically. "You think it's Diana. That just doesn't make sense Scully. Diana wouldn't interfere with our relationship." "What's closer to the truth is that if she were interfering with it, she certainly wouldn't do anything designed to bring us together - only to keep us apart." "That's not fair Scully. You don't know her." "Yes, you keep reminding me. Well, since you do, you tell me. Is what I've suggested a possibility?" Mulder lowered his head. He couldn't lie and tell her no. She was right. It wasn't just possible, it was plausible. Wasn't he considering just that very same idea himself not 15 minutes ago? "Scully-" he started, the answer clearly visible in his eyes. "I think you'd better go Mulder," Scully said softly. Shaking his head in agreement, he turned to the door, but couldn't allow himself to walk out. This wasn't right. He needed to be honest. She deserved that. Keeping his back to her momentarily, Mulder gathered his courage. "You asked me why I didn't say anything about Diana," he interjected. "Yes." "At first, it wasn't intentional," he said, turning around to face her. "At first? Wait a minute, are you telling me that at some point you decided to do it intentionally?" "That didn't come out right." "You hurt me deliberately?" "No..." "Then what?" "Scully, I'm trying to figure this out." Crossing her arms, Scully remained silent. "At first, there really wasn't anything to tell. I mean, she just showed up out of the blue and I just never anticipated having that much...contact with her," he said hesitantly, flashing back to the scene in the car. Looking at her, he saw she'd decided to stay quiet, so he continued. "A-after I saw your reaction to her...I felt...I don't know," he said with a shrug, "good." "Good?" Scully asked softly. "You felt good!" she cried louder, then shouted "It didn't feel good to me Mulder - IT HURT!" "Scully-" "You son of a bitch-" "Hold on, Scully-" "No," she said, walking to the door of her office and opening it. "Get the hell out of my office!" she shouted. "Scully! You're not listening-" "NOW!!" Her temper sparking his own, he stormed over to the door and yanked it out of her hands, slamming it shut, then pressing her against it. "Scully you didn't let me finish-" "I've heard enough! I want you OUT of my unh-" Scully closed her eyes as she was devoured by a very angry Mulder, biting at her lips, then sliding his tongue into her mouth. Scully wrapped her lips around his tongue, her anger matching his, then moaning as he slid his hands up and cupped her breasts, thumbs rubbing her sensitive nipples. His anger was slowly being replaced by passion as he felt her body soften and respond to his ministrations. This woman made him lose what little sense he did- "OWWW!" he groaned, as she bit down on his tongue. Not hard enough to cause real pain...yet. But enough to give him an accurate barometer of just how much pain he could expect should she decide to follow that course of action. He opened his eyes and stared into hers. Though those blue eyes were a mix of anger, passion and determination, she allowed him to slowly slide his tongue between her teeth. Just when he thought he was home free, she bit down again - right at the tip of his tongue and spoke. "You were saying, Agent Mulder?" "Met...me...mo," Mulder tried to say, and though he was barely understandable, Scully let him go. Moving his still busy hands away from her still tingling breasts, she waited, expecting him to move away from the door. But he never did. Though he did continue the explanation. "It's not something I'm proud of Scully," he started avoiding her eyes, "but I feel like I owe you the truth." "Which is?" He sighed, embarrassed. "Before Diana showed up, our relationship was...one way. It was a partnership in the best sense of the word, but...I sometimes wondered if I meant anything to you besides as a partner." Closing his eyes in mortification, he continued. "But when Diana came...you started to show more feelings than I'd seen from you before so...I-I held back, because I wanted to see more." Scully waited, reluctantly beginning to see where he was heading. "It seemed the more I held back, the more emotion you showed - and the more emotion you showed the more I wanted to see. I didn't consider the fact that you were hurting - or maybe it was there in the back of my mind but I thought..." he hesitated, squeezing his eyes shut, "I thought that you would finally have a idea of how I've felt all these years, hoping you felt half of what I did," he finished. he told himself. "The pitiful truth about it Scully? I liked the fact that you were jealous," he finished in a rush. "Like I said, I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth. I'm sorry that I hurt you; I just want you to come back," he said, looking her in the eyes for the first time since he started his explanation. "Oh Mulder..." she said stroking his cheek, "it's not that simple." "Why not Scully? Why-what do you want me to do or say?" "Mulder-" "Whatever you want me to do - I'll do. I just can't keep hurting like this." "Listen to me," Scully said softly, framing his face in her hands, "you aren't the only one hurting. I am too. This is just as hard on me..." "Scully," he said, taking her face in his hands as well, "do you love me?" "Yes Mulder. I love you." "Do you have any idea how that much hurts me Scully? Do you?" "Mulder-" "No Scully. I can open my mind to all manner of extreme possibilities," he said, softly rubbing her lips with his thumb, "but those three words were a possibility so extreme I didn't dare to even hope in it. Ssssh..." he said, placing a finger across her lips when she attempted to speak. "But that didn't mean," he continued, "that sometimes, when I couldn't stop myself, I didn't dream of hearing those words coming from your lips. I did. But you were a dream I not only didn't feel I could hope for...but that I didn't deserve." "Mulder-" she started. "I'm going somewhere with this, Scully." "I'm sorry." "But you took a phrase that should warm the heart of anyone that hears it, and turned it into something that brings me nothing but pain - no that's not completely true - it's like this strange combination of pleasure and pain. Pleasure because I never allowed myself to seriously hope that you could love me like that; and pain because you give me my dream at the same time that you took it way. It's made worse now because I know what you feel like," his voice going softer, "what you taste like...and how passionate you are," He finished smoothly, sliding his tongue in her mouth before she could say anything in response. Again framing his face, Scully pulled back. "I'm sorry I hurt you, Mulder. I can only say to you that I'm suffering too," she whispered. "But please believe me. I love you." "Then come home," he whispered back. "Mulder..." "It's killing me," he said, wrapping his arms around her. "Scully, I need you." "Don't," she said, pressing her hands against his chest, resisting his embrace. "Don't what Scully? Don't want you? Don't need you?" "Mulder please!" she cried, sliding underneath his arms and away from the door to the center of the room. "This is the best I can do right now." "But Scully-" he began, while walking toward her. "Stay where you are," Scully warned. "That's the second time you've said that. Why are you running from me, Scully?" "I'm not running at all," she denied, backing into the desk. Mulder simply stared. "All right dammit! I don't know myself around you anymore. I can't TRUST myself around you anymore. If we are alone in the same room I just can't seem to think anymore! It scares me Mulder," she said, ending in a whisper. "Why? I don't understand." "I've never been the way I am with you...with anyone else," she explained softly. "God Scully," Mulder said, walking toward her. "I said stay where you are, Mulder! I mean it," she ordered, stopping him in his tracks. "Why won't you let me near you?" "Because whenever you are, I can't seem to care about anything else and this is important! I need to think!" "About what?" He asked. Hoping it would be easier if she didn't face him, she turned her back to him and stared at the picture of her sister Melissa, sitting on her desk. "Mulder, do you remember when I told you that I had never met anyone as passionate and dedicated to a belief as you?" Thinking back, Mulder nodded as he spoke. "Yeah, we disagreed over Deep Throat." "Yes. I said that your passion is so intense that sometimes it's blinding. While I respected and admired it, it also scared me. It still does. To have all of that passion directed toward you...is frightening." "I would never hurt you, Scully." "No, no you don't understand. Passion is a very big part of who you are, focus doesn't matter...whether it's extraterrestrial entities, or...a woman," she whispered. "You'd have to be able to handle it, and - and to match it." "Scully," he said somewhat bewildered, "you've been matching it for 6 years." Stomach tied up in knots, Scully faced him. "You're not hearing me Mulder. "I guess not. I'm lost Scully. You've been the perfect partner for me. I mean, you match me wit for wit." "I'm not talking about being a partner, Mulder." "Then what are you talking about?" "Being a woman!" she blurted. "Being a woman and matching your passion!" Scully hung her head a moment, not believing she'd just spoken her deepest fear to Mulder. Mulder ignored the blast of heat he felt at her words, and concentrated on giving her the reassurance she seemed to be asking him for. "Scully...you match my passion in every way." "When we were growing up, my sister was the passionate one. She was spontaneous and free. And me? I was the quiet, studious-" "I can see studious, but quiet? When?" "That's what I mean Mulder. I'm not myself when I'm with you," she said closing her eyes. "I hardly know who I am." "You're being silly Scully-" "I should have never told you I loved you," she murmured, opening her eyes and finding herself face-to-face with Mulder's chest. How the hell...? "Don't say that Scully," he said angrily, grabbing her by the shoulders. "Goddammit, don't *ever* say that." "But ever since I said those words Mulder, everything's changed," Scully cried helplessly, twisting handfuls of his jacket in her hands. "I can't seem to get things back. To get ME back anymore." "Is that what you're waiting for?" Mulder asked, calmer now. He was beginning to understand what was disturbing her. It seemed Dana Scully the scientist had finally met Dana Scully the woman. The sensual woman. "It's like I've lost control. Like I've lost a part of myself." "No Scully," Mulder said softly. "You just gave it to me. That's why you can't find it," he told her, framing her face in his hands, and staring into her bewildered, frightened eyes. "And guess what Scully? I'm not giving it back, but I promise you I'll cherish it." "Mulder, how can you be so sure I'll satisfy you?" "What are you talking about?" "I mean, I'm used to a certain level of intensity in relationships...but your passion well exceeds what I'm used to. It hasn't been easy for me to match it, just being your partner. How can I match it being - being...more?" "Stop it!" he said. "How can you be so sure about me when I'm not?" Scully said, pouring out all of her fears. "Mulder I'm - I'm conventional, not adventurous. I mean, the only place I've ever made love in is a bed for god's sakes! And in the six years we've been partners, have you ever known me to be spontaneous?" "I said stop it, Scully!" he shouted grabbing her by the shoulders and giving her a shake. "Do you remember that night in the rain? The woman I was with that night seduced me. No Scully, you're not going to run this time," he told her when she started to pull away in disbelief. "You'll hear this, dammit. I was angry and I wanted to stay angry. I tried everything I knew to stay mad at you that night, but you were having none of it. As furious as I wanted to be, you made me want your love - your passion - MORE. Until it was all I cared about. I didn't stand a chance against it. That, Agent Scully, is seduction. You. Were. Hot. Blushing at the memory, she tugged his head down until they were rubbing nose to nose. Mulder thought, and remembered that she'd held him this very same way the last time they had a conversation in this office. At that moment, he realized something new about his beautiful partner. She was a cuddler. "I've never been like that with any man before Mulder," she whispered, embarrassed, and Mulder couldn't help but feel a jolt of joy at her words. He kissed her softly. "Maybe you just needed the right man to bring it out. Give me a chance Scully - give US a chance," Mulder whispered, "and I'll prove it to you." He held her face between his hands, wanting to see her face the first time he said the words to her. He'd already told her he loved her, but he'd never said this. "I want you Scully. I want you more than I want the next breath." He never would have anticipated her reaction to his declaration. He thought she might just stare blankly, or simply shrug him off as she did once before when he made a different - but just as important - declaration from a hospital bed, but she did neither. Instead, tears sprung to her eyes, touched his heart, and made him want her painfully. "Oh Mulder," she whispered. How many times had she dreamed those words from him? She was tempted to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming now. But even her wildest fantasies didn't come close to the heat that was in his eyes right now. And it was all for her. She thought. Mulder sensed and felt her surrender, and against all good judgement responded, grabbing her waist and lifting her on top of her desk, then positioning himself between her thighs. Grasping a handful of her hair, Mulder yanked her head back and feasted on her mouth - biting, licking and rubbing his lips over hers. Sliding her hands underneath his jacket, she ran them up his back and hooked them around his shoulders, pulling him tightly against her. Scully then slid her hands over his buttocks, testing and kneading his firm flesh and wrapping her thighs around his hips. Breaking off the kiss, Mulder lowered his hands to her breasts and caressed them slowly through the layers of clothing and bra, making Scully squirm with impatience and pleasure. "More Mulder. More," she whispered, and stroked his tongue with hers, ready to do it all right here and to hell with the consequences- A brisk knock on the door interrupted them. "Agent Scully? Are you there?" Dana thought. "It's Kersch," she whispered to Mulder. "Shit," Mulder whispered back. "I just said that!" Scully whispered urgently. "No you didn't. You thought it." "Same thing...Hide!" "Where?" Mulder asked while both of them looked around for a suitable place, and outside the door, Kersch continued to knock. "Agent Scully? Are you in there?" "Mulder!!" "There's no place to go Scully! You have no closets or drapes, no file cabinets - not even a table to dive under..." he trailed off as the idea hit them both at the same time. "Under the desk!!" they each whispered. Mulder dived just in the nick of time. Kersch was opening the door. Scully quickly sat down in her seat, and gave Mulder a look that said "Don't make a sound!" "Agent Scully, are you alright?" Kersch asked, coming into the office and taking a seat. "Yes sir, why do you ask?" "You didn't answer when I knocked - I was concerned." "No need. I'm fine." "I thought we needed to clarify a few things. I came off rather harshly up there and I know you didn't take too kindly to it." "I took exception to being treated like a person whose judgement is in question. If that is the way you feel, why bring me on in the first place?" "That isn't the way I feel Agent Scully, which is why I came to-" "Exactly how *do* you feel sir, if you don't mind me asking?" "Now *my* judgement is in question?" "No more than mine was - unless you'd like to try the *truth* this time," Scully countered, crossing her arms and uncrossing her legs leaning forward in her seat. "That was rather insolent Agent Scully. It seems you picked up some of Agent Mulder's bad habits." "I'm sorry," Scully said innocently. "Were we discussing Agent Mulder? I thought we were going to...clarify a few things. Did I misinterpret your meaning?" "Touch, Agent Scully. Sheathe those claws and let me explain." "I'm all ears, sir." A barely heard snicker from underneath her desk had her kicking - anything she could reach - to warn Mulder not to make a sound. She almost nailed him in the balls! But he just couldn't help it. He had to laugh. Kersch didn't know it, but he was dead meat. Mulder was intimately acquainted with the tone Scully was using in her conversation with her superior. He was so glad he was, for once, *not* on the receiving end of it. But he was aware of why it was there in the first place. Because of him. Even though she walked away, she didn't like anyone trying to tell her how to handle their relationship. But there was no need for her indignation on his behalf. he thought. God himself couldn't keep him away from Scully. If his soul depended on it, he would gladly go to hell. Just being with her was like a slice of heaven. He had no doubt that if they weren't interrupted, he and Scully would be a minute away from making love right about now. Just the thought of it had him stifling a groan. And she thought she wasn't passionate enough? Not woman enough for him? Every time he got near her she seared him with her passion, he thought, absently stroking her feet. And then realized that he was in a position to stroke much MORE than just her feet. Though it wasn't planned, Mulder saw this as another opportunity - as in the back seat of her car that rainy, passion-filled, painful night - to kill two birds with one stone. He could distract her from getting into more hot water with Kersch, AND show her just how spontaneous and UN-conventional she actually was. Dana Scully had more passion in her than even *she* knew and he was determined to prove it to her. Arousal was already riding him hard - this was one of his fantasies. The danger of exposure only excited him more. He was already hard, wondering if Scully was a "true" redhead - and he had every intention of finding out. How would she taste? Could he make her come? With Kersch in the same room? And how long would it take before she realized what he was going to do? Would she let him? He was about to find out. End of Part (5/10) NEW DEBUT: TITLE: Full Circle To The Truth Pt. 2 (6/10)(NC-17) Scully rubbed the bridge of her nose, trying to hide her distraction as she felt Mulder's hands on her ankles, slowly rubbing and massaging them before slipping her shoes off her feet. Trying to keep her mind on the conversation was becoming increasingly difficult as she made some sort of coherent reply to Kersch's lecture in the guise of an explanation. Scully drew in a panicked breath at the feel of his hands caressing and smoothing up their way up her calves. Her breathing was starting to become labored, so she started concentrating on taking slow, even breaths while Kersch droned on and on. She felt his hands settle on her knees and shuddered slightly as he slowly and deliberately parted them, caressing both her inner and outer thighs. He stroked her slowly, using a feather-light touch - first on one thigh then the other, stopping for a moment to admire her thigh high stockings (she was likely to give him a fetish) before moving slowly toward her hips - and her panties. Hooking his thumbs underneath the elastic at her hips, he gave it a yank, tearing the fragile lace and allowing Mulder to slide the ruined swatch of lace down her legs and off. Scully thought somewhat disjointedly. "Agent Scully? Are you feeling alright?" "Y-y-yes," she stammered as she felt him move in between her thighs. Her eyes widened slightly as realization of his intent began to dawn on her. But even as the thought entered her mind, she could feel his hot breath trailing up her thighs as he pushed them wide - smoothly sliding first one then the other over his shoulders in preparation. Scully braced, as she felt his hot breath closer and closer to her naked and most sensitive flesh. And he waited. Making her yearn. It was madness. It was dangerous. It was exciting. It was desire. It was agony. It seemed Mulder's passion tapped some wild primitive desire with in her that she previously thought herself incapable of. Everything that was woman in her, responded to all that was male in him - the intense sexuality and passion that she'd always known was a big part of him and that secretly scared her. Because deep down inside, she wasn't sure if she would be able to satisfy him, even though he seemed to have no doubts about that at all. His certainty had sparked a curiosity in her. If she were to believe him, it seemed she could not only satisfy him, but *wanted* to. "Agent Scully, I know you probably think that I've judged your ex-partner unfairly," Kersch said at the very same moment she felt the first stroke of his tongue on her clit. "Ohh Yes," Scully replied vehemently. Kersch leaned back in his seat, not expecting quite so honest an answer. Somewhat uncomfortably, he continued. "Well...it's because I feel you have great potential." "Yes," Scully said breathlessly, unbearably excited. Kersch stared at her quizzically. "Agent Scully?" "Yes. More. Please. I want...to hear more." And Mulder, understanding her request for what it was, launched his attack, lowering his mouth and tasting the heart of her. He wrapped his mouth around her nubbin of pleasure and sucked her, while simultaneously using his tongue to zero in on her 'spot.' "Well, I felt your career was sidetracked by your partnership with Agent Mulder, but with him out of the way, the sky's the - are you alright, Agent Scully?" Underneath the desk, Mulder was ruthless, his mouth never leaving her, tongue flicking quickly back and forth, then left to right... "Yes. Why do you ask?" Sucking her clit and making it hard... "You're looking flushed." Trapping the hard nubbin gently, then mercilessly circling it... "I'm fine." Faster... "Then, am I boring you?" And faster...lapping at her juices and licking her raw. "Boring me?" Until she began to surreptitiously move her hips against his mouth. "Yes. You seem fidgety." she thought, frantic. She was so close... "No...no Sir," Scully stammered, as Mulder sucked her hard. She was right on the edge... "I just have a meeting with a source very soon," she said, feeling her inner muscles begin to clench. "And I-I don't want to miss him." She concluded, her release approaching with a vengeance. She had to get Kersch out... Kersch fell for her story and rose from his seat, while Mulder, using his tongue, lifted the hood of her clit - leaving it bare, and stroked it hard.... "Well, I won't keep you then. I have an appointment myself to keep." Then stroked it fast.... "I'm looking forward to working with you again," he finished, shaking her hand. And Scully, no longer able to speak, managed only a meager smile and nod, because like it or not, she was going over the edge. With a nod of acceptance and one more quizzical look, Kersch walked out the door. Mulder thought, as he felt Scully start shuddering and shaking...and pushed against her chair, rolling it back and clearing her legs from underneath the desk. Once they were free, he lifted her legs from his shoulders, placing a hand underneath each of her thighs, and pushed until they were raised high and wide, his mouth still sucking her. Now she was completely vulnerable to him. He slid her now uncovered and unprotected clit between his teeth and ran his tongue up and down the length of it, in lightening fast strokes - feeling her body tighten like a bow string and hearing her soft, incoherent pleas. Mulder thought and lightly bit the hard, wet nubbin... And that was all it took. "Oh...yes! My...God!" Scully panted. "Mulder!" Scully came. Hard. Right in Mulder's mouth. Clenching her teeth against the scream that accompanied it. And Mulder kept going. Licking and lapping her up and down, until the last shudder ceased and the last wave crashed. Lifting his mouth from her, he slid his hands down her quivering thighs, and lowered them to the floor. Then, rising from under her desk, he kissed her while she tried to recover and catch her breath. "You can't keep doing this to me Mulder. I can't take it," she said, tasting herself on his lips. "I can't think anymore," she said, trembling. "I don't want to think anymore." Capturing his face in her hands, she leaned her forehead against his. "I just - I *have* to have you, Mulder," Scully pleaded. "Then come to me Scully - come FOR me." Mulder whispered urgently. "Come to me and take me. Take what you want, as MUCH as you want, as OFTEN as you want, any WAY you want. Just take me, Scully. GOD I need that from you." Sliding his hand down her body, he reached the heart of her passion, finding her hot and wet, and stroked her with his thumb, making her moan. Holding her gaze, he lifted his thumb, wet with her juices, to his mouth and sucked it slowly. "Come to me Scully," he whispered once more, then walked out of the door. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mulder walked out of the door to Scully's office calling himself all kinds of fools. He should have finished it. God, he was in agony right now. Scully was right. He couldn't keep doing this. He was so hard he hurt. But he needed her to come to him. It was somehow important to his pride. He wanted no regrets. He needed to know that she wanted him - since SHE was the one who walked away. Mulder shook his head in partial disgust at himself, rubbing his temples that were now throbbing from frustration. He was one needy son-of-a-bitch. But he couldn't feel completely ashamed. He would always need Scully. The intention of the powers that be was to destroy him by her entrance into his life and her work on the X-files. But it backfired. Instead, she saved his life. A noise from behind him caught his attention. Whirling around, Mulder scanned the stairwell. Nothing. He turned back around laughing at himself. He could be so paranoid. Actually this was more the kind of situation where he'd meet a source. he thought somewhat fondly, Too dark. An abandoned stairwell? This was much more X's speed. It would be so much like him to just show up completely unexpected with some arrogant demand or grudgingly offering much needed information... There. That sound. There it was again. Rustling or something. And it sounded like it was coming from underneath the stairs. Drawing his gun, Mulder called out. "Who's there? Come out with your hands in the air. I am armed and WILL shoot if necessary," he shouted, walking slowly toward the stairwell. Another sound. Somewhat squeaky - like rubber soled shoes. "I said come out or I will shoot!" The noise was closer now. If there was someone there, it looked like they'd decided to come out. He thought he saw a shadow moving toward him, but wasn't sure. "Fox? Fox, what's going on?" Diana Fowley yelled, barreling down the steps, gun in hand. "Are you alright?" she asked, running to his side. Mulder looked for the shadow again...but it was gone. "Yeah," he replied absently as he inspected the space underneath the stairs, seeing no one. "I just thought I heard something - someone under the stairs," he told her, walking toward a hastily discarded device that he used everyday. As he crouched down to get a closer look, he noticed something even more puzzling. The vent underneath the stairs. It had been tampered with, the screws loosened and the grid on the ground. Taking a handkerchief out of his pocket, he picked up the device that had first caught his eye. "What is it?" Diana asked. "A cellular phone," he answered, bemused. "Fox, you're handling it like it's a piece of evidence." "How do you know it isn't?" he asked. "It's no big deal Fox," Diana chided, holstering her gun. "Somebody dropped their phone. Are you sure it isn't yours?" Diana asked. "Pretty sure," Mulder said, stretching the handkerchief a little more and pressing the memory button. Mulder thought, realizing that the call that brought him down here to Scully's office was made from this phone. "Fox?" "How did you know I was here Diana?" he asked, turning toward her for the first time. "I thought you had a meeting with Skinner?" "Not a meeting exactly - though I'm not quite sure what you would call it," she said, answering only part of his question. "His exact words were 'I wanted to touch base with you,' though it sounded more like he wanted to put me in my place." "Skinner can be very protective, but he means well," Mulder told her "and you still haven't answered my question Diana." "What question?" "How did you know I was here?" "Well...I asked around. Someone thought they saw you heading this way, so I came down to check and heard you shouting," Diana explained, thinking quickly. "Why are you questioning me Fox? If I didn't know better I would say you don't trust me." "I was wondering about that meeting we just attended," He started speculatively. "What about it?" "I don't know Diana...you were very smug when Kersch spoke of my not having any contact with Scully." "What does that mean? I've made no secret of my feelings on the subject. I've told you many times that it can't be good for you to continue to have contact with her." "Diana, how many times do I have to say it?" Mulder said exasperated. "What exactly *are* you saying Fox? Do you think I had something to do with that meeting?" "Did you?" "You're serious?" She asked incredulously. "Diana, when I looked at you...*really* looked at you, you were fiddling with your hair. I know what that means...you're uncomfortable about something, and Kersch did say that he was "informed", meaning someone alerted him. I haven't forgotten how angry you were when you found out Scully was contacted. You were even worse when she arrived." "And you think I arranged that meeting? Fox, I don't have that kind of clout." "No. I don't think you arranged it. I don't think anything. I'm asking you to tell me the truth." "Fox," Diana said with a sigh, "there isn't anything to tell. And I resent being questioned like this. Do you do this to all your partners? Did you do this to Agent Scully?" "It wouldn't be necessary," he replied. "But you feel it's necessary with me?" "I don't mean it like that Diana. What I'm saying is that you don't always tell everything all at once. I know I have to either wait or ask you myself. I didn't feel like waiting, so I asked." "And of course you never have to do that with Agent Scully," Diana said mockingly. Mulder thought, though he knew he wasn't being fair to either by comparing the two. Nor did he understand why he was doing it in the first place. What the hell was wrong with him? "I'm going to take this to the lab to check for fingerprints," he said he added silently, and walked away. As Diana watched him, she tried to shake off the feeling that she'd just been compared to Scully and had failed to measure up. Something had to be done. Somehow, someway, she had to get Scully OUT of Fox's mind. Realizing that she was standing outside of her office, she thought... "Well, this is as good a place to start as any," and knocked on the door. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Scully sat in total exhaustion as her trembling finally ceased. She had a feeling that a sexual relationship with Mulder would require a great deal of physical stamina. He was the most passionate man she'd ever known. A fact she found incredibly exciting, arousing, and terrifying. But now that he'd given her a taste of the degree of passion she could expect from him she was addicted. Dammit, she wanted more! She wanted it all! She was beginning to cautiously hope that she could satisfy him and that it was safe to give to him all the pent up passion she'd just been waiting to share. Maybe it was time to take what she wanted. A knock on her door had her scrambling to pick up her shredded (once again) underwear from the floor, and hide it in her desk drawer. "Come in," she said, straightening her hair. Diana walked through the door with a smirk on her face. Scully's surprise was clearly evident. Of all the people that could have been knocking on her door, she was the *last* person Scully expected . Diana gloated silently. She wondered though, if embarrassment could cause the flush - that was almost a glow - she was observing on Scully's face. She'd knew Fox had been down here; maybe they did more than talk. Highly unlikely though, because she knew Kersch had been here too and had left not too long ago. She needed to find out just how intimate the two agents had become. Had they gone further since that night in the rain? Though they were very passionate that night, the information she received said they were not physically involved, so that night was most likely their first encounter. She promised herself that as soon as she took care of Scully, she would corner Fox and find out. "What do you want Diana?" "I thought we needed to talk." "About?" "My partner," Diana replied deliberately, watching Scully's eyes narrow slightly, and taking a seat. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mulder thought, as he headed down the steps, back to the very office he'd left not 5 minutes ago. But something was pushing him. More strongly than Modell ever had. To go to her. His partner. Mulder paused at the bottom of the steps, trying to reconcile himself to the fact that the woman he was thinking of was no longer his partner. That hurt. he thought, as he rounded the corner to her office...then stopped dead in his tracks, as he watched his present partner walk into her office. "What the hell...?" Why was Diana going to see Scully? Slowly, trying not to give himself away, Mulder crept to Scully's door, glad to see that Diana had not closed it completely. It was only open a half an inch, but it was enough. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX J Edgar Hoover Building Mulder wasn't the only person listening to the conversation going on in that first floor office. In another office several stories up, X adjusted his equipment, trying to fight back the urge to simply go down to the first floor and drag Diana upstairs by her hair. She had no business being anywhere near Scully, but no matter how many times he told her that, she continually defied him. He appreciated the irony of the fact that he was even in the building, much less wiretapping not just one office, but two. It certainly paid to have contacts. Securing Agent Scully her own office assured that he could plant the bugs necessary to keep an eye on her. When he started implementing this plan, he anticipated having to stay on top of Mulder's actions, since he was the intuitive one of the pair. Putting a bug in his office was a given. But Agent Scully was becoming a wild card. On top of that, it sounded like Miss Scully had a plan of her own - and that wouldn't do. There were already too many players in this game. His thoughts shifted to Mulder for a moment. He had to hand it to the guy, X thought with a chuckle, and Scully too for that matter. If his instincts were right and he was correct about what he'd heard not too long ago, Mulder was *definitely* taking care of business under Scully's desk. And Scully handled it like a pro - all in front of her new boss. And said boss didn't have a clue, X thought, shaking his head. And it taught him a powerful lesson too. There was more between the two of them than even *he* thought. Somehow, he had to make that work for him, he reasoned, before putting on the headphones again and settling down to see what would develop next. "Don't fuck anything up, Diana," he said under his breath. But even as he said it, he figured that she would. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "Your partner," Scully repeated. "What about him?" "I know he was down here, even after leaving the very meeting where he was ordered to stay away from you." "First, you're talking to the wrong person - last time I checked, my name wasn't Mulder," Scully said, never acknowledging the charge. "Second, I know that *you* were the person who gave Kersch the information on our fight outside this building." Diana flushed slightly and shifted in her chair. "No need to be embarrassed Diana, it was the only logical assumption to make. You were the only person out there, to my knowledge, that would have given a rat's ass about two people making love in the rain." "Is that what you two were doing? Making love in the rain?" "Why ask me? Why don't you ask your partner?" Annoyed at having her words flung back at her, Diana stood up, walking to the desk and facing Scully palms down, nose to nose. "Stay away from my partner Agent Scully. As I recall, you threatened my life if I let anyone hurt him. That includes you." "I would never hurt Mulder." "You already have, but it's the last time you will. If I find out that you and he have been anywhere in the same vicinity, I will have you censured and relieved of your duties." At this, Scully finally rose from her seat, also laying her palms flat on the desk and moving even closer. "Try it, Diana. You just try it. I guarantee you, it will be the first and last time you make that mistake. Mulder is your partner because I allowed it, no other reason. Don't fool yourself into thinking you had a damn thing to do with it. It was MY choice. You'd do well to remember that." "Let's cut to the chase. You don't like me, Agent Scully, and you haven't from the first." "Wrong. I didn't *trust* you from the first. Disliking you is a fairly recent development." Diana thought, irritated. "And why is that?" "When I first asked you why you returned to X-files, you said that you requested a re-assignment, and that you'd decided there were things you wanted to get back to. Well, maybe Mulder bought that line, but I didn't. You're after something Agent Fowley. Precisely what, I'm not sure of yet, but I know I'm right. I know it's no coincidence that you're here, and that's why I didn't trust you from the first." "And your dislike?" Diana asked, infuriated. "I dislike you because you're a liar." "No, Agent Scully. You're the liar." "How so?" "Because you can't admit the real reason you dislike me. Probably from the minute you laid eyes on me." "Which is?" she said sarcastically. "You know that not only was Fox my partner, but that *I* at least, had the guts to also take him to bed." End of Part (6/10) NEW DEBUT: TITLE: Full Circle To The Truth Pt. 2 (NC-17)(7/10) AUTHOR: Des "Goddammit Diana." Several stories up, X had heard enough. "I've had it with this shit!" he said. Her jealousy was becoming both annoying and dangerous. She had seemed to calm down after that night in the rain and he thought he had her back on track, but it seemed she needed more convincing. Even he had a soft spot for Mulder - hell, for Scully too - but HE didn't let it stop him from taking care of business. He couldn't trust her anymore. Her weakness for Mulder was going to ruin all of his plans. No matter what he said she would keep trying to come between them. He had to make sure that didn't happen, and that meant only one thing. It was time for Agents Mulder and Scully to cross the line from partners to lovers. If they passed this last barrier of trust, there was nothing Diana or anyone else can do or say that will come between them. It shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. If what Scully said was true, all that was needed was for them to be alone, in the same room. And even the *room* was negotiable, he thought, remembering their encounter in the rain. He needed to "occupy" Diana long enough for that to happen without her interference. he thought wryly. Picking up his phone, he powered on his voice scrambler and started making some calls. It was time he had a talk with Special Agent Diana Fowley. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX While X was putting his plan into action, several stories down, Mulder stood shaking his head in disbelief. What the hell was wrong with Diana? First that stunt in the car, then the uneasy feeling that she'd somehow orchestrated the meeting in Kersch's office and now confronting Scully with facts that were sure to cause problems, in a manner sure to hurt her. He couldn't stop thinking about the fact that just a few weeks ago, Scully finally admitted how she felt about him, and while he was deciding what to do about it and how, Diana was trying to destroy it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Scully blushed, humiliated. Though it hurt to hear of Diana's past intimacies with the man she loved, she wouldn't show it - even if it killed her. Diana smiled. She could see that Scully was upset. Finally. "Fox isn't and never will be the easy choice," Diana continued. He'll never be *comfortable*, *easy* or *predictable.* Since you strike me as the type that likes easy and predictable, it's a great accomplishment that you've lasted as his partner for six years." "You know nothing about what I like." "I've seen how you look at him, so I'm pretty sure about one thing you like. But do you have what it takes to get it? That's why I used the word *guts* - like I said, he's not easy. He'll always complicate your life." "He's already done that, but I'm still here, aren't I?" "Yes, and ever since I've come back I've been wondering why. You don't believe in the work, and you probably don't believe Mulder's sister was abducted by aliens. And yet you stay, sprouting your scientific theories and ridiculing his ideas. Tell me Agent Scully, how long were you writing reports on Fox, and why do you think you were chosen to spy on him in the first place?" "I never spied on Mulder." Diana laughed scornfully. "Whatever gets you through the night, Agent Scully. You were brought in because you were known for your...rigidness. If you want to shut him down, the best way to do it is to find the most stringent person in the FBI and they chose you." "How do you know so much about us?" Scully asked suspiciously. "Us? I've always kept up with Fox. But you? I checked you out. The same as you did me. Surprised?" Diana said, noticing Scully's shocked expression. "Don't be. I'm very thorough. Getting back to my original point, why are you here? I thought at first that you get some sort of pleasure out of proving him wrong." Scully shook her head remembering that same accusation being flung at her by a ghost...or not. "But then I figured," Diana continued, "that you were probably hanging around because, though you didn't believe in him-" "I *do* believe in Mulder," Scully interrupted. "You don't know what you're talking about." "Uh-huh," Diana said, clearly disbelieving. "Well I do know this...you want him. But with all your scientific expertise, you never quite figured out how to get him into your bed. Well, maybe I can clear that up for you. It takes honesty." "Honesty?" Scully repeated incredulously. Ignoring the implied insult, Diana plowed on. "Yes Agent Scully, honesty. It takes being honest enough to admit you want him in your bed - if only to yourself. Can you say that? The bottom line here is, I didn't tag along behind him, only alluding to being partners; I didn't play games or hard to get. I didn't walk around with some virginal ideas about our relationship, like 'oh the partnership will be enough'." Moving closer, Diana lowered her voice. "Here's a tip, Agent Scully. Partnership will *never* be enough for a strong, virile man like Fox." "I haven't heard any complaints." "And you won't. That's not his style; but that doesn't mean he's satisfied. At least I was smart enough to know that if he wasn't in *my* bed, I was leaving him open for any woman to come along and just steal him away." "That's what you think is going on here? Some childish high school notion that you've "stolen" him away from me, Agent Fowley?" "Well, look around you. I'm the one sharing the basement office now, and you're up here on the first floor. Alone." "And I'll remind you again, that was MY doing. You are his partner because I allowed it - no other reason." "Oh really? Well-" "Talk is cheap Fowley," Scully interrupted, rounding her desk and heading for the door. "Don't waste my time with tales of your and Agent Mulder's glory days. It's not important who was occupying his bed *before* I met him, nor is it my concern who's occupying it now." But that was a lie. She could only hope Diana didn't see through it. "Well, it can't be you occupying it then can it?" Diana asked slyly. "You'll burn in hell before you find out the answer to that question," Scully said, and placed her hand on the doorknob, sending Mulder scrambling for cover in the corner beside the door. "But I will tell you this. Instead of trying to intimidate me, you'd do better spending your time making sure nothing happens to your partner, because that wasn't a threat I made in Skinner's office Diana, it was a promise. Anything happens to him, just one hair out of place, and I'll be coming for you." "Protecting him is why I'm here." "Right. Like I said Agent Fowley, don't waste my time," she said, opening the door, "and don't let me keep you," giving Diana no other choice but to leave. Diana clenched her fists, livid with anger. The bitch always managed to out-maneuver her. Close to violence, she walked to the door before she did something she'd eventually regret. "Stay...away...from...my...partner, Agent Scully. I'm not going to tell you again," Diana said furiously, and stormed out the door, slamming it shut behind her. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mulder heard Diana's angry footsteps heading for the door and froze for a minute, unsure of what action to take. While Diana stood just outside the door to Scully's office and took a breath, Mulder tried to decide if he should hide or allow himself to be seen. But the minute he actually laid eyes on his current partner, pure undiluted anger made him step out of the shadowy corner where he'd been hiding and silently creep up behind her. "I think it's time for a talk, Diana," he whispered harshly. "Fox, I thought you were going to the evidence room," Diana said, startled. "Good thing I didn't. I would have missed the show," he said, moving her up the stairs. "What are you doing Fox?" "Having a talk with my partner," he said, pulling her into the hallway and into a vacant office. "Just what the hell did you think you were doing down there, Diana?" Stalling for time, Diana took a seat in the first available chair before she began. "Fox-" "You had no right, Diana." "I had every right. I'm your partner. Even if *you* don't care about your job, I do." "Don't bullshit me!" Mulder said. "It isn't bullshit Fox! Kersch was serious up there and you turned around and did the very thing you were warned not to do!" "How many times do I have to say it, Diana? You aren't responsible for my actions." "You can't blame me for trying to protect you, Fox." "Was that your reason for telling Scully about our relationship?" he said, placing his hands on either side of her chair. "You were protecting me?" "I was angry," she said softly, lowering her head. "So am I...why Diana?" he said, tipping her head up with his finger as he spoke. "I was trying to protect you from yourself." "I thought you were going to tell the truth! The things that you said down there were spoken deliberately to hurt Scully." "They were the truth and you know it," Diana countered. "And you haven't answered my question. Why?" "I did answer you. I was angry and maybe I said things I shouldn't have, but she needed to hear that we have history Fox. You're so protective of her, aren't you? Yet she didn't know anything about us. You never said a word. I could tell by her reaction, so how much could she mean to you? And why are you so angry now? Because I was honest and you couldn't be?" "You spoke out of turn and in a way you knew would hurt her." "I told her the truth, something she couldn't depend on *you* to do. I ask you the same question Fox, why?" "The time was never right," he admitted. "Maybe you just didn't want to admit to her that you cared for me." "That had nothing to do with it, Diana." "So what we had meant nothing?" "Stop putting words in my mouth." "You responded to me that day in the car, Fox. Are you denying that?" "No. I did respond - but to *what* is up for grabs." "What's that's supposed to mean?" she asked, not knowing if she should feel insulted. "Diana," he started, as he walked to a chair and sat down, "you said yourself that we have history and that can be a powerful motivator." "You responded because we have a history together?" "Partly yes. And though we had problems physical intimacy wasn't one of them; the chemistry is still there-" "Now who's bullshitting Fox? I'm supposed to believe that you responded to - to things - and not to me as an individual?" "No, of course I responded to you. At one time you were a part of my life," he said hesitantly, "and I still...care." "That's insulting." "Look Diana, what do you want from me?" He said, starting to get annoyed. "You're the one that walked away." "You're never going to forgive me for that, are you?" "Considering the fact that you never explained why you left, I think it's amazing that you expect forgiveness." "Is that what it is?" She asked. "OK...what happened-" "Forget it Diana," Mulder interrupted. "It's not important nor is it a question of forgiveness. That's the past. What I'm having a harder time with is the assumption that you can come back after all these years, and expect to pick up where we left off; that just because you're my partner, you should have rights that only a lover would have. We used to be lovers Diana, we're not anymore. You no longer have the right to act like one." "You think I'm acting like a lover?" "Possessive, yes. That's the only reason I came up with to explain why you said the things you did." "I told you, I was angry." "Dammit Diana, stop playing games! I know you weren't angry when you decided to go into her office! You went in there to deliberately antagonize her." "Why are you always defending her!!?" She yelled. "Does she believe the way you do? You started the X-files because you thought an extraterrestrial entity abducted your sister. It's the heart of who you are! The heart of the X-files. In the six years that you've been partners, has she EVER given you any indication that she believes that? Has she ever ONCE considered it as a realistic possibility? Be honest Fox! I haven't known her long, but even *I* know she doesn't believe! And yet, you defend her tirelessly. Why?" "Because she's my partner!" "I'M YOUR PARTNER!" she screamed, "NOT HER! WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP REMINDING YOU OF THAT?" "You can't just throw away six years like it was an old shoe Diana. It takes time." "You deserve better Fox. The best." "The best is exactly what I had." "You are unbelievable! You put this woman on a pedestal, and why Fox? All she does is argue and fight with you! Never able to open her mind! Don't you get sick of always hitting that brick wall!" "ENOUGH DIANA!" "No, it's NOT enough!! How long will it be before you start doubting yourself altogether? Before her constant skepticism kills the sense of wonder and passion that makes you who you are? No matter what you say, she doesn't believe in you." "You don't know what the hell you're talking about, Diana. Don't confuse not believing in my theories with not believing in me. She does." "How can she believe in you and NOT what you stand for? What kind of partner is that, Fox?" "The BEST partner I've ever had," he said determinedly. "The best partner? Fox, *I* was your partner!" Diana said indignantly. "Yes...you were more than just my partner" he answered. "Doesn't that mean anything to you?" "Of course it does Diana, and it always will" "Then why is Scully the best Fox? "In the six years we were partners, Scully always supported me; in spite of her personal misgivings , and in spite of any possible damage to her career or her person." "I supported you too Fox" she reminded him. "No. You walked away Diana" he said quietly. Diana thought and opened her mouth to say it, then reconsidered, sighing in frustration instead. He was immovable. If she pressed any further, she could possibly do serious damage to an already strained relationship. It was still a defining moment for her though. This was the moment when Fox's former partner went from being an easy, somewhat annoying obstacle to be overcome.....to a hated enemy. "Let's be clear about this Diana. Scully is a subject we will not discuss. I don't want you antagonizing her anymore. Do you understand? Are we clear?" Diana searched his eyes for any hint of softness, and only saw anger. Defeated, for the moment, she silently nodded her head. Without another word, Mulder turned to walk out. "Fox, wait..." Though he stopped, he didn't turn around. "Are you in love with her?" "Yes," he answered softly. "Does she know?" she asked. Mulder thought back to the day he'd finally told her, and her rejection of his words. Even so, how could she NOT know? "I-I'm not sure" he said, choosing to go with the more honest answer. Then walked out the door. Diana waited a minute, then got her second wind, running out the door and into the hallway. "Fox-" she started, only to be interrupted by Matt, who was hurriedly walking down the hallway toward her. "Agent Fowley," Matt called, "you are wanted upstairs immediately!" Scanning the hallway, Diana spotted Mulder turning the corner. Knowing that there was no chance of catching up to him, Diana turned her attention back to Matt and asked, "by whom?" "All I was told was to let you know you were wanted now," and told her the floor and office she was supposed to report to. Diana relented and walked to the elevator. She'd have to repair the damage later. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mulder headed back to Scully's office, intending to do some repairing of his own, then stopped at her door, torn apart by what he heard. "Scully," he moaned. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Scully stood, her back against the door, and tried to curb her anger. If she got through this without doing Diana Fowley some serious damage, she should have a halo on her head! Scully thought, indignant. "In your dreams," she said aloud. But she knew it was all bravado. Dana closed her eyes and turned around, leaning her forehead against the door, fighting tears. Diana had drawn blood this time. She'd somehow found the chink in her armor. It was only the years of practicing control and discipline that saved her from revealing how painful her words had been. Did it take courage to open your heart? To let another in? To finally not be so alone? She was just so unsure. She'd always been more comfortable with facts, logic, and science than instincts, feelings, and emotion. With this combination, how was she going to pull this off? After all these years, why hadn't she told him how she felt? She was pretty sure that she loved him from the first and wanted him too. But she didn't really admit that to herself until now. Even when she decided what action she was going to take, telling Mulder that she loved him never figured in her original plan. Was this a type of courage she lacked? What's worse, if Fowley hadn't shown up, she was pretty sure she would have let things continue this way. Silent. Alone. Not able to go back, but unwilling to move forward. Apparently Ms. Fowley didn't have that problem. Suddenly an image of Diana laying naked in Mulder's arms - sweaty, exhausted...and satisfied, had her pressing her palms against the door with a groan. "I don't think I can do this," she whispered. It hurt so much to think of him responding to her. But that didn't stop the images from playing in her head. "Mulder," she cried softly. Abruptly, the pain was too much to bear, and tears rolled down her face as she sobbed quietly. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mulder thought, He just couldn't take that. Mulder raised his fist to knock, then stopped, knowing that he couldn't go to her right now. Not while she was hurting like this. If she knew that he was witness to what just happened and to her behavior - her tears - it would make her feel worse than she already did. So he stood...helpless. Why was this happening? Everything was fine. They were partners...friends. He was content - if not completely satisfied. And if, in the wee hours of the morning, he couldn't stop himself from wanting more of her - all of her - it was a small price to pay just to have her in his life. He considered himself lucky. How did things get so bad so fast? What could he do or say to make things right? "I don't think I can do this," he heard her whisper. All he had were questions and an unbelievable weakness for her. Her sobs became momentarily louder, then muffled, and he knew that she had put her hand over her mouth to hide the sounds. But they tore at him anyway, taking his breath away, weakening his knees, and bringing tears to his eyes. "Scully," he cried, his voice barely a whisper, feeling her pain as well as his own. Then heard her anguished cry- "Mulder," she sobbed softly. "I'm here...Scully...I'm here," he whispered, trying not to claw at the door and wishing he could go to her. Mulder leaned his forehead on the outside of the door, and wept quietly, not even noticing at first, the tears steadily rolling down his face. He'd cried more these last weeks than he could remember doing his entire adult life, he thought, listening to Scully's soft sobs. So close to each other, with only a door separating them, yet each feeling miles apart from the other and alone. He just wanted things back the way they were. Not having her around was slowly eating away at him. But he was at a complete loss as to how to change that. Wiping his eyes, he turned toward the stairs. The first thing he would do is head back to his original destination - the lab - to have the evidence analyzed. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X sat in his office, more than a little annoyed. Why the sound of Scully in tears would affect him the way it did was beyond him. He supposed it was because she'd always seemed so strong and was the one player in the game that wasn't completely prepared for it's consequences. There was an...innocence about Scully. An innocence that Diana had long since lost - which gave her the upper hand in this situation. Diana was simply more adept at playing the game than Agent Scully. But in his few clashes with her, Agent Scully had shown spunk and fire. He'd developed a grudging respect for the petite agent, who turned into a tigress at the first sign of any danger to her partner. So why in hell was she letting Diana fuck with her mind? She didn't have time for tears! "Dammit Scully," X said, under his breath, "get up off your ass and fight like the good little soldier I once told your partner you were." And, as if she'd heard him speak, he heard her rummage around the office opening drawers, blowing her nose, and then walking quickly out of the door. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mulder stepped on the elevator, perplexed. After sending the evidence to be evaluated, he was told that there were no fingerprints on the telephone. None on the vent either, though it was agreed that it was tampered with. It was beginning to look like someone had some unfinished business with him and his former partner. But why? he thought, moving to the back of the elevator to make room for the people getting on. Maybe they came in through the front door...someone within the FBI. And maybe he was just being paranoid, he chuckled, settling into the corner as he heard the doors open and looked up. Right into the blue eyes of his former partner. End of Part (7/10) NEW DEBUT: TITLE: Full Circle To The Truth Pt. 2 (8/10)(NC-17) AUTHOR: Des She had to get out. That seemed to be the way she was handling all of her pain these days. Well, maybe she needed to change that, Scully thought, pressing the button for the elevator. she planned, anticipating working late. She just had to get away from the office where she had known overwhelming pain and shattering pleasure - all in one day. As she heard the bell ring, and the doors opened for her to get on, she was surprised to realize that there was quite a crowd waiting for the elevator, moving en masse and sweeping her on before she'd had a chance to prepare. And found herself face to face, hip to hip, with Mulder. As the door closed, she quickly lowered her eyes afraid that he would be able to tell she'd been crying. She couldn't bear that. Him knowing. Mulder lowered his head on top of hers and whispered in her ear, "Scully." Her hands automatically moved to his waist in response as the doors opened, and even more people got on the elevator, pushing her intimately close to him. Close enough to see the pain and yearning in his eyes. Close enough for her to feel his arousal at her nearness. Close enough to feel him trembling with want of her. Close enough to want him too. Mulder thought. "How much longer, Scully?" he whispered. Scully raised her head and looked into his eyes, singed by the heat there. And knew the truth. It didn't matter that they still had problems to work out, that her feelings were hurt, and that she knew without a shadow of a doubt that further intimacy between them would only complicate things further. This was going to happen. It had been too long in coming to be put off much longer. It might not be today or tomorrow but it *would* happen. Even if she knew it might be a mistake for them both. And as they heard the bell ring, and the doors open, letting people off and destroying the moment of intimacy, they both knew it. Was she ready for it? Dana was terrified. was all she could think, dropping her hands from his waist and backing away. Scully please." Mulder whispered, his voice filled with hunger and pain. But Scully turned around and walked away, hearing the elevator doors close behind her. XXXXX Mulder tried to calm the fire in his gut and the pain in his heart. How long could he keep watching her walk away from him? It hurt like hell. "Agent Mulder? Are you getting off?" Jarred from his musings, Mulder realized that the elevator had stopped and an agent was holding the door open for him. "Agent Mulder...?" "Yes, yes...I'm sorry. Thanks," Mulder said, starting to step off the elevator. "Uh...Agent Mulder?" "Yeah?" "I hope you don't think I'm out of line but...are you alright? I mean, you haven't been yourself for weeks." Slightly embarrassed, Mulder hung his head for a moment. "Thanks for the concern Agent Williams, I'm fine," he answered. "I was very disappointed to hear about you and Agent Scully's breakup. Umm...of your partnership," Agent Williams added quickly. "Look....I'm sorry that came out all wrong and it's none of my business." "That's okay Williams, no harm done," Mulder said reassuringly. "And again, thanks." Walking off the elevator, Mulder continued down the hall, not really aware of where he was going. Was it really that obvious? Until Agent Williams had mentioned it, he really hadn't noticed his lack of interest in the work that HAD been his life. But now that it had been brought to his attention, he realized that though he still had the work, he still felt empty. His mind wandered back to that afternoon a year ago, where - in his hallway - he shared his heart with his partner. How she had saved him and helped to make him whole again - just by her presence in his life. Back then, he'd told her that he didn't know if he could continue the work alone or if he would even want to. But he wasn't alone - he was with Diana. But he *felt* alone. "Out for a summer stroll, Agent Mulder?" Though the voice came from behind him, all Mulder had to do was take a deep breath - detecting the faint aroma of tobacco recently smoked - to know to know who was talking. "Bathroom break," he said, turning around to face him. "Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor, Agent Mulder. I was worried after I'd heard of the dissolution of your partnership with Agent Scully." "Thanks for the concern," he said sarcastically. CSM chuckled as he reached in his pocket for a piece of gum, almost as if he'd heard Mulder's thought and found it amusing. "How's the new partner working out?" "I'm not in the mood," Mulder said, starting to walk around him. "Having trouble adjusting? Why, surely that can't be? I mean this is nothing new to you is it? This should be old hat by now, considering that you've been through this once before," he finished, stopping Mulder in his tracks. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he said, turning to face him again. "Why, Agent Scully's departure of course. She is not the first partner who's walked out on you, is she? But you survived Agent Fowley's departure quite well, in fact you seemed to prosper afterwards." Mulder leaned against the wall in reaction to what he'd just heard. Big Daddy Spender thought he was taunting him, but in reality he'd just made the situation somewhat clearer. This wasn't the first partner he'd lost; Diana had left him too. But it hadn't hurt this badly. It simply didn't tear him up inside the way every day away from Scully did. "Are you less of a man now than you were then?" said CSM. he thought. "Why don't you get one of your flunkies to write a memo on it and mail it to someone who gives a shit?" Mulder said, then turned and walked away, beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX J Edgar Hoover Building Diana stood outside room 1725, bewildered. Whose office was this and why did they want to see her? Outside of the room number, there wasn't a name on the door, or anything else that would give her a clue as to whose office this was. she thought, and knocked. When she received no answer, she rather apprehensively entered the office, shutting the door behind her. "Hello? Is anyone here?" Squinting her eyes in the dimly lit room, she slowly took in her surroundings, viewing the plush decor. she thought, looking at the couch big enough to rival a twin size bed. A tiny click had her head snapping around, searching for a face in the darkened room. "Hello?" Still no answer. Beginning to get spooked, Diana turned toward the door, intending to leave, but stopped when she felt two hands grab her by the waist, then start to slowly caress her breasts. "You've been a very bad girl today." Instantly aroused, Diana fought valiantly not to let it show. "Cain you bastard! You scared me to death! What are you doing here?" "That's Mr. X to you baby," he whispered, biting her earlobe. "Let me go," Diana said, barely stifling a moan. "We both know that's not what you really want, now is it?" he taunted. "Cain, I'm serious," she replied, starting to pull away from him. "No you're not," he shot back, backing her toward the couch, then turning her around, and locking his lips on hers. Wrapping his arms around her tightly, he fell to the couch then turned her beneath him. "It's always the hard way with you, isn't it?" he asked, biting at her lips. "What the hell are you talking about?" she panted, on fire for him and hating it. Moving down her body, he ripped open her blouse, sending buttons flying, and bit her nipple before sucking it strongly in his mouth through her thin bra. Diana shuddered and moaned. He was the most exciting lover she'd ever had - making her come harder than she'd ever thought possible. She just couldn't resist him. "Yeah baby, that's the sound I like to hear," he said, sliding his hand underneath her skirt. "Let me up, dammit!" she said weakly. "Uh-uh," he said, reaching her panties and sliding his fingers under the elastic and into her already wet folds. "You're under punishment," he whispered, starting to stroke her rhythmically. "Wh-why are you doing this?" Diana moaned, her hips beginning to move in time with his strokes. "You keep straying from the plan baby. We need them together - not separate." "I'm not damaging the plan," she denied, feeling her body spiral higher. "That's the wrong answer," he chastened, and slowed his strokes, listening to her cries of frustration. "Tell the truth Diana," he said coldly, "I told you to stay away from Scully after that night in the rain, didn't I?" "Yes! Yes!" she said frantically, and he slid two fingers into her and stroked her with his thumb. "And yet you went to her office today and threatened her over 'your partner'? I told you - they are *inevitable* and nothing you say or do is going to stop it," he said, knowing she was his for the taking now. "H-How did you...oh!" she gasped, "You bugged her office, you bastard," she moaned. He slowed his strokes, making her groan loudly and try to get up from the couch. She was trying to fight but her body was screaming for release. "Let me go Cain!" she cried, frustrated. "No," he said, stroking her hard and fast, wanting her at the brink of orgasm. "And if you'd stuck to the plan there would be no need for this...punishment, OR bugging her office." "Ohhh...mmmm...Cain!" Diana cried, feeling her body start to tense. "Why do you keep disobeying me Diana?" he asked, listening to her not-so-soft cries and trying not to focus on them. "When I give an order, I expect it to be followed," he said sternly, and stroked her faster. "Fuck you!" she panted, her body beginning to shake. "Oh, you will," he sneered, "but I want answers Diana. And I intend to get them." He slipped his fingers out of her heat, though his thumb still slowly stroked her clit. "Cain...NO!!!" she cried in frustration. She was strung as tight as a bow, right on the edge of orgasm. "Damn you to hell Cain, I'm ready to come," she moaned, squeezing her eyes shut while tears started to seep from her eyes. "Answer me! Is it Mulder?" he continued huskily, starting to breath harder. "No, no," she answered feverishly. "I left him for you didn't I?" she panted. "Yes, you did. You liked it hard and long and often," he agreed, speeding his strokes and using his other hand to slide her panties down her legs and off. "Those were some hot nights... and days." "Don't flatter yourself, you bastard. You think you can fuck better than Fox?" she spewed, hating him, wanting him. "No. But you just *wanted* him," X said roughly. "You *need* me, don't you baby? You need me like an addict needs a fix." "Bullshit," she spat defiantly, knowing he was speaking the truth. "And what about how you need me?" "I'm asking the questions," he told her. "Now, if it's not Mulder, then it's Scully," he said, pressing down harder on her clit and rubbing her lightning fast. "Why?" he demanded, and was rewarded by her high thin cry that signaled she was at the edge again. "Cain! I want you inside me," she cried, and succeeded in making him moan. But he slowed to a rub. "Why Diana?" he said hoarsely, ignoring her cries. "She just pisses me off." He stopped completely. "GODDAMMIT CAIN - let me come! Please! PLEASE!" she begged. She was almost there. Removing his hand from between her thighs, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a foil packet, ripping it open. "No. Not until you tell me why," he said, unzipping his pants and sliding the condom in place. "Tell me and I'll let you come" he panted, positioning himself and his hard member between her thighs. She moved her hips in search of him, but he retreated. "CAIN!!" "Tell me Diana!" He ordered, stopping his strokes and placing his cock torturously close to her heat. Shuddering, she told the truth. "He loves her. In a way that he never loved me." X plunged into her with fury, grabbing her ankles and wrapping her legs high around his waist. "If that was what you wanted, you could have stayed his partner and worked on the X-Files," he groaned, his black eyes burning with passion and purpose. "God! Cain..." she shouted as he rode her with fury. "Look at me Diana!" X demanded, knowing he wouldn't have to hold out for long. In her glazed eyes he could see her fast approaching orgasm. "I gave you a choice," he said urgently, grabbing her hips and rocking her back and forth over him. "You chose ME! NOT Mulder!" he said, moving even faster, then shifting so that he stroked her both inside and out. "Yes, Cain...you...oh...!" she moaned. "Scully...doesn't...matter. Understand?" he said, grinding his hips against hers. "Stick...to...the...plan...Diana," X finished through clenched teeth, riding her hard. Diana was moaning constantly now. Panting, shaking and on the edge of orgasm for too long, she was almost incoherent. "Cain!...Please!" she said desperately, not even aware of the tears rolling down her face. "Say it Diana!" he shouted. "Scully doesn't matter." "I...need it, Cain...I need it," she begged. "SAY IT!" he demanded, slowing down. "Scully doesn't matter!" "S-Scully doesn't matter...Cain! NOW!" trying frantically to move her hips faster, but he held her hips firmly, keeping to his rhythm. "And you'll stick to the plan?" he asked, slowing down even more. "Yes!! You BASTARD!" she shouted. "Say the words, or I swear I'll keep you like this all night," he threatened. "I'll stick to the plan," she said, desperate. "Just give it to me Cain. I need it. Let me come." And without a word he started thrusting again. Moving in and out of her with a speed and precision guaranteed to bring them BOTH to orgasm. Soon Diana matched his rhythm, and they were speeding to the inevitable. "Don't stop, Cain!" Diana said, shuddering wildly. "Let me feel it baby" X moaned, now as caught up as she was. And she did, squeezing him tight. He tumbled over the edge, moaning and shuddering with her. "Cain," Diana whispered, trembling. X raised his head and pushed her wet, tumbled, sweaty hair away from her face and looked at her with burning black eyes. "Let it go Diana. You made your choice. Stick to the plan." "Alright," Diana agreed solemnly. After a few moments reality came crashing back. Feeling chastened and humiliated by her 'punishment', Diana fought back the unexpected tears that sprung to her eyes. No way would she let him see how ashamed she was at her complete inability to resist him. She shifted, intending to put enough order to her clothing to get out of the building and go home. "Where are you going baby?" X whispered in her ear. "Home," Diana replied, trying to control a shudder. "Uh-uh. I'm just getting started. I've become suddenly voracious for some reason. You might find yourself spending a lot more time in my bed," he told her, implementing the next part of his plan. "Cain, I'm tired," she lied. "Not as tired as you're going to be," he said, and unhooked her bra, freeing her breasts and capturing them both in his palms, caressing and licking first one, then the other, before sucking strongly at her nipples. Diana tried to resist - for about a second - then she was lost in pleasure...again. As he let himself be aroused by Diana's sexy cries, X had one last coherent thought. XXXXX J Edgar Hoover Building 10:00 p.m. Skinner headed toward the elevator, exhausted after a hard days work. All he wanted was a drink and some sleep. As he heard the ping that signaled the arrival of the elevator, he saw Kersch walking out of his office and heading towards him. "Hold that door," Kersch shouted, and watched as Skinner pressed the button to keep the door open. "Thank you," Kersch said as the door closed. After a few minutes he spoke again. "Working kind of late tonight, aren't you?" "This is pretty much my regular routine," Skinner said coldly. "Well, at least we can go home and unwind right?" "I'm not one for small talk, Kersch. I just want to go home. It's been a long day." "Look, I know you don't appreciate my attitude toward Agent Mulder and probably felt that I was out of line today." "Yes. What is your point?" Walking to the elevator panel, Kersch pressed the button to stop it. "My point is, Scully's reputation has been brought down far enough from her partnership with Agent Mulder; she doesn't need anyone trying to make her backtrack." "You shouldn't speak about things you know nothing - less than nothing - about." "I know this: Agent Scully works for my department now, and has no business consorting with you or Agent Mulder. I'll do whatever I have to do to make sure of that fact." "There are still cases that they will be required to work on together, simply because they are the only agents qualified to do the job," Skinner reminded him. "There's still Agent Fowley-" "Who is a recent arrival," Skinner interjected, and despite the fact that she was previously Agent Mulder's partner, she is still not up to speed enough to handle some of the pending cases." "Well you'll just have to make do now, won't you?" Kersch taunted menacingly. "Like I said, Agent Scully's career has been set back far enough." Grabbing Kersch by the lapels, Skinner slammed him against the back of the elevator. "Kersch, I have nothing against you. You were a great field agent in your day, with impeccable instincts." "Get the hell off me! You son-of-a-bitch!!" Kersch shouted, trying to remove himself from Skinner's iron grip. "Now maybe you've been riding a desk so long that those instincts are practically non-existent, but mine are not," Skinner stated, pressing Kersch firmly against the elevator wall. "This doesn't have a god damn thing to do with me or my instincts, Skinner." "Hear me on this Kersch. Separating the two agents is the worst thing that can happen, and if you were half the agent you used to be, you'd know that too." "That's shit, Skinner." "If it's shit Kersch, then you'd better get used to the taste because I intend to make sure this separation is temporary, not permanent." "And I intend to make sure it stays *permanent* - not temporary," Kersch shot back emphatically. "Kersch, you don't have a clue about what's really going on in this situation." "And you do?" "Yes." "Enlighten me." "At one time I might have," Skinner said, finally letting Kersch go and pressing the button to resume the ride, "but you're not worth the effort." "My statement still stands," Kersch said, straightening his clothing. "As does mine," Skinner replied, facing him squarely. "So, the battle lines are drawn," Kersch said, throwing down the gauntlet. "Do yourself a favor, Kersch. Don't get in my way. Like I said, there are things you know less than nothing about." "I could have you written up for this, you nasty son of a bitch." "True on both counts, but I mean what I say Kersch," Skinner said as the elevator stopped on the ground floor. "Deal with it," he said succinctly, and walked away. XXXXX 10:45 PM J Edgar Hoover Building Mulder rubbed his eyes as he turned off his computer. he asked himself. He wasn't really working on anything; he was just wasting time. He could do that at home. Actually, he wasn't even supposed to be going home at all, since his building was being fumigated tomorrow. The manager had asked the tenants to file out tonight just for good measure, but technically he didn't really have to worry about where he was to lay his head until tomorrow. Which brought him back to his original question. Why was he still here? Because SHE was. He knew it. Felt it. he asked himself, but even as he asked the question, he knew the answer. In a phrase, he missed her. In so many different ways. Always asking questions, he thought fondly. Always trying to poke holes in one of his theories, or him trying to poke holes in one of hers. He never really understood just how much he'd come to depend on her being by his side. She just fit there. He never questioned it. Or noticed it, for that matter. Until now. How many times over the past several days had he opened his cell phone to call her about some detail - to get her medical opinion on a case or any opinion for that matter. He'd come to realize that she balanced him. Of course he'd come to realize these things *after* she'd walked out of his life. he thought. Somehow it seemed very fitting that he felt like this. What was wrong with him? He was suffering. She was like a fever in his blood. And he wanted her so much. It was a miracle. So he was still hurting. Picking up his cell phone, he pressed the auto-dial for hers before he could take the next breath, cursing himself for being so weak. He promised himself the next move had to come from her. As phone rang in his ear, he promised himself he would only listen to her - not talk. He just wanted to hear her voice. That would be enough. "Scully." Mulder closed his eyes. "Hello? Is anyone there?" "Hello?" "Mulder?" Panicked, he hung up. Feeling like a complete jackass, Mulder turned off his computer, grabbed his jacket and walked out of the door. End of Part (8/10) NEW DEBUT: TITLE: Full Circle To The Truth Pt. 2 (9/10)(NC-17) AUTHOR: Des Scully's Office "Wrong number?" her assistant asked. "I suppose. Why don't you go ahead and knock off for the night, Matt?Don't you have a hot date tonight?" Matt blushed, then smiled, wishing he DID have a hot date - with his brainy, beautiful boss. "Just with my computer. I have a report to complete," he said, gathering his folders and putting on his coat. "But who knows... the night's still young," he quipped, picking up his folders while attempting to be witty...and tripped over his chair. "Well," he said, catching himself before he hit the floor, and backing toward the door, "good night, Agent Scully." "Goodnight Matt," Scully said, hiding a smile. As she heard her assistant leave the office, she thought about that last phone call. That was Mulder. She was sure of it. Why did he call? And why wouldn't he answer? She'd done things like that - in her teenage years - when she just wanted to hear the voice of the guy she had a crush on. Was that what he was doing? Wasn't it enough that he had her in an agony of desire, hardly able to concentrate on anything but what it would feel like to be his lover? She found herself reliving that wonderful, terrifying orgasm again and again today. He was starting to convince her that she was a woman of passion. That she already *was* the seductress she secretly dreamed she could someday be. She'd never come that hard in her entire life. And she wanted more. She wanted him. And she knew he wanted her too. But SHE had to come to HIM. And she still wasn't sure how she felt about that. It was the one thing that kept her in her chair, stopping her from finishing what he started. Was this a power play? Mulder had never been that way before, but if not that, then what was this about? Her mind went back to his words after he'd made her come. He said, "GOD I need that from you," she thought, a dawning awareness coursing through her as she finally understood. She'd walked away from him! And he was afraid! Jesus! Why didn't she catch that? She thought she'd taken care of that when she told him she loved him that night in the rain. Why was she surprised that he was still insecure? She was too. He still had no answer for her concerning Diana. How could they take that final step towards intimacy, with this ...barrier still between them. She finally realized that she could go to him-but he had to meet her halfway. She couldn't -- no wouldn't -- do it by herself. Picking up her coat, Scully finally knew what she had to do. she thought, determined XXXXX Mulder's Apartment Building Mulder looked at his watch as he jabbed the up button for the elevator for the umpteenth time in 5 minutes. Mulder thought. It was probably turned off, since everyone was supposed to be gone. With a sigh, Mulder started up the stairs, wondering if he should just get a change of clothes and find a motel to stay in for a few days. He patted his pockets looking for his keys while walking, not able to fully comprehend how drastically his view of his life had changed. He now understood completely why Scully walked away. He needed to get his priorities straight if he was to ever get her back into his life. He knew she was important, but the degree was a shock - even to him. And after the events of the day, he just couldn't deny that there was something more going on with Diana than she was letting on. On top of that, she seemed hell bent making sure that the rift that had developed between Scully and himself become permanent. It appeared that Scully had been right all along. The conversation with the CSM, Diana's pass, hell - even his conversation with Agent Williams - all combined to show him how much Scully meant to him. He hurt when Diana left but if he was honest with himself, there had been something missing between them for a long time. The bottom line was - he just didn't have to adjust all that much to Diana's absence, and it most certainly never diminished his interest in the X-Files. But Scully's absence had shattered him, more than even he was aware of. He understood now that he'd called her to the warehouse that day, because that was the only way he could keep up any enthusiasm on the case. He was a liar. He'd told her that he couldn't continue on the X-Files alone, but in reality he couldn't continue the X-files without her. Stopping at his doorway, he closed his eyes. He had to tell her. He had to at least try. Forgetting about the fact that not a half hour ago, he couldn't even bring himself to say a word to her, he knew that somehow *now* he had to find the words. His future depended on it. Turning around, Mulder headed back down the stairs, clearing the first landing, rounding to the second, then stopped... Because the woman he was going to see was standing at the bottom of the landing. XXXXX "Scully," Mulder said, surprised. "I was coming to see you. Is something wrong? Are you alright?" "Your elevator isn't working." "The building is being fumigated tomorrow. Everyone was supposed to gone by tonight, so they turned off the elevator." "Well, why are you still here?" "I had nowhere to go," he said truthfully. He faced her across the landing, trying to figure out what combination of emotions he was observing in her eyes. "So...why are you here Scully? Did you come for me?" he asked hopefully. Scully was shocked at how apprehensive she was. God! She loved this man. But Dana Scully was no coward and it was time to face her demons. Trembling, Scully took a deep breath and asked the question whose answer would decide her future happiness. "How do you feel about Diana? I need an answer, Mulder." Mulder's heart dropped into his stomach. This was it. Scully had enough. If he said the wrong thing, he could really lose her now. Despite the fact that she'd already let him know that she both wanted and loved him, he knew she was capable of turning around and walking away, never fulfilling either promise. And he'd be lost. "I don't feel about her the way I feel about you," he said ineptly. "That's not telling me anything Mulder." "That didn't come out right." "Why can't you just answer the question Mulder? I've been asking you this since this whole thing started and all you've done is give me excuses. You have been spending a great deal of time with her I would imagine, since she is now your partner. Why is it so hard for you to give me an answer? Do you have any idea how you feel?" "That's why I was coming to you. I do know. What was between Diana and I is in the past." "Dammit, Mulder! How do you feel?" "I...still...care about her." That hurt, but was expected. Mulder was nothing if not loyal. Scully pressed on. "Enough to pick up where you left off?" "No, not in that way," he said decisively, remembering his earlier, similar remarks to Diana. "Do you love her?" "Not in the way I think you mean." "But you do love her?" "She was a large part of my life, so I guess a part of me will always love her." "Enough that those feelings could effect your judgement?" "You're talking about me not seeing anything sinister about Diana." "I'm talking about you not trusting me enough to at least consider the evidence." "You misunderstood Scully, and that might have been my fault. My defense of Diana had nothing to do with you or a lack of trust." "How can you say that Mulder? Do you remember what you said to me at the Lone Gunmen's place? You wouldn't listen-" "Hold on Scully. Do you want to know where I went directly after that conversation? To Diana's hotel." "For what purpose," Scully asked, trying to quiet her suddenly nervous stomach. "I went looking for evidence that Diana's interest in the X-Files was hiding some other agenda." "And what did you find?" "Nothing. But just the fact that I'd gone there to begin with, should tell you just how much I do trust you." "And you didn't think that was important enough to tell me?" "I've already admitted that I'm at fault here, Scully. But you have it wrong if you think that I was believing her over you." "What was it then?" "It was more about...me trying to be fair to you both. And maybe me being too scared of losing you to make any move at all. You don't know Diana like I do, but you have your opinions and suspicions about her. I would be unfair to her if I acted on those suspicions without seeing them myself. And the same rule applies to her, when it comes to you. I couldn't do either and live with myself but living with myself came with a high price...you. Please Scully, try to understand." "Mulder, I do understand. I remember that time Skinner was implicated in a murder. I was following the evidence, but you immediately suspected that he was framed. You...never once doubted him. Even though he didn't appreciate or even want your faith in him. Then there was 'Deep Throat.' You trusted him even though there were times when you knew he lied to you. But you knew he was a believer and you stuck with him. That's why it hurt so much when you didn't believe me." "But Scully-" "Mulder. You just asked me to try to understand, but you're not doing the same. Have you once tried looking at this situation from my point of view? You say you did consider my opinions enough to go over to Diana's apartment and check them out yourself. But do you tell me that?" "Well...no, but-" "Did you give me any indication either in word or deed that you were taking me seriously?" "I just told you I did!" "I'm not asking what you thought or even what you felt at the time. I'm asking you what you did and said!" "But I explained that Scully." "This is NOT about you! I'm asking you to try to understand what it looked like to me! Can't you see where I might get the impression that you didn't believe me?" "Alright yes, Scully," he said, starting to get angry at being interrogated. "Did I pass the quiz or do I have to stay after class?" "I'm sorry. I just need answers and you seem either incapable or unwilling to give them to me! All I've been asking you is to tell me the truth about Diana. We don't have a future until you do." "How much do you need Scully, because the truth's not always easy." "What the hell does that mean?" "That means that this is *real* life Scully, and it tends to be complicated, sticky and irrational. There isn't any science to hide behind here." "Why don't you try me?" she said sarcastically. "I realize now that I just needed something to help clarify the feelings that were already there. The help I needed came two- fold." "How so?" "Well, Big Daddy Spender was instrumental, amazingly enough, in helping me to achieve some clarity. Apparently, I've been a little lost these past weeks - more than usual I suppose - and it's been noticeable enough for Big Daddy to give me a little pep-talk within the hallowed halls of the FBI." "Meaning?" "He reminded me that this wasn't the first time I'd lost a partner. Diana had left me too and I'd survived - prospered even." "And...?" "It didn't hurt me like this." "I don't understand," she said, trying not to feel guilty. "I've been through this before, Scully. I'd lost a partner that I was not only emotionally but physically involved with, but my reaction then didn't even come close to what I'm suffering now. Only I've been too busy with that suffering to realize it. I've been so lost. I just spend my time trying to get from one minute to the next, never stopping to think about the significance of how much effort it takes." "The significance?" "When Diana left, it hurt. At the time, I thought the pain I was feeling was appropriate to the situation and as the days went by, things got better. But when you left, I couldn't breathe. And I still can't." Scully's heart pounded as she was reminded of her conversation with Skinner. Didn't he say that Mulder was inconsolable when she was abducted? "That was the significance," Mulder continued. "What I was simply in too much pain to realize until today. Both Big Daddy and Diana helped me to understand that." "Diana helped you?" "Yes. Diana also helped to bring things into focus." "How?" "She decided to test the boundaries of the relationship." Scully simply raised her eyebrow in inquiry. "She kissed me." Scully closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to calm herself down. Just the thought of that bitch putting her hands on him made her want to commit murder! she thought, opening her eyes and realizing that he was still talking, though she had long since stopped listening. Scully took a deep breath. She closed her eyes again and tried to give herself a pep talk. "Though it wasn't the first time she kissed me," Mulder continued, "it *was* the first time she'd made a pass, if you can understand that, and it was then that I realized the truth." Scully opened her eyes, looked at Mulder, and still saw red. Mulder never saw the punch coming. The next thing he knew, he was on the floor holding his jaw and scrambling to his feet trying to avoid her busy fists. He narrowly avoided a knee in the groin, but wasn't fast enough to duck her second punch which connected with his cheek. "Goddammit Scully," Mulder yelled, trying to get away from her. "Don't insult my intelligence, you bastard," she yelled back, winding up for another punch. Realizing it was in his best interest to go on the offensive if he wanted to survive this conversation, Mulder rushed her, grabbing her by the stomach and landing them both sprawled across the stairs. Scully fought furiously though she was pinned down by his weight. But her movements caused the inevitable reaction from Mulder, starting a fire in his groin that both embarrassed and angered him. He had no defense against her! Pinning her down with his legs, and grabbing both her arms and raising them high above her head, Mulder subdued her angry movements. "CUT IT OUT SCULLY!" "LET ME GO!" "How many times do I have to tell you - THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!" Mulder yelled angrily. "Now stop it Scully or I swear I'll finish this right here," he threatened, grinding his hips into hers to prove he meant it. "You think you can insult me by throwing her in my face, you bastard," she spat at him. "I wasn't trying to insult you OR throw her in your face. I was trying to explain something to you." "I'm tired of this game Mulder," she said, the fight suddenly going out of her. "Scully, listen to me," he whispered in her ear. "I'm not playing anymore; I've had enough. Let me go. It was a mistake to come here." "I love you Scully," he said sincerely. "Dammit Mulder," Scully complained softly. There was no way she could deny his honesty. She could hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes. "I suppose I did from the moment I laid eyes on you. I even tried to tell you I how I felt, but you didn't believe me." "How could I? You were one person with me and another with Diana." "No-" "What happened when she kissed you Mulder?" For an answer, he kissed her deeply, sliding his tongue past any objection she might have, until she responded. "Nothing like that Scully. It's you," he whispered, laying his forehead on hers. "It's been you from the first," he said, pulling back to look into her eyes. "We had more from the beginning of us than - than..." he faltered, the words escaping him. This was a hell of a time for his anti-social tendencies to get in the way. He tried again. "What I have with you is more on a bad day than the best day with her. It took her pass to help me see it though - a fact she didn't appreciate. I would have seen it sooner if I hadn't been so preoccupied with getting you back. So take your best shot Scully. You can kick my ass if you want to, but you're not shaking me off. Just consider me a six-foot-one, 190 pound Rottweiler," he said, releasing her hands then sliding his palms down her arms, grazing her breast and stopping at her waist. "Do you believe me now?" "Believe what, Mulder?" "That I love you..." "Yes-" she started, but was stopped by a finger across her lips. "And that I am not in love with Diana." He kissed her again...just because he missed her taste. "I don't know how else to say it. I've been feeling like someone has ripped my heart out all this time, and was too much of an asshole to realize it's because my heart walked out of my life the day you transferred from the X-files. You...are...my...heart Scully," he said softly, stroking her hair. "And that's all of it. You are my heart." Then Mulder was silent. He'd done his best. There wasn't anything more to say. He was honest as he could be - more honest than was smart - she might still walk away at the worst, and he was pretty sure she was still going to kick his ass at the least. But he'd bared his soul. There was nothing more to say except... "I'm sorry Scully. For all of it." Scully stared into eyes that couldn't be more sincere. He'd bared his soul to her and she knew it. He could have lied - in fact, he probably should have - but he didn't. Now he was scared that his honesty would cost him her love. Nothing but his dishonesty would have done that. But could she forgive him? This was why she walked out on him. Because she knew he was would never make up his mind, or even begin to see Diana Fowley for who she really was, as long as he had them both. So she'd left. She'd known he had to go through Diana to complete the circle and there was no way in hell she was going to stand around and watch. But could she forgive him? "Scully?" Mulder asked hesitantly. She stared into his petrified eyes and thought But Scully still didn't answer, knowing that each second of her silence was torture for him. She knew she was being mean, but she couldn't resist making him squirm for a little while. She could feel him literally shaking in fear, a fact she didn't even think he was aware of. And she was still trying to decide if she was going to kick his ass. Thinking furiously, Scully took her time and searched her emotions. What exactly did she feel when he told her that Diana made a pass? Hurt? No. The only thing that hurt was his telling her that some part of himself still cared about Diana, and even that was expected. But anger? Oh yes! She was beginning to think that she had been a little too civilized with Agent Fowley. Maybe she should have knocked her teeth down her throat when she showed up at her office today. It might not have helped the situation, but it certainly would have made her feel better. Scully shifted, a little uncomfortable. It finally registered that they were lying sprawled across the stairs. Mulder, realizing that he was resting his entire weight on her, turned until he was lying on his back with her on top of him. Pushing on his shoulders, Scully tried to pull away far enough so she could see his eyes, but Mulder wrapped his arms tightly around her in desperation. "Don't walk out on me Scully." "Mulder!" she said squirming. "Loosen up!" "You can kick my ass Scully, but don't leave." Removing her hands from his shoulders, Scully threaded her fingers in his hair and spoke softly. "Mulder, you're holding me too tightly." "Scully," he said desperately, rubbing his lips over hers, "don't leave." "Mul-" was all Scully was able to say as he devoured her lips. But as she continued to try to squirm out of his almost suffocating grip, she realized that he was really afraid she would leave him. She also realized that her squirming had aroused him. He was pressing into her belly insistently. Turning her head, she freed her lips from his and tried to break through his fear."Mulder, I'm not leaving...I'm not leaving" she said softly, over and over again in his ear until her voice penetrated his fear, and she felt him finally loosen his hold on her. "You're not?" "No. I was trying to decide whether or not to kick your ass, but...suddenly I have a better idea," she purred, smoothly sliding her tongue into his mouth. "Better idea?" he panted. "Umm," she said, nipping his bottom lip. "It's time Mulder, and I'm here." "Scully! What are you-" "Shut up Mulder," Scully whispered, slithering down his body like a cat, to bite his bottom lip. "Just shut up," she said, planting hot, wet, open-mouth kisses over, under, around, but never *on*, his lips. Mulder was instantly on fire. He didn't even have time to think - all he could do was feel. Frustration, right at the moment. He wanted those lips. "Scully please," he whispered desperately. "I have every intention of pleasing you Mulder. You AND me. Tonight," she said, sliding her tongue around the shell of his ear. He almost came right there. Taking deep breaths, Mulder tried to concentrate very hard on control and didn't notice that her hands were busy unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. Returning to his lips, Scully gave him what he asked for and slid her tongue deep into his mouth, almost making him lose what little control he'd gained. Wrapping his arms around her, Mulder was again lost in her, returning her kiss stroke for stroke. Scully broke off, nibbling and sucking on his neck, and whispered, "You got your wish Agent Mulder. I came to you. Now I want YOU to come for me." And slid down his body, taking his hard, thick cock deep into her mouth, and sucking him with a strong rhythm. Merciless. As he had been underneath her desk. She flattened her tongue and opened her throat, sucking in his whole length and heard him growl her name. Like an animal. She could feel him shaking and moaning with pleasure as she sucked him in and out of her mouth, and turned up the heat. Sliding her mouth up his hard length, she swirled her tongue around the tip, while using her hand to cup his balls. He shuddered. Using one hand to continue stroking him, she lowered her mouth to the base of this cock, and started sucking - then licking - his balls, first one...then the other. He moaned, straining. Realizing he was on the edge, Scully became even more relentless - taking him full into her mouth, sucking him strongly and moving up and down his shaft, using her tongue to stroke his pleasure vein on every trip. Soon he could no longer control his hips and started pumping his cock in and out of her hot, wet mouth. "Yes Scully! Please!" Mulder begged incoherently. Scully was ruthless, taking in more of his length and sucking him harder.....then sucking him faster, sliding her hands underneath his ass, and moving his hips to her fast and furious rhythm. She could feel him getting harder and thicker.... "ScullyI'm gonna comeScully," he said deliriously, over and over again, as every muscle in his body strained toward orgasm. Dana felt him tense and hollowed her cheeks again, flattening her tongue even more and grabbed his ass tightly, moving him in and out of her mouth and sucking for all she was worth. "Scul-ohh" Mulder moaned. He was completely out of control now, feeling her swirl her tongue around the tip of his cock with every stroke. Scully heard him try to call her name and flicked her tongue back and forth over him faster, the same way he moved his up and down her clit. He tensed, his body shuddering and stiff, and seemed to even stop breathing.... Scully thought. He was there. She could feel it. And with one more stroke of her tongue she pushed him off the cliff. End of Part (9/10) NEW DEBUT: TITLE: Full Circle To The Truth Pt. 2 (10/10)(NC-17) AUTHOR: Des EMAIL ADDRESS: des826@internetconnect.net Disclaimer in Section 1 Mulder saw stars behind his tightly shut eyes, caught in the most intense orgasm he'd ever known. "That's it! Scully...that's it! YES!" he shouted, his body taut as a bow. Scully continued to suck, drinking him in until he had no more to give. He hooked his hands underneath her arms and slid her up his body to hold her. Breathing still labored, his body still trembling, Mulder could find no words for what had just happened and simply held on tight. Scully closed her eyes as the feeling of being cherished washed over her. He'd told her he loved her. And now she could feel it. As his breathing slowed, Mulder realized to his amazement that he was still aroused. He also realized where they were. He just had the most awesome blow-job of his life - on the steps of his apartment building. Not that he was given a choice, Scully wasn't taking no for an answer! But it didn't gel with what he had assumed about his by- the-book partner. She might be by the book, but when it came to passion it seemed all bets were off. Holding her tighter, Mulder turned them around gently, so that she was lying partially underneath him, and looked into her eyes. And saw nothing but love in them. "Hmmmm," he sighed, and lowered his lips to hers, sliding his hand slowly up her thigh, and kissing her softly. Then found her naked, hot and very wet. Mulder instantly felt a shock of heat that went straight to his cock, hardening it as he slid his finger inside her heat. "Scully," he whispered, pulling away slightly. "You keep tearing my underwear Mulder, pretty soon I won't have any left." "You won't see ME complaining about it," he said, rubbing his thumb slowly over her clit. "Does that mean you had no underwear on all day Agent Scully?" Mulder whispered, feeling his cock twitch in excitement. "Yes," she whimpered, as his thumb moved faster. "Don't do that again, Scully," he said intently, his features turning savage. "W-wha-what do you mean?" she panted. "You did it; I had no choice." "It doesn't matter. Don't do it again. I'm warning you," he said harshly. "Why?" she asked, closing her thighs and stopping his finger from moving between her wet folds. Looking directly into her eyes, he spoke deliberately and hoarsely. "Because if I know that you are not wearing underwear, I don't care where we are or who we're with, I will find the first empty space." "And...?" Scully asked, aroused. "I will fuck you. Again and again." At his words, Scully's legs fell open in surrender and Mulder's thumb again began it's rhythm against Scully's clit. "And then I'll suck you," Mulder said in a low voice, while Scully moaned. "And I'll lick you. Slowly. So slowly. And won't let you come. Not until you beg me. And then I'll keep licking and I'll keep sucking on your clit. Until you're dripping. Over and over and over again in my mouth." His words almost drove her mad. No man had ever stirred her up like this. Frantic, Scully removed his hand from between her thighs and before he could take the next breath, had twisted and impaled herself on his shaft. "Scully!" "NO! Now Mulder!," she said fiercely as Mulder looked down at her. "Fuck me NOW!" Lips swollen from his kiss, fiery red hair in sexy disarray, hips moving sinuously like a cat, and skin rosily flushed, Scully fused her mouth to his, whipping those hips around with lightening fast precision. Slipping his hands underneath her hips, Mulder picked her up and rose from the stairs, trying desperately to get into his apartment. He stumbled on a couple of steps in his frenzy, inadvertently slamming Scully against the wall next to his apartment door. And, true to form, just like that night in the rain, Scully didn't waste any time - moving her hips and pumping his cock faster and faster. he kept repeating to himself. Patting his jeans for his keys, he found them and tried like hell to get them in the lock. And all the while, Scully, without any help from him, was fucking his brains out. As he felt his own hips start to thrust in response to hers, he made a more determined attempt to get his key into the lock; he was starting to lose control. When she started making those soft whimpers that he loved to hear and that told him she was almost ready to come, Mulder knew time was running out. Then he heard the click of the lock. Moving quickly now, Mulder pushed into the apartment, kicked the door shut with his foot and without turning on any lights, fell with her on the black leather couch. Scully wrapped her strong slim legs tighter around his waist - only to have him grab them by the ankles and raise them to his shoulders, pulling out of her and latching his mouth on her clit. He had to slow this down, before he got any further out of control, but she was too close to orgasm for him to stop. Still, he was like a man with a fever now, tasting her passion for the second time in one day and drinking it in like a fine nectar. he thought. This time he wanted to feel her when she came, and started sliding his long tongue deep inside her to stroke her sweet spot, while using his thumb to stroke her clit. Rotating his thumb around and around, he moved his tongue in and out of her just as he would if it were his cock, riding her like a bucking bronco, her movements becoming wild and abandoned. This was the Scully of his wildest dreams. The Scully that didn't care about protocol or procedure or science. Only about giving and receiving pleasure, passion and love. "Mul..Mulder - ohh - I'm gonna come." He felt her walls start to tremble around his tongue and moved it in and out of her faster. "YES! Right now...right now-" Mulder moaned as he felt her contract around his tongue, shuddering and shaking while he rubbed her clit frenetically with his thumb. Again and again she squeezed him, her walls contracting with wave after wave of pleasure. Each time she felt as though the waves would finally ebb, he stroked her clit and they crashed all over again. "No more, Mulder. Please. I can't take it...ohhh..." As he felt her walls contract around him once again, Mulder finally let her come back to earth. Scully went boneless, thinking to herself that she was right about having the stamina to be Mulder's lover. She'd have to eat her Wheaties. Kissing and nipping his way up her body, Mulder looked at the glowing, exhausted face of his former partner and tried not to feel too smug. he thought, as he felt her slide trembling hands up his back. "Hmm Scully, you're starting to give me ideas," he whispered, shifting on top of her and rising to his haunches. "Ideas? What ideas?" "Well actually, this is more like a fantasy," he said softly. "A fantasy. What is it?" Scully asked, feeling the return of desire at his words. "Well, it starts..." he said, reaching over her and turning on the lamp, "with me stripping you naked," he whispered, leaning down to taste her lips. "And ends with me munching on you like a Coney Island Hotdog, but first things first huh? I want to see you Scully," he finished, and started to undress her slowly. Like a man opening a present he's wanted for a long time. He unzipped her skirt and slid it down her legs and off, seeing, the neat little patch of red at the apex of her thighs and burying his nose in it. Continuing his exploration, he nibbled his way up her smooth, soft torso, gathering her tattered silk blouse and bra, then lifting her gently and sliding them both from her body. Scully lay docile while he undressed her with care. Now that she was getting her breath back, she was a little miffed. She had every intention of finishing what had started in the hallway, with him *inside* her. Both of them. Coming together. She wanted that. Needed that. And he kept taking that away from her, dammit!! It seemed Mulder needed to be reminded that theirs was a partnership in *every* since of the word' Scully decided, as her breathing accelerated and her breasts started to heave in equal parts of anger and arousal, anticipating the coming attack. Mulder sat back on his heels, and just stared. He had to be dreaming. Scully. Naked. His eyes took her in hungrily. The tiny feet with nails polished blood red - a symbol of her latent passion, the slim, strong calves and shapely thighs, the soft curly shock of red that was the entrance into heaven, her softly rounded stomach, her full ripe breasts topped with cherry red nipples. Breasts that were currently heaving with what he thought was the return of desire. he thought with a smile as he slowly raised his eyes to hers. And stopped smiling. Because those blue eyes were burning. But not with passion. At least not the passion HE was hoping for. This small woman could bring him to his knees with just a look! "Scully wh-" he was stopped mid-sentence by her putting her finger across his lips. "Don't say a word Mulder," she said softly. "You have tried my patience, and I consider myself a font of it," she said, rising slowly, breasts still heaving, and feeling very sexy at the look of hunger in his eyes. Pushing him down on the couch, Scully straddled him. "Scully-" he was again stopped by her finger across his lips. "I said not a word." Not bothering to explain, Scully ripped his shirt open, and, while lifting his head, pulled it from his body. "There, that's better," she purred. "I was feeling underdressed." Mulder thought. "You look a little shell shocked, Mulder," Scully said, smiling slyly and moving down his body. Mulder simply stared, almost paralyzed with excitement, wondering what she would do next. Still moving catlike down his long legs, Scully lifted each and removed both his shoes and his socks. "You see Mulder, this is exactly what I felt was the problem with us." "What?" "I thought we were supposed to be partners - equals," she said, sliding her hands up his long legs and making sure she brushed against his stiff member on the way to his waist. He moaned. "But even now we're not, are we?" she said, stroking his chest and stomach. "Scully-" "I don't have on a stitch of clothing, but you do." "J-just my pants-" he stammered. "And don't forget those sexy black silk boxers," she purred, stroking his cock lightly. "Shit!" he moaned, feeling himself unravel. "Mulder," she said, "open your eyes." Scully waited as he slowly opened eyes burning with desire. "I want you naked," she said, and yanked both his pants and boxers down his legs and off. Then just stared. she thought, slithering back up his body. "Scully please," he begged. Holding his gaze, Scully ran her hands through her hair, making it wilder, sexier before slowly trailing them across her breasts cupping them in her hands and making Mulder shake with wanting. "You never were good at following orders, Mulder," she said, beginning to rock her hips against him. "Wh-wh-what orders?" Mulder moaned. Scully bent down, rubbing her hands across his chest, then following the path with her mouth, before using one hand to reach behind her and lightly stroke his twitching cock. "Your orders were, Agent Mulder...to fuck me now," she whispered, and slid on to him without warning. "YES!" he moaned, grasping her hips and involuntarily slamming himself deeper inside her. Bracing herself with her palms on his chest, Scully stopped a moment to adjust. "God...wait," Scully said, and stopped a minute, relishing how completely he filled her, while Mulder wondered how long he could hold himself still inside her. She was hot and fit him like a glove. He was clenching his teeth and trying to fight a losing battle. "Scully," he said hoarsely, "I can't hold back anymore," and slammed his hips into hers with brutal force. But Scully was ready and met his thrust with a stroke of her own, slamming her hips down on his. "Take me Mulder," she whispered. "Just take me." Eyes locked and already out of control, Mulder and Scully moved as one on the ride they both had waited 6 years to take. Mulder slammed into Scully's hot wet warmth with a growl, hoping he wasn't hurting her, but too out of control to do anything about it. Clenching his teeth, Mulder stared into his Scully's passion-filled face. Beautiful. Abandoned. Free. "Mulder!" Scully cried, riding his cock faster, egging him on, moving with increasing abandon. she thought, looking into the eyes of the man she loved as she rode him with fury. He was the tornado that swept into her life and tore her well- ordered, scientific world to pieces. The excitement that found it's mate in her. Though she hid it from the rest of the world, he alone instinctively knew how to bring it out. With him, she could be wild, and unrestrained. With him she felt beautiful. With him she felt loved. And it was his love that set her free. Free to respond to him as she had no other. Free to balance the overwhelming intensity of his passion with her own. And, as she stared into eyes wild with hunger for her, she felt a thrill that had nothing to do with science, and everything to do with chemistry. Rising up, Mulder wrapped one arm around her while grabbing her legs and pushed forward, landing her on her back, legs wrapped around his waist, on the opposite end of the couch. Then, grabbing her by the ankles, Mulder removed her tightly wrapped legs from around his waist and raised them to his shoulders, plunging deep inside her, and feeling control slipping away. "OH! MULDER," she moaned, as she felt him plunge inside her heat, stroking her both inside and out. "More please PLEASE!" she cried desperately, and Mulder moved faster, no longer caring about anything, only about pleasing her. Hearing her call his name, her keening, pleading cries, knowing he was driving her out of control. She was the peace, the patience and endurance he needed to run this race. He didn't have all of the answers, but with her by his side he was willing to take the time to find them. She soothed at the same time she incited. She aroused at the same time she satisfied. She was enough of an enigma to always have a bit of mystery and intriguing enough to always keep him guessing. But did she need him as he needed her? Did he give her back even half of what she gave him? He wasn't sure of all the answers, but he WAS sure of one thing. He gave her pleasure. He could make her wild. For him. In a way no other man ever had. And if he had anything to say about it...no other man ever would. Lowering her legs from his shoulders and wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, Scully reached up and bit Mulder's lip, her blue eyes blazing with passion. "Where are you Agent Mulder?" she whispered, trapping him between her thighs. "I need you here with me," she finished. "Always," he moaned, as Scully started to move her hips in a strong rhythm. Mulder thought, and began to move with her. Slowly at first, then with increasing speed they moved, Mulder sliding his hands underneath her hips as she rode him fast and hard. Wild and abandoned, Scully let herself go, moving faster and faster, rubbing her breasts against his chest, biting and sucking on his lips and thrilling at his almost constant groans of pleasure. Mulder shifted, deliberately rubbing himself against her clit, and picked up the pace, thrusting into her heat again and again. Feeling her inner walls clutching him. Tighter......and......tighter. Then grabbing her hips and moving faster again, no longer able to stop himself. Not ever wanting to stop... Scully was frantic and ready to burst. Her movements were becoming erratic as she felt herself slide down that dark slippery tunnel toward release. She had to have it now, her body as tight as a bow. "Mulder, Mulder please," she begged as her body started to shudder. "Come for me Scully," Mulder demanded as the tight clutching of her body began to send him over the edge, causing him to grind his hips into hers with unceasing pressure, insuring that he rubbed her hot nubbin each way. Neither leading - now both were led, panting and moaning into each other's mouths, straining together...thrusting frantically... They rode each other, speeding together toward the inevitable explosion. "MULDER!" Scully screamed. "Mulder!" "Scully...Scully I'm....coming!" "GOD...Mulder...!" she called, as the tension finally broke and her body started to shake, her movements jerky as she felt the contractions begin. "YESSSS," Mulder answered, as the frantic milking of his shaft pushed him over the edge into orgasm. Both shuddering, both shaking, they held on tight and let the pleasure take them, wave after wave, each calling the other's name. Mulder collapsed, falling on his side and taking her with him, wrapping her in the cradle of his arms and closing his eyes. As he soothed her trembling body, all he could think to himself was how the hell could he do without her now? Wrapping her arms around his neck, Scully closed her eyes and blinked back tears. She loved him so much! XXXXX He slowly crept up the stairs, not being able to believe that he finally had his chance. The entire building appeared vacant - a fact that filled him with relief. Finally getting to the door, he took a deep breath and knocked. XXXXX Mulder rested his head between her breasts breathing in her earthy sexy scent and rubbing his cheek against her soft skin. He'd gotten to fulfill so many fantasies today. And the night was relatively young. "You ok Scully?" "You can just stop trying to hide that smug-as-hell smile, Mulder," Scully said. "It isn't working." "What?" Mulder said with a wide grin, "I was simply asking how you felt," he finished innocently. Scully shook her head and tried to control her own grin."I cannot move! Does that make you feel better?" "Well it does give me some ideas," he whispered, sliding up her body and thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth. "I've got one more fantasy I want to fulfill tonight." "What's that?" she asked, feeling herself flying through the air yet again as Mulder lifted her into his arms and stood up. Scully wrapped her arms around his neck, planting small kisses around his ear. "Where are we going Mulder?" she whispered in his ear. "Bedroom," he whispered back. Capturing her lips with his, he laid her gently on his bed, feeling her tighten her grip on his neck and obeying that small pressure, following her down. "You still haven't told me your fantasy Mulder," she purred. "My fantasy? You. Hot and naked in my bed," he said roughly, then kissed her passionately. Her hands roamed his body, sliding up his back and making him moan. Mulder caressed her slowly, sliding his palm up her thighs and over her hips to cup her breast, hearing her whimpers of desire. "Mulder," she said breathlessly, and started to move her hips against him. "Yessss," he answered, letting her seduce him all over again. The doorbell rang. "Goddammit," Mulder said. "Who the hell is that? Everyone should be gone." Wrapping her arms around his neck, Scully whispered to him. "The faster you get rid of whoever is at the door, the faster we can finish what we started." "Ummm, and who said logic isn't sexy?" Mulder quipped with a grin, and grabbed a pair of jeans off of the floor, putting them on without underwear and without a shirt. Leaning down, Mulder gave Scully a quick kiss. "Don't move." Walking out of the bedroom, Mulder headed for the door - then made a quick U-turn to pick up their scattered clothing, throwing them back into the bedroom to make sure whoever was at the door didn't get a sneak peek at him and Scully's skivvies. Then he continued to the door. Mulder looked through the peephole, seeing no one. Undoing the lock, Mulder opened the door to check the hallway...and his jaw dropped open in shock. XXXXX Scully heard Mulder open then close the door. There were sounds of a conversation and Scully realized that Mulder had let in whoever was at the door. She was going to kill him! she thought grumpily. "Scully!" Alarmed, Scully sat bolt upright in bed. They might not be partners anymore, but she knew that tone well enough to know something serious was going on. "Scully!" "I'm coming," she called back, looking for something to put on and finally settled on one of his shirts. She could only hope that it wasn't anyone from the bureau or they were going to see a side of Agent Scully they'd never seen before. Buttoning up his shirt, she walked down the hall to the living room, picking up her gun along the way - just in case. And was struck dumb as she entered the room. Mouth wide open in shock, she said one word. "GIBSON?" XXXXX End XXXXX