The Death Of Fowley By: Carrie J. Smith (DFantum) Rating: R, I guess. Mebbe borderline NC17, but nothing TOO graphic. Classification: S,R, A Keywords: Mulder/Scully Romance, Slight Mulder Angst Spoilers: One Son, any other eps mentioning Samantha. Archive: anywhere, just keep the name attached Author's notes: Uh. The characters ALL belong to... sigh.... Chris Carter, 1013, and Fox. I'd like to think they were mine, but alas, I'm not THAT well connected in the business. Fox and Dana also rightly belong to David and Gillian. Diana Fowley is property of Hades, now. Mwa haa haaaaa haaaaaaa. "Bring Agent Scully to me, and then we'll talk about your fee, Mr. Krycek." Diana Fowley clicked off her cell phone, and got into her car and drove off towards Georgetown. Frohike took his headset off, and hit the stop button on the recorder. "We've gotta get Mulder to hear this, Byers. I can't believe that Fowley is the one behind all of this." He looked over at Langly, who was shaking his head. "Yeah, me either... I never thought she had it in her," the blonde headed man said , as he dialed the number to Fox Mulder's apartment. *** "Mulder... yeah, Langley, what's up?" Mulder answered his phone as he sat on his bench by the Reflecting Pool. "Mulder, is Scully with you?" He asked Mulder, nervously. "No, she's at her place. What's up." Mulder wiped his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. "Uh, remember that bug you told us not to put in Diana Fowley's phone?" Langley asked, waiting for Mulder to blow up at him. "You did, didn't you. I told you---" "Mulder, listen to this...." He patched the phone at their office into the recorder. Krycek---"Yeah, Diana, don't worry... I'm on my way there now." Diana------- "Okay, when you get to Agent Scully's home, I don't care.. knock her out, rape her if you want, whatever.. just do NOT kill her yet. The group has plans for her." Mulder's jaw dropped as he recognized the female voice as Diana Fowley's. Krycek----- "Okay... where do I take her, when I am finished with her?" Diana------- " The airbase on the outskirts of town, at 10:00. Agent Scully will pay for her interference in my plans for HIM. Then after I finish with her, Fox and his precious X-Files will be mine once more." Mulder began balling his fists, as tears began to fall. Krycek------ "What about my fee?" Diana-------- "Bring Scully to me, and then we'll talk about your fee, Mr. Krycek." "That's all we got, Mulder. Mulder??? Mulder!!" Langley shrugged his shoulders, in puzzlement. "He's gone." *** . The phone in Dana Scully's bedroom woke her up from her sleep."Wha?? Hello.." "Scully, it's me... listen to me... I'm on my way there. Krycek's coming to take you to her. Scully..." Mulder sobbed uncontrollably. "Scully, you were right... it's Diana...she's head of it all... the lies, the cover ups.. it's all her. Please be ready.... You can stay with me." "Okay, Mulder... I'll be waiting for you." Scully hung up the phone, tears falling from her eyes. *** "Scully!!! Open the door!" Mulder stood outside the door only fifteen minutes after he hung up with her, frantically knocking on her door. He was just about to break the door down, when he heard her footsteps inside the apartment. Scully opened the door, and saw him, standing in her doorway, with tears of joy in his eyes. He pulled her to him and sobbed into her mussed red hair. "Scully... I was scared... I thought I was too late.... I........ I love you, Scully......" Scully hugged him harder, as she heard his words. "Mulder.. I love you too... I'm okay... I was just getting dressed." She looked up at him, tears forming in her eyes. She stood up on her toes, and brushed his lips with hers. He returned the kiss, deepening it. He brushed his tongue across her lips, seeking entry into her mouth. She opened to him, and he swept his tongue into her mouth, feeling, memorizing her contours. Scully moaned a little, as she pulled away. "Mulder... we have to get out of here. Krycek... he's on his way." Mulder stepped away, and pulled his gun out of the holster. "No Scully, we are going to catch him. Make him tell us where she is, and what she wants with you." She nodded slowly, and fell to her sofa. "So, what are we going to do, Mulder?" She asked, as he walked over to the couch and knelt in front of her. "Scully, I want you to pretend to be asleep. When Krycek comes in to take you, I'll be in the closet by the door. When he is just about to drag you out, I'll jump him from behind." Mulder fought back tears welling up in his eyes, fighting the fear of failing, and letting Scully be taken to her. "Mulder, what...what if he finds out what we're up to. What happens if he can take me to her. What if he----- he----" Scully couldn't hold back the tears any longer. Mulder puller her to him, and nuzzled his face into her neck. "Scu-- Dana, I can't let that happen. I WON'T let it happen. I love you, and I will never let anyone take you from me again. Not until we're both ready to go. " He brought his hand up to her face, and gently brushed her tears away. "Oh, Mulder. I know you wouldn't let anything happen to me. I won't let anyone sepearate us, either. I do love you, too Fox." They kissed again, gently this time, to seal their devotion and love for each other. "Shhhhh." Mulder pulled away, and placed one finger on her lips. "Scully, I just heard a car door. This could be it." He kissed her once more, a quick peck on the lips. "Remember, I love you, Dana" Scully laid back on the sofa, and closed her eyes. Mulder walked over to the closet, and got inside, shutting the door just enough that it appeared to be closed tightly. *** Alex Krycek slipped his head into the doorway of the darkened apartment. Seeing no movements, he stepped into the living room where Scully lay on the couch, seemingly asleep. He walked up to the couch, and knelt by it, as he placed one hand on Scully's mouth, causing her to abruptly wake up. "Mmpph." was all Dana could mutter, as Krycek's grip on her mouth grew tighter, as his anger grew. "Yeah, you and Mulder thought you'd seen the last of me. Well, Agent Scully, when I am done with you, you WILL wish you had died in Antarctica like it was planned." Krycek started to undo the buttons on Scully's pajama top, as Scully squirmed and tried to scream for help. Krycek had almost completely removed Scully's top, when he felt something cold, and metallic against his head. "Krycek, I should have killed you when I had the chance. Now, you're going to help me." Mulder snarled at him, his service revolver still pressed against Krycek's skull. Krycek stopped his assault on Scully's clothing, and slowly raised his hands. "You haven't got the guts, Mulder. You're not a player like me, you're just a pawn in the game." The audible click of the gun cocking, stopped Krycek's ramblings. "Just try me, Krycek." Mulder squeezed the trigger slowly, as unbeknownst to Krycek, the gun wasn't loaded. "Wha.... what do you want to know, Mulder?" Krycek stammered as he heard the trigger move slowly toward firing position. "Diana Fowley. Where is she? Why does she want Scully?" Mulder stopped his movements with the gun. "I swear, Mulder, I don't know why. She called me tonight. Said she had a job for me to do, and if I didn't do it, she'd make sure I didn't live to see another day." Mulder looked into his eyes, and saw the fear lingering there. Scully also saw his eyes, and the fear in them. "Why the airbase, Krycek?" Scully asked, still shaking from the would be rape. "Because she wants to set you up, Scully." Mulder spoke up. Kyrcek nodded. "Yeah. She wants to use you for the last stage of the experiment." Mulder glanced at Scully. "She always has been the jealous type. She once told me that if we ever split up, she'd do anything to get me back." "Mulder, Scully, let me make all this up to you. I know things.... things that if they got out, would cause national panic. Let me help you two." Krycek stood up and faced the two agents. "What kind of things DO you know?" Scully asked, her voice still quivering a bit. Alex turned, his back to them. "Do you know how Jeffery Spender died?" "It was rumored that he committed suicide, after finding out that his career at the FBI was a lie. That he was used by his 'father', the Smoking man." Mulder shot back, still refusing to believe anything Alex was saying. Alex shook his head. "No, he was murdered in cold blood. By order of Diana Fowley. She instructed his father, a soldier loyal to her, to kill his own son." Scully shook her head in disbelief. "How can any man kill his own flesh and blood like that simply because someone orders them to?" Mulder said nothing, but placed a hand on her shoulder. Mulder looked at Alex, the gun still trained on him. "Krycek, I still don't believe you. What else could you possibly offer me, to keep me from blowing your traitorous head off." "I----- I know where your sister is. " Alex said, his voice quivering out of fear. "Diana and the Smoking Man. They have her in a secret cloning facility. They are using her DNA to create human/alien clones that are immune to the virus that Agent Scully was exposed to. They're making them to repopulate the planet with slaves for the aliens after they unleash the virus on us all." Mulder dropped his gun, and fell to his knees crying. Scully bent down to comfort him, whispering into his ear that they'd find her, somehow. "Krycek, if you help us, we will guarantee that you will not be harmed." Scully said, rocking Mulder in her arms. **** Diana Fowley waited at the airbase, impatiently tapping her foot on the floor, and glancing at her watch. 10:45 "Damn, where the hell is he," she thought. Her cellphone rang at just that moment. "Alex, what is taking you so long? You were supposed to be here at 10. " She growled at him as she once again looked at her watch. "Um... there was a problem with Agent Scully... I almost killed her. I did just what you wanted, but she resisted, and I had to shoot her. " Krycek glanced back at Mulder and nodded, knowing that he had gotten Diana to take the bait. "You WHAT? I told you NOT to harm her, that I need her alive. For that, I am going to have YOU killed." She fumed as she walked at a rather brisk pace to her car. "What hospital are you at? " "No, I took her to your place. That way if you wanted to, you could finish the job." Upon hearing this, Diana smiled evily. "Well, Mr. Krycek, you may have just saved yourself. If I can't take her to my associates, then I will just kill her. No matter what it does to Fox. I'm tired of Agent Scully second guessing my intentions." She nodded at the driver. "Take me to my apartment." She shut the door, and clicked her phone off. Krycek hung the phone up, and chuckled. "She's on her way. I think she bought the whole thing, Mulder." Alex turned to the two agents. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Mulder glanced down at Scully, who just nodded her head. "We're sure. You just stall her when she gets here and let us get her plans on tape. When we give the signal, you knock her unconscious." "Okay." Alex shook his head in affirmation. "Then you two take her into custody, right?" "Right." Scully and Mulder began walking to the bedroom to wait. **** Scully sat on the bed, shaking slightly while Mulder stood vigil at the window, watching for any signs of Diana's car. Suddenly, he heard a quiet sobbing coming from behind him. "Scully....... Dana?" He turned to see her with her head hanging slightly, tears sliding down her cheek. He walked over to her, and placed a finger under her chin, tilting her head up to face him. "Hey, what's wrong?" "Mulder, I--- I'm afraid. What if Alex can't stop Diana. We have so much riding on this. Our careers, our LIVES. She could ruin everything you and I have worked for. " He sat down on the bed beside her, and cupped her face in his hands. He gently wiped a tear away with his thumb and bent to kiss her softly. Scully sighed as she pulled Mulder to her, deepening the kiss. Suddenly, she pushed back from him, aware of where they were. "Mulder, we can't. Not here-- Diana-- she'll hear..." She was interrupted by Mulder placing a finger across her lips. "Shhh, Scully. I don't care anymore. Let her hear us." With that, he kissed her passionately, his tongue probing her mouth, insistently. She moaned, as he slipped his hands into her blouse, and caressed her breasts, paying attention to the nipples. She sighed, as he unbuttoned her blouse, one button at a time. He slipped her shirt off, then her bra, exposing her breasts. He kissed each one, running his tongue over her hardened nipples. "Ooohh, Mulder....." Scully arched her back, giving him better access to her chest. She slipped her hands down his waist, stopping at the snap of his jeans. "Scully..... Oh God." Mulder moaned, as she unzipped his zipper. She thrust one small hand into his jeans, and wrapped her fingers around him. Mulder kicked his shoes off, and slipped his jeans down his slender hips, while she worked his t shirt over his head, and threw it on the floor with her blouse. "Mulder.... please, I need you inside me....." Scully started to slip her pants off, but Mulder shook his head, pleading with his eyes to let him do it. She nodded in agreement, as he started to slide her trousers off her hips, taking her panties with them. "Scully--Dana, you're beautiful." He looked at her, tears of joy beginning to form in his eyes. He kissed her once more, before laying her down on her back. Mulder then moved over her, pausing only for a moment to make sure she was comfortable. "I'm not too heavy for you, am I Dana?" Scully shook her head and smiled at him. "No...Fox." She took him in her hand, and guided him to her entrance. He moaned as he slipped inside her slowly. **** Diana Fowley shut her door to her apartment, and nodded at Krycek who was standing by the window in the living room. "Is she still alive, Mr. Krycek?" Alex nodded his head. "Yes, but barely. When I left her, she was calling out Mulder's name. I don't think she'll last much longer. Now, what about my fee, Diana?" He approached her slowly. "All in due time. First I want to make sure she--" She was interuppted by a low male groan from inside her bedroom. " What the hell was that?" She took her gun out of its holster and approached the door. Alex lunged for her, but she turned in time to fire one shot at him, hitting him in the shoulder. She opened the door, and gasped. Mulder was frantically pushing in and out of Scully, moaning her name. Diana cocked her gun, and aimed for Scully, who was writhing in ecstasy. "Say goodbye to your lover, Fox." Suddenly, Krycek tackled Diana. She pushed him off, rose to her feet and fired once more at Krycek, hitting him in the abdomen. Mulder looked around at Diana, who had by that time found her gun, and was aiming it at the two lovers. He quickly grabbed the gun sitting on the table next to the bed, and handed it to Scully who fired a shot at Fowley, hitting her in the forehead. Diana gasped her last breath, and hit the floor, dead. "Oh....... God..... FOOOOXXXXXXX!" Scully dropped the gun on the bed and cried out, as she felt her body tighten up in release. Mulder gritted his teeth, as he too began to come, sending his seed into her. They moaned together, as a wave of passion surrounded them both. They collapsed together, spent and sated. **** Mulder awoke to the sound of sirens approaching. He shook the sleeping form next to him gently. "Scully... wake up, we've got to get dressed." "Wha-- Oh God! Mulder---I killed her. " Scully cried as she started to remember what had taken place moments before. "No, Dana. She was going to kill you. You had to shoot her." Mulder placed a hand on her cheek, and wiped a stray tear away. "We have to get dressed. Someone's coming." They got out of bed, and got dressed as quickly as possible. Mulder check to see if she was ready, and opened the bedroom door. Krycek was sitting in a chair, barely conscious. "Alex.... you okay?" Krycek nodded weakly. "Yeah. I called the police Mulder. Told them what I saw. Diana tried to kill you guys. Scully shot her in self defense." Alex then slipped unconscious. Scully bent down to feel for a pulse. "He's alive, but not for long, Mulder. He's lost a lot of blood." She called for an ambulance. **** Skinner put the file he was reading down and rubbed his eyes. "I've read the police report of Krycek's account, and the tapes of the conversation between him and Diana from your 'anonymous sources'. I have to agree that Diana Fowley's death was in self defense, Agent Scully. " He nodded at the two agents. " I am requesting that you two take a week off, to recover fully from this 'situation'. When you return, I am placing you back on the X Files permanently, with no possibility of removal." "Sir, what about Krycek?" Mulder spoke up, still grinning at Skinner's last statement. "Alex Krycek died late last night from blood loss resulting from gunshot wounds to the stomach and shoulder. The bullets taken from him matched those from Agent Fowley's gun." Mulder and Scully looked at each other, then back at Skinner. "He left a file for you, Mulder." Skinner handed the file to Mulder, as he and Scully rose to leave. "Thank you, sir." Mulder said as they turned away from the desk. "Just one more thing, agents," Skinner stopped them before they could open the door, and smiled. "Say hello to your sister when you find her, Fox." Mulder nodded to him and placed a hand on Scully's back, as he guided her out to door, to their new life. Skinner chuckled to himself after the door shut behind his two wayward agents. "I hope they at least invite me to the wedding." El Finito Okay, did it suck? Or did it ROCK? Hey, at least I killed the Wicked Bitch of the West. ;-) Seriously: Feedback is ALWAYS appreciated. Flames will be used to light firecrackers on the Fourth of July. (