This is a fiction story based on the characters created by Chris Carter. No infringement of copyrights held by 10/13 Productions, Twentieth Century Productions, or Fox Broadcasting is intended. All unrecognised characters and plot-lines belong to me. Names, characters, and places exist solely within my imagination, or are used fictitiously. No connection to any person, living or dead, is intended, and any resemblance is entirely coincidental. Feel free to distribute, but please keep me as the author. Rating - 15 for sexual content. Classification - S (Short). MSR Summary - Scully decides to stay over at Mulder's apartment one night while he is away at a conference, and finds her deepest desires lifted to the surface as she prepares for bed. No spoilers. Danielle Culverson. Fantasy. Scully unlocked the door of Mulder's apartment, and pushed it open. As she moved to step inside she paused for a moment to straighten the '2' on the front of the door. Then she stepped through the doorway, and closed the door behind her. The apartment didn't look that empty. Mulder hadn't bothered to tidy up before leaving for the conference which AD Skinner had insisted he attend in Toledo, Ohio, three days earlier. He wouldn't be back for at least another four days. Scully smiled slightly. - He was probably hating it. She moved into the main room, and put down the small overnight bag she had brought. He had asked her to keep an eye on his place and his fish whilst he was away, and she had agreed. - He didn't expect her to stay over, but she had decided that it would be a good idea, - and it would save her from spending another evening in her apartment constantly finding things which needed doing. Not that there weren't plenty of things which needed doing in Mulder's apartment, but she knew that he wouldn't be too happy if he came home and found she tidied up, so she wasn't going to bother. Scully crossed the room to the fish tank and tipped a little of the food into her hand before dropping it on the water's surface. Heaving a sigh, she looked around at the room, trying to decide what to do, but not really having the energy to do anything. They had both been very busy over the last few weeks, and what she needed more than anything was a rest. Scully glanced at the television and video recorder, and shook her head. - She knew only too well what her partner's tastes in videos was. - She yawned, and decided to go and see how much of a mess her partner's bedroom was in. The bed was unmade, but the room itself wasn't too messy, - a testament to how often her partner actually used it. - Scully decided to wash and get changed before making the bed, and turned again to head towards the bathroom. She returned a few minutes later feeling a little fresher, and wearing a blue satin shirt and short pyjama set. Her auburn hair hung loosely around her face, framing it. She moved towards the bed. Scully pulled back the top sheet of the double bed, and rolled her eyes to see her partner's black boxer shorts lying under it where he had obviously discarded them. She picked them up to find somewhere more appropriate for them, but suddenly felt a rush of excitement run through her. This was *his* bed. Where *he* slept. How many times had she dreamt of sharing this bed with him? Of sharing herself with him? Scully sank down to sit on the edge of the bed, fantasies running rapidly through her mind. She inhaled deeply, and let the breath out slowly, closing her eyes as she did so. How often had she dreamt of being there with him? And now she was there, and all she had to do was close her eyes for him to be there as well... She closed her eyes. Letting her head fall back, her hands followed the movements she would have had his hands follow. One hand retained its hold on Mulder's shorts, while the other softly stroked her face, before trailing down her neck to the top of her shirt. She undid a couple of buttons so that the collar fell open revealingly, and held Mulder's shorts against her exposed skin. "Oh Mulder." she whispered, letting her body relax and fall back onto the bed. She ran her right foot up the inside of her left leg, and then used its leverage to push herself further onto the bed. Turning, she pressed her face into one of the pillows, and smelt Mulder's familiar smell there. One hand slid down her body to stroke the inside of her right thigh. Her eyes were still closed, and she groaned quietly at the feelings the images in her mind were stirring up. She turned onto her back, her hands now sliding underneath the bottom of her shirt, pressing against her naked breast beneath, making her breathing come faster and harsher. She pressed her head back into the pillow, and cried out, "Yes, Mulder!" Turning again, she pressed her face into the pillows, inhaling deeply before pulling two of them down to lie against her body, as though there were actually someone beside her. She tucked Mulder's shorts inside the top of her shirt. Pressing close to the inert forms of the two pillows, she slung her right leg over the lower, while her arms encircled the upper. Her lips sought out the soft flesh of the inside of her arm, and in her mind, Mulder kissed her. She moaned softly, and pressed harder against the pillows. An excitement was building in the base of her stomach. An excitement which was always there when she allowed her sexual thoughts relating to her partner to take over in her mind. And an excitement which she knew she could never bring to full force without him actually with her. Tightening her embrace, she sought out her fantasy's lips again, and held him close to her. She moaned again, the slow warmth of excitement moving within her. Beside her, the bed dipped down slightly. "Scully?" a man's voice spoke. Scully's eyes snapped open, and she stared up in horror to see that Mulder was sitting on the edge of the bed in front of her, an expression of mild amusement playing around his lips and eyes. "Mulder..." Words failed her, and she finished lamely, "What are you doing back so early?" "Skinner recalled me late this afternoon because he has a new case for us." Mulder replied, but the expression in his eyes plainly told Scully that he wasn't going to allow her to change the conversation this time. "What are *you* doing?" Scully stared up at him. - Of all the stupid things to ask! He was supposed to be a brilliant, Oxford-educated psychologist, but he couldn't see what was right under his nose. Mulder picked up his black boxer shorts with a faint smile on his lips. He dangled them from one finger in front of her, and then dropped them over the side of the bed. Scully watched him, angry and confused thoughts still racing around her head. Then he suddenly leaned forward and captured her lips with his own. Scully gasped in surprise, and allowed him to bear her back onto the bed from her half-sitting position. As he tenderly kissed the nape of her neck, sprawled across the pillows she had laid down the bed, Scully realised that finally she did have what she wanted. They both did. The End. I'd appreciate any comments or constructive criticism from fellow X-philes. Email me on . Danielle Culverson.