Title: Exaction Author: L. D. Luckys E-Mail Address: XPhile7245@aol.com-write me with your comments, Please! Distribution Statement: As long as my name is on it, it can go anywhere Spoiler Warning: None Rating: PG-13-nothing extremely awful Content Warning: Story Romance-Mulder/Other, then Mulder/Scully- Almost Rape. Classification: Story Romance Summary: Mulder is worried about why Scully didn't show up, then ends up on a date with another woman, unknowing that Scully needs his help. Disclaimer: Mulder & Scully =3D Not mine. They belong to good ol' Chris Carter and I will give them back when I'm done-scouts honor. Author's Note: My first Fanfic that I have felt confident enough to post. The title is a synonym for "blackmail" I found it fitting. Please E-Mail with comments whether you liked it or not I can deal with criticism! :-) Exaction Part 1/2 By: L. D. Luckys In a dark room Time unknown Dana Scully's eyes fluttered open. Her heartbeat quickened. She knew not where she was or how she got there. She moved her hand and realized that they were bound behind her back. She moved both hands together and felt her throbbing head and felt a large bump at the center of the pain. Good job, she thought to herself. then she remembered. Or so she thought. The memories that flooded back to her were memories that didn't seem to coincide with her current condition. she thought. Where was he? She tried to open her mouth and speak even if only to herself to break the deafening silence, but was unable because of the dry cotton rag that was shoved in her mouth. She knew nothing could help her at the moment and decided to give into the sleep that was calling to her. Fox Mulder's apartment 8:27 p.m. Fox Mulder looked at his watch. Where was she? She had said that she would stop by around 7:30, and it was already 8:30. He was beginning to worry. "Where could she be?" he said out loud to himself as he paced around his small apartment. Just then the phone rang startling him, and causing him to jump. "Hello?" he asked praying it was Scully to tell him she had just been caught in traffic. "Hey Sexy," the voice answered. "Adrianna." He answered. "Well, don't seem so happy." She replied. "Are you busy? His thoughts turned to Scully. "Well Scully was supposed to meet me to go over some files, but I guess she had better things to do cause she's over an hour late." Even as the words left his mouth he knew they weren't true. Scully wasn't the type to blow him off with out even a call. "Do you want to come over?" The sexy voice responded. "Sure, I'll be there in 15 minutes." He hung up the phone and left his apartment. As he stepped in the elevator the phone in his apartment rang. He never even heard it. Same dark room Time unknown "Well Agent Scully, how are you feeling?" The reply was gargled around the piece of cotton that remained in her mouth. "Well that's good." The man answered with a chuckle. "Unfortunately Agent Mulder isn't home right now and he is the only person whom contains the information that we wish to receive, and the only information that will trigger your release. Unless of course *you* would be willing to help me." He removed the cotton from her mouth. "Would you be willing to help me?" He asked her. "That depends on what helping you would consist of." She answered with defiance in her voice. "You'll see, Agent Scully, you'll see." He said as he turned abruptly and left the room. Adrianna Lemur's apartment 8:51 p.m. The doorbell rang and Adrianna Lemur open the door wearing a sexy red dress. "Hello Fox." She said with seduction in her voice. "You look incredible." Fox answered. "As do you." She replied. She grabbed him by the arm and led him into the apartment. They walked to the couch and sat beside each other. She turned to him and smiled seductively, with her head slightly cocked. She leaned forward and kissed his moist lips. He closed his eyes and saw the face of a fiery red-head . He pulled back from Adrianna. "What's wrong?" she asked him. "Nothing." He said with a tone he hoped sounded convincing. "Good." She said as she leaned in and kissed him again. This time he kissed her back, but once again he saw her penetrating blue eyes. His mind screamed out. Shut up he told himself and he wrapped his arms around Adrianna. She began to unbutton his shirt and again his mind screamed out. . He pulled back from Adrianna's grasp. "Look, I don't think I can do this, but seeing where you do look so gorgeous maybe we could go out so I can show you off." Mulder said finally. "Alright." Adrianna got up and smoothed out her dress. "Just let me go freshen up." "Do you mind if I use your phone?" He asked. "Not at all." She said with a sly smile. Mulder picked up the phone and dialed Scully's number. . Her answering machine picked up. "Hey Scully, it's just me wondering why you didn't show up-see you tomorrow." "Well Fox, you ready to go?" Adrianna said as she left the bathroom. "Sure." He said as he pulled some sunflower seeds out of the pocket of his jacket and popped them into his mouth. Dana Scully's apartment 9:13 p.m. A dark figure moved across the floor. He shuffled through the papers on her desk. . He searched around the rest of the apartment trying to find the files. That's when he noticed the laptop. He booted it up and searched through the programs 'til he found the one he wanted. He heard the voice of Dana Scully on her answering machine, then the voice of Fox Mulder. "Hey Scully, it's just me wondering why you didn't show up-see you tomorrow." the man thought to himself. "Shit" he muttered to himself when "Password Please" flashed across the screen. He tried all the words he could think of that Agent Dana Scully could use as a password. He tried all the basics-Dana, Scully, Fox, Mulder, XFiles, but none was the right one. Realizing that he could never crack the code he left through the same window he had come in through. Next stop-Fox Mulder's apartment Antonio's Italian Restaurant 9:23 p.m. "Right this way sir." The maitre'd said to Fox and Adrianna. Fox, always the gentleman, pulled out the chair for his lady and she thanked him. He pulled out his own chair and sat down. "-Right, Fox?" Adrianna asked. "Sure." Fox agreed with out knowing what he had been asked. The blonde laughed. "Do you know what I just said to you?" "Well, not exactly-" Fox confessed. "I simply stated that you weren't listening to me, and apparently I was right." "Oh-" Fox answered. "Honey, what's wrong?" Adrianna asked with a look of concern. "Nothing, I'm just a little worried about Scully." He admitted. "Oh, I see." Adrianna said in a flat tone. The waiter reappeared at their table. He presented them with their menus and asked if they would like anything to drink. "Yes, a drink would be good right about now." Adrianna said, still angry. "Just a Root Beer please." Fox answered. "I'll have a scotch on the rocks." Adrianna replied. The waiter left and they opened their menus. "I'll be right back," Fox said as he stood. He walked to the bathroom where he open his cell phone and called Scully again. He didn't want to upset Adrianna again so he felt best to call in private. The phone rang and again he was greeted by the sound of her voice on the answering machine. He called his own house to check his messages. "You have no messages," an electronic voice relayed. Okay, so she's not home, and she didn't call me-Where is she? He walked back to the table and sat back down. "Have you decided what you want yet?" Fox asked his date. "I think I'll have the three-cheese ravioli, what about you?" Adrianna said with a chill in her voice. "I'll probably have the same." Fox replied ignoring her cold tone. The waiter returned with their drinks and asked if they were ready to order. "Yes, I'll have the Three-cheese ravioli." Adrianna said quickly. "And I'll have the same." Fox added. The waiter left and the couple struggled to make small talk though it was obvious that Adrianna was still angry. "Why are you so angry?" Fox asked her. "What makes you think I am?" She asked. "It's very evident that your not happy with me, Adrianna." Fox replied. "Do you love me, Fox?" Adrianna asked looking directly into his eyes. He thought of Scully. "Yes." He replied, knowing he wasn't speaking the truth. "Then why do you always talk about *Her*?" She asked him. "Who, Scully?" Fox asked surprised. "Yes, Scully." She replied with anger in her voice. "Adrianna, Scully is my partner and my friend. I'm very worried about her and I'm sorry if my mind is elsewhere." Fox explained. "Do you love her?" Adrianna asked. he thought. "No, she is my partner and my friend, nothing more." He replied. Their food came and they ate in silence. The check came and they left the restaurant. Fox drove Adrianna home, and when they reached her apartment he pulled up to the curb, not shutting off the engine. "Would you like to come up?" She asked seductively. "Not tonight, I'm quite tired." Fox replied. She leaned across the car as he turned toward her and they kissed passionately before she got out of the car. "See you later." She added with a wink as she got out of the car. Fox Mulder's Apartment 10:56 p.m. Fox unlocked the door of his apartment and walked inside. He glanced around in horror as he noticed that everything had been ransacked. He checked through all his files that were strewn all over his apartment and finally decided that nothing was missing. He booted up his laptop and made sure that nothing had been tampered with. He opened his files and remembered that they were password protected. He was certain that no one would have been able to break into them, but he checked to make certain. He checked all the files that had been opened that day and saw nothing except those that he had been working on earlier. Convinced that nothing had been read or changed he closed out his files and shut down his computer. Then he went to work on cleaning up his apartment. After he had straightened up his apartment he called Scully again. Once again he only heard her voice on the answering machine. "Scully, it's me. PLEASE call me when you get home," Mulder said with urgency in his voice. By this time he was frantic with worry for his friend. He knew something was wrong. He tried to calm his fears by going to sleep but every time he closed his eyes he saw her face calling out to him for help. Finally sleep came and took him away from her tortured eyes. An Office 11:31 p.m. "Did you get the file?" The large man asked. "No, sir, them FBI agents got more security on those laptops than Fort Knox," the smaller man replied. "I don't want any excuses, I want that file!" The other man screamed. "Look, you still have the woman, and I'm sure that Agent Mulder would give anything to get her back," The smaller man reasoned. "True, but if you could do things RIGHT than we wouldn't have to trade Agent Scully for the file, we could use her for other things," The man said angrily. "What other things?" The other man asked. "If you needed to know, I'd tell you, but you DON'T, so just get out. I'll contact you when I need you." The large man shouted "Yes, sir." The smaller man said in a shrinking voice as he turned and walked out the door. End Part 1/2 Title: Exaction Author: L. D. Luckys E-Mail Address: XPhile7245@aol.com-write me with your comments, Please! Distribution Statement: As long as my name is on it, it can go anywhere Spoiler Warning: None Rating: PG-13-nothing extremely awful Content Warning: Story Romance-Mulder/Other, then Mulder/Scully- Almost Rape. Classification: Story Romance Summary: Mulder is worried about why Scully didn't show up, then ends up on a date with another woman, unknowing that Scully needs his help. Disclaimer: Mulder & Scully = Not mine. They belong to good ol' Chris Carter and I will give them back when I'm done-scouts honor. Author's Note: My first Fanfic that I have felt confident enough to post. The title is a synonym for "blackmail" I found it fitting. Please E-Mail with comments whether you liked it or not I can deal with criticism! :-) Exaction Part 2/2 By: L. D. Luckys The Next Day Same dark room Time unknown Dana Scully was awakened by the slamming of a door. "Did you sleep well, Agent Scully?" The same man that had been in before asked. "As well as can be expected considering that I'm locked in a cold, dark room." Scully said with a slight hint of sarcasm. "I'm sorry if the arrangements aren't up to your standards, in case you hadn't noticed this isn't a hotel." He replied angrily. "Can I ask you something?" Scully asked ignoring his last remark. "You can ask, but don't count on an answer," the man replied. "How did I get here?" Scully asked. "Ah, Agent Scully, the wonders of sedatives. Well, I found you just as you were leaving your apartment. On your way to Agent Mulder's I believe. I grabbed you, injected you with a sedative, and brought you here." He explained. "Why?" She asked next. "That is what I cannot answer, but it will be reveled to you when it is necessary." He said with a sly smile. "You must be hungry, would you like something to eat? I don't want to be accused of being a rude host." He said with a laugh. "Thank you, but I'm not very hungry." Scully replied defiantly. "You're being a fool." The man replied in an angry tone as he turned around and stormed out, slamming the door behind him. Fox Mulder's apartment 7:24 a.m. Mulder was awakened by his phone ringing urgently. "Hello?" He answered in a groggy tone. "Agent Fox Mulder." The voice on the other end requested. "Yes, this is he." Mulder replied. "I highly suggest that you bring the Rosenta file to Wilshire and Main at exactly 8:30a.m. if you want to see Agent Scully alive again." The gruff voice on the other end stated. "Who is this?" He asked frantically, very awake now. The line went dead. "No!" He screamed. Mulder looked at his watch. He had exactly an hour before he was to meet them, whomever they may be. He grabbed clothes and jumped into the shower. As the water trickled over his face and body he thought about Scully, and why anyone would want the Rosenta file. The file detailed the strange disappearance of three young girls, all of whom were students at the same private school in Maryland. The only reason that he could think of for wanting that file is if they were behind the disappearances. Mulder got out of the shower and toweled himself off. He put on his clothes and booted up his computer. When he retrieved the file he wanted he printed it out and shut down his computer. He glanced down at his watch. 8:04p.m. He left his apartment and headed for the corner of Wilshire and Main. The corner of Wilshire and Main 8:26 p.m. Mulder pulled his car over to the curb and waited for 8:30 to come. It seemed like the longest 4 minutes of his life. At exactly 8:30 his cell phone rang. "Agent Mulder." He answered. "Get out of the car, and place the file in the white mailbox on the side of the road, the one that says 'Longstone.' Do you see which one I mean?" The voice instructed him. "Yeah, I see it." Mulder replied as he got out of his car and did as the voice on the phone told him. "Thank you, Agent Mulder." The voice said. "That will be all." "Wait! What about Agent Scully, wasn't that the deal?" Mulder asked with desperation and anger in his voice. "Oh, yes, well Agent Mulder this is a good lesson in trust, and when it is appropriate. Apparently you are too trusting. Good-bye Agent Mulder." The voice replied as it hung up. Same dark room Time unknown "Agent Scully, I have good news." The man said as he walked into the room. "Oh, and what would that be?" She asked in an uninterested tone. "Agent Mulder has complied with our requests and so if I were to follow according to our deal I'm supposed to set you free. But unfortunately for you, I don't keep my word," the man said with a laugh. "Your a very beautiful woman, especially when your contained, and frightened." He said as he walked towards her. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. She tried to move but her arms and legs were still bound by the rope that drove splinters into her every time she moved. His lips moved lower to meet her lips. She tried to push him off her but it was no use. His hands moved across her breasts then lower where he began to pull up her skirt. "Stop it!" She cried as she tried frantically to get him off of her. "Dana," he moaned as he lifted her skirt and tugged at her panties. He began to unzip his pants and slide down his boxer shorts as he felt a strong blow to the head. "Mulder!" Scully cried with joy. "Put your hands where I can see them!" Mulder screamed at the man with his gun pointed at his head. The man got up and moved towards Scully again, but fell before he could get close to her. Mulder had shot him, execution style, in the head. Mulder put his gun away and moved to where Scully was sitting, her skirt half lifted and her panties half down. He unbound her arms and legs, and allowed her to pull up her panties and adjust her skirt. After he was sure she would feel comfortable he knelt beside her and put his arms around her. Only then did her sobs start. Scully lay her head on Mulder's shoulder and sobbed uncontrollably. All he could do was wrap his arms around her and comfort her. "It's okay, it's okay," He said in a soothing tone. Finally her sobs all but stopped and she pulled her head back and wiped away her tears. "Mulder," Scully said in a shaky voice, "I want to go home." Mulder stood and helped her up. "Let's get out of here." He said. The two partners climbed into Mulder's car and began the drive back to Washington. "How did you find me?" Scully asked finally. "I circled the block a few times after I dropped off the file. When I saw someone pick it up, I followed them, hoping it would lead to you." He replied with a smile. "Well, you made it just in time." She replied as she thought back to the events of only minutes before which made her shudder. Fox Mulder's apartment 10:13 a.m. Mulder led Scully to his apartment and opened the door. "Why are we here?" She asked surprised. "I didn't think you'd want to be alone right now, and besides, I missed you-" He replied. Scully sat down on the couch as Mulder checked his messages. "Hey sexy, it's me, call me when you get home and maybe you can-come over." He heard Adrianna's voice on his machine. Unfortunately so did Scully. She stood to go and Mulder walked back in as she was opening the door. "Where are you going?" He asked surprised. "It's obvious that you have other places to be and things to do that don't include baby-sitting me." She said in a bitter tone. "No, don't go. Please." He said with just a hint of pleading. Scully turned to him surprised. "But don't you want to call her back, she wants you to 'come over'?" Scully said finally. "No, I don't," He simply stated, "Besides, you must be starved, would you like breakfast?" "Breakfast does sound good," Scully admitted. "Well sit back down, and I'll make you breakfast." Mulder said with a smile. Scully sat back down on the couch and drifted off to sleep. She was awakened minutes later by a knocking on the door. "Fox, honey, are you home?" Adrianna called as she opened the door. "Hi, Adrianna-" He said as he looked from the blonde to the awakening red-head on his couch. "What is *She* doing here?" Adrianna said to Mulder with fire in her eyes, then turned to Scully, "Look I know you think that you can take Fox away from me, but you can't and won't, he's mine!" "I think you should leave," Fox said as he turned to Adrianna. "No, I'll go." Scully said as she started to stand. "No, Scully, don't go." Mulder said as he turned back to the blonde standing in the doorway. "Listen Fox, I can't live knowing that my boyfriend is spending all his time with another woman." She said with anger in her voice. "Than maybe it would be best if we didn't see each other anymore," Fox said finally. "Fine, leave me for her, but I hope you know I'm not going to be here when she leaves you," she said as she stormed out of the apartment. "Mulder I really should go," Scully said as she stood up and started to walk towards the door. He grabbed her by the arm, pulled her in, and kissed her. She pulled away, purely from the shock. "Mulder-" Scully started. "Shhh-" he quieted her as he placed a finger over her lips. He put his arms around her and kissed her again, and this time she kissed him back. The two released each other, and his hazel eyes and met her crystal blue ones. "Mulder, I don't know if we should do this," Scully said finally. "Scully, I love you, that's all that matters," Mulder truthfully. "Mulder, I don't know what to say-" Scully said finally. "Scully, just tell me, truthfully, do you have feelings for me?" He asked fearing her response. She lowered her head with out answering. Mulder shook his head and stood up. He walked toward the kitchen, but heard a noise as he reached the door. He turned back to Scully. "Did you say something?" He asked. "I said 'yes'," Scully said with a smile. Mulder walked over to her with a smile on her face. He sat back down beside her on the couch. He wrapped his arms around her and looked into her eyes. They kissed again, then her head moved to his shoulder. Her breath tickled his ear as she spoke sweet words to him. "I love you, Mulder." The End-- Part 2/2